20. transgender

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After what happened with Jules dad, he was afraid to even look at Dante.

He was afraid that when he saw him he would pounce on him, gifting him with kisses because he was falling for him, hard.

He was afraid of what his dad said, scared to even speak at home.

Dante was on cloud nine, reminiscing about Jules and all his perfect imperfections.

He couldn't wait to see Jules, the though of him sends his heart racing.

When school rolled around Jules felt sick to his stomach.

He knew that he shouldn't let his dads words get to him but they were affecting him more than he would like to admit.

His dad was like everyone else. He almost felt ashamed for being a girl.

But it wasn't like he had a choice. He didn't choose to look at himself in the mirror and be disgusted of his biological body parts.

He didn't choose to crave the femininity women seemed to be drowned in.

He didn't choose any of this because being transgender is not a choice.

He grudgingly rolled out of bed, making sure that he looked extra good because he was going to see Dante.

When he entered the kitchen he could feel the stoic tension in the air. His dad didn't even acknowledge that he was there.

He was tired of being treated like a ghost but he was too afraid of calling his dad out.

When he got to school he searched for Dante, looking for his trademark black long hair.

As a last resort he went to his room, knowing that he was very close to him.

He knocked on his door, hoping that he would answer.

He could hear people talking inside the classroom and since no one heard his knocks he opened the door.

Dante was sitting on a desk, looking as handsome as ever.

When he turned he could see his eyes light up and a blush stain his face.

He greeted him, saying that they just finished their conversation.

Jules felt self conscious, fear creeping into his heart when he remembered what he told Dante.

"Well I have to go print some paper work so you guys are free to hang out in here till the bell rings." He said, excusing himself.

Dante jumped off the desk, swiftly landing on his feet.

He just stood there, not knowing how to start the conversation.

His dads words echoed in his head but he let them go for a moment, not wanting his dad to control what he does with his life.

"Well you look cute today." Dante said, a smile on his face.

Jules looked confused, wondering why the sudden compliment.

"Not that you don't always look cute. I mean you do everyday its just that you look more cute than normal... yeah Uh I mean your hair looks nice and your bum always looks nice but oh lord sorry I'm rambling" Dante said, starting the back of his neck.

He just laughed, wondering how he was was lucky enough to meet a boy that complimented his bum and was cute when rambling.

Jules walked over to Dante, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"So, how was your weekend?" He asked, eyes sweeping over Jules body.

"Uh it could have been better. My dad went off on me after I came home from our little hangout." He said, already feeling sad.

"Jules what's wrong? What did he say?" Dante asked, noticing the sudden change.

"He said that you couldn't come over my house anymore. He thinks your gay and that you could spread your gayness to me. I know it's stupid but that's just how he is." He said.

He just nodded, not seeing how this affected their relationship.

"But did he say that you aren't allowed to come to my house?" Dante asked, a mischievous smile on his face.

"Not not exactly but it was implied. Why you want me to go over to your house?" Jules asked, shocked that Dante wanted him to meet his parents already.

"Don't be worried, my dads are always at work so they won't be home. And since I can't go to your house we can just go to mine." He said.

"Okay. Do you want to go today after school?" He asked.

"Really? I mean my parents don't really care but are you sure? I don't want to get you in trouble" Dante asked

"Screw what my dad says. I'm graduating this year and I won't need to listen to him anymore." Jules said with a big smile on his face.

"So is this a date?" Jules asked, face masked in red.

"Uh no Uh I mean... if you want it to be... I don't want to pressure you or anything after what you told me and I dont want to get you confused or anything..." he said, rubbing his face.

"Oh Uh okay then." He said, fully unsure of himself now.

He knew that Dante would feel weird about it. He knew that he maybe wouldn't like to be with him.

"Oh Jules I didn't mean it like that. I'm totally happy that you're a girl. Not because I'd only date a girl. I'm Pan Jules. And I really really like you." He said going over to Jules.

With his head bent down Dante picked up his chin, staring into his gorgeous blue eyes.

"It's a date." He said, kissing him.

Dante lips were a little chapped and he could feel his breath on his face and he loved every second of it.

His face was beet red when Dante pulled away, a timid smile on his face.

"Okay." He breathed, heart racing from the kiss.

They walked out of the room, hand in hand.

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