06. transgender

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He walked into the restroom, thinking that it was empty.

When he saw his knees under the stall. He grew curious.

He hadn't noticed someone else was in the restroom with him.

He was busy crying into his dress.

When he heard the sniffling he got worried. Why was there a guy crying in the stall?

He thought about minding his own business but something told him to help.

He bent down, trying to see who was in the stall.

He saw him peeking from under the stall and almost screamed.

Before he could he put a finger to his lips, signaling to stay quite.

He whispered "what are you doing?"

He shrugged, not fully knowing why he was bothering this guy.

"I heard you crying and wanted to see if you were alright." He said.

He stood up, wiping his face from the tears. He hated it when people saw him vulnerable.

"I'm fine." The words coming off his tounge as if rehearsed. He couldn't count how many times he had said I'm fine when he really wasn't.

"You don't look fine. What happened?" Concern in his voice.

He looked up, trying to recognize this strangers face.

He'd seen him around school but didn't care enough to get to know him.

He had kind brown eyes and a nice jawline. His eyelashes were so long that they touched his cheeks.

His hair was long and stick straight and was so black that it could be blue. He wasn't handsome but he was unique.

He had a tall, slender frame with wide shoulders and long fingers.

He couldn't help but blush as these though went through his head.

He looked down at himself. How embarrassing he must look.

He was kind of tall, with dark brown curly hair and blue eyes.

He hated his manly hands, his chisled jawline and his pronounced nose. He wished his face was soft like a girls.

He had on worn down jeans and an old band t shirt, a beanie covering his restless curls and a blue dress hanging in his hands.

He looked at him with confusion in his eyes.

He obviously had never seen him in school and he couldn't blame him.

He tried his hardest to blend in with the halls and get lost in the crowd.

He shook his head not wanting to speak.

looked down at his hands and saw the dress. He quickly tried to hide it but failed.

He grabbed it, looking at the piece of fabric. His eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

Why did he have a dress?

He quickly pulled the dress away from , desperately shoving it into his bag.

He tried stepping out of the stall but he blocked his path.

"Are you sure you are okay?" He asked.

He nodded, shoving past his body and storming out of the restroom.

He couldn't help but wonder why he was crying.

The image of his shocked face kept flashing in his head.

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