Caturday by Mimi

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warning! this contains a little profanity (like, one swear word)

It was a wonderful sunny afternoon in Paris and Marinette had no plans for that day. Alya had something to attend to with her mother, so Marinette decided to dedicate her day to designing in her room.

When Marinette opened the trap door to her bedroom, something black on her chaise got her attention. She took a double-take and let out a long, tired sigh. She stepped into her room and closed the door, standing before her chaise as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.

"Chat Noir, may I ask what you are doing in my bedroom?" The feline boy looked at her with one open emerald eye, a smile on his features.

"It's a warm, sunny, lazy day. What's a better way than to spend the day lazing it away?" Marinette almost face-palmed. "Besides, I thought I would grace you with my presence." He winked, before closing his eye.

"Clearly, you're mistaken." Marinette grabbed a pillow towards the end of her chaise and tossed it at Chat's head. He flinched, startled by the item but chuckled nonetheless.

"What's the paw-blem, princess?" He propped himself up on an elbow, looking at her with a smirk.

"You are, my dear Chat." She sighed once more as she took a seat in her chair in front of her desk.

"I'm no bother. Just a kitty sunbathing on the couch." He sighed happily, almost curling into a ball.

"And why can't you sunbathe at home?" she asked, picking up her stylus and turning her tablet on.

"My house smells like chemicals and the color grey. Here, it smells like... the rays of sun, freshly baked croissants and, my most guiltiest pleasure, you." By this time, Marinette had zoned out, looking focused on her design. She gave a hum in response and did what she did best, ignore him.

Chat Noir paid no heed, if she wasn't kicking him out, it was fine by him. As long as he was with her, he felt like his day was a thousand times better. Even though Ladybug was his number one solace, Marinette Dupain-Cheng was second best.

Chat watched Marinette for a while, the way her expression changed from frustrated to thoughtful, and the way she stuck her tongue out when she focused. He's never really paid attention to Marinette at school before, but now that he got to watch her doing what she does best, she was a captivating view.

Out of the corner of Marinette's eye, she could see the male barely stirring, his chest slowly rising and falling. She put her pen down and brought her gaze to Chat fully.

"Is he asleep?" Marinette asked quietly. On cue, the small god appeared from under some fabric on her desk, flying over to the black cat in the chaise.

"Out like a rock." Tikki smiled. Marinette giggled softly and went upstairs to her bed, grabbing a thin blanket and a pillow. She went back downstairs and to the chaise, looking at the black cat. He had an arm draped over his eyes and his lips were slightly parted as he slept. She heard a small beep and she looked at the ring in his right hand. The paw was missing all its toes and only had the palm left.

"Truly, you're hopeless, silly kitty." She spread the blanket over him.

"Do you want to know?" Tikki asked, looking at Marinette with a smile. Marinette hesitated but shook her head.

"Let's not ruin my Saturday." Marinette murmured as she propped his head in a way that she could place the pillow on his chest and face without suffocating him. "Sweet dreams." She gently ran her fingers through his hair and he groaned gently.

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