Flowers for You by Mimi

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It was another beautiful, sunny day. The sun slipped through the blind cracks and the distant sound of birds chirping. On her bedside, a beautifully large bouquet of flowers stood in a vase half full of water. In the midst of all the flowers, Tikki was buzzing happily, occasionally chomping on one or two of the petals.

Marinette giggled. "Tikki, I'm sure those were for me and not for you to snack on." Tikki giggled guiltily as Marinette sat up in her bed and stretched.

"Sorry Marinette! It's just... Usual ladybug tendencies." She buried herself in the bouquet again, Marinette giggling.

"You're awake." She jumped, looking around the large bouquet.

"A-Adrien!" She stammered. "H-How long have you been in here?" He gave her a sweet smile and she could feel herself blushing.

"Since this morning." He scratched the back of his neck, looking up at her with his own tinted cheeks. "I hope you don't mind that I join you." Marinette quickly shook her head, flailing her arms.

"Yes! I, uh, I-I mean, no!" Marinette could hear Tikki giggling from the bouquet. At the giggles, a black figure came out from behind Adrien's hair.

"Tikki!" The tiny black kwami rushed into the bouquet, nearly knocking it over. Adrien tried to scold Plagg, but Marinette caught the vase, telling Adrien it was okay.

"Is it safe to assume that you got these for her?" Marinette could see the two kwamis lying in all the flowers, loud purring coming from Plagg. Marinette turned her gaze to Adrien and he was blushing slightly.

"When I found out I was going to be here, I thought that I couldn't intrude without a gift. They were originally for you but I thought... You could have something in here to brighten up the room." Marinette smiled.

"You do brighten up the room quite a lot." Adrien smiled back. He was going to comment back, before a loud voice interrupted them.

"Why wasn't my son left in his own room? Surely I have more than enough money to keep him in his own room!" Adrien looked down, saddened.

"I-I'm sorry sir." The other voice, a female, stammered. "Y-You do have the funds to keep him in his own room, however it seems that when the two of them are together, their health and overall mood seems to improve..."

"I will not tolerate my son sharing a bedroom with a daughter of a baker's family!"

"Excuse me, but my daughter is more than qualified to stay with your son." Another male voice joined them.
"Mr. Dupain-Cheng!" The female voice called.

"Pardon us, Mr. Agreste but if it's for the health of both of our children, I do think it would be best to leave them together, don't you think?"

"Mrs. Dupain-Cheng is right, sir-"

"I will not tolerate this! I will be speaking with the head of staff here to have this issue taken care of." There was a small silence before hushed whispers picked up. Adrien and Marinette remained silent, having heard the whole exchange. After several moments, the door to the room opened.

"Good morning children!" Sabine greeted the two of them happily.

"Good morning Mama, Papa!" Marinette greeted them warmly, Adrien keeping his head down.

"Good morning Adrien." Sabine went to his side, placing a gentle kiss on his temple. Adrien blushed and stammered for words, startled by the action.

"G-Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng." Sabine smiled softly, handing him a brown sack.

"We hope the two of you are hungry. We brought breakfast!"

"Sabine and I thought you two would like a change of menu, for once." Marinette smiled as her father gave her her own paper sack.

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