17. transgender

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Weeks after the bleacher incident they kept hanging out, not letting their minor flirting affect their new friendship.

Turns out that they had a lot of things in common. They both loved playing soccer, which really surprised him because he couldn't imagine him kicking around a soccer ball.

They both loved movie series, TV shows, and old school comics.

But they also had their differences. He loved to draw where as he couldn't even keep a pencil steady.

He loved mac and cheese whereas he was allergic. They laughed and argued but in the end their friendship grew stronger.

They were at the park one night, talking as they were on the swings.

Their conversation made no sense what so ever but they went along with it.

They ended up having a contest on who could swing the highest. He ended up winning and since he was a sore loser he thought it would be smart to jump off the swing and land.

He got his momentum and jumped as high as he could, barely landing on the ground. He rolled over, clutching his arm.

He immediately jumped down, running to see if he was okay.

When he turned him over he was shocked to see him laughing.

The cutest little laugh came out of his mouth and he soon joined in.

They were laughing so hard that they had to clutch their stomachs, tears running down their faces.

It was times like these where he thought that he should tell him.

He felt like every time he saw him he was lying to him.

He thought about the pros and cons.

Pros: he accepted him, they stayed friends or maybe became something more?

Cons: he called him a freak, he beat him up, he never talked to him again, he told everyone.

The Cons obviously overshadowed the pros so he always backed out, ashamed that he was too much of a coward to tell him that he was in fact a she.

He looked down, seeing a beautiful blue eyed boy.

He couldn't help but feel his heart race, mind going in every which way.

Without thinking he leaned down, connecting his lips with his.

Warmth hit their lips as they kissed in unison.

He was shocked at first, lips frozen in place. But after a couple of seconds he gave in, welcoming the kiss.

It was an unknown feeling to him, he'd never had his first kiss.

It was a sweet kiss, nothing lustful or aggressive.

After they were done they opened their eyes, trying to figure out what the other was thinking.

"Wow that was-" he tried saying but was interrupted when he said "I'm a girl."

Heart racing he tried to comprehend what he just said.

He instantly regret it, seeing the confusion in his eyes.

"I'm transgender." He said as he cleared his throat, sitting up.

Slowly tears started going down his face, a little pink dot on his nose.

He started panicking, knowing that he just ruined everything. Now he would never talk to him again.

Before he could do anything his lips were on his.

He quickly deepened the kiss trying to let him know that it was okay, that he was a perfectly normal human being.

Again he was shocked but quickly dismissed his fears, going fully into the kiss.

When they were done he looked down, seeing how much of a mess he was.

In silence he wiped away his tears, grabbing him and hugging him as if his life depended on it.

Wrapped in eachother they stayed like that for awhile, breaking apart when his phone buzzed.

He opened his phone, seeing a missed call from his mom.

He check the time swearing when he saw that it was past 10.

He quickly got up, fixing his hair and rearranging his clothes.

He looked at him, not a word said between them.

Breaking the silence he said "Jules this doesn't change anything okay. We're still friends and I promise I won't tell anyone unless you want me to."

Relief went over him, knowing that nothing was going to change actually gave him some hope.

They both got up, getting their things together.

Suddenly he pulled him in for a hug, whispering a little thank you.

They let go, each of them going their separate ways and a little bit of love creeping into their hearts.

a u t h o r s  n o t e

Aghhsgdjjdjdkd guys I'm freaking out. The ship ship ship ship ship ship ship is starting to sail. Beware though, this ship is going to take awhile before it goes in the ocean (he he ship puns). Well I hope you squeeled and screamed as much as I did when writing this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment!


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