The "Shocking" Christmas by I_am_honey_senpai

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The "Shocking" Christmas written by I_am_honey_senpai

          It was a snowy Christmas night. The Kubdel household was brightly lit with Christmas decorations. Colorful lights were elegantly strung out across the rooftop. Everything and everyone in the house was bright and merry, other than Alix Kubdel. She could be found lying on her bed, dreading the moment her father's friends arrived. There wasn't a problem with the people themselves, for they had helped her father's company rapidly expand over the years.

The problem was their son, Kim. The Kim that was in her class, always making up stupid dares and challenges for them. It all started when they were seven, the very first Christmas Eve their families celebrated together.

~flashback brought to you by Chat's hilarious cat puns -_-~

Alix and Kim had been sent up to Alix's room while the adults talked about business. After ten minutes of awkward silence, Kim finally spoke up. "You up for a dare, Alix?" Kim questioned.

"No thanks," Alix stated bluntly. The boy pouted and let out a sigh.

"Whatever, you're so boring." Alix's head shot up at the word boring. She absolutely hated being called boring.

"Fine! I'll do your stupid dare!" Alix shouted. Kim grinned, already knowing what he wanted to dare her.

"Okay then! I dare you to... eat a spoonful of cinnamon," Kim challenged. Alix ran out of the room, and dashed down the stairs, into the kitchen. She grabbed the cinnamon from a cabinet and a spoon. She didn't want to do this dare, but she had no choice! If she didn't, Kim would think she was boring. She climbed back up the stairs, and dashed into her room, where Kim was patiently waiting.

Alix hastily piled cinnamon onto her spoon, not noticing the smirk Kim had on his face. After screwing the cinnamon closed, she shoved the spoon in her mouth, swallowed it, and grinned in defeat. 'Wait for it,' Kim thought. All of a sudden, Alix started wheezing, and coughing out brown clouds of powdery cinnamon. Kim started laughing hysterically. Alix ran out of the room, trying to find a source of water close to her. "I can't believe you fell for that!" Kim yelled at the poor girl.

~present time~

Ever since that very first Christmas Eve dinner, Alix and Kim have had a tradition to ask each other a ridiculous dare, hoping the other would fail. This year, it was Kim's turn to ask the dare first. As Alix remembered the memory of their first meeting, the doorbell rang. The quiet house was suddenly filled with greetings and laughter. Alix sighed, knowing she was expected to greet the guests. Going down the steps, she prepared herself for Kim's stupid display of pretending that they got along.

"Alix! It's so good to see you!" Kim's mother chirped, embracing Alix into a warm hug.

"You too, Mrs. Lé," Alix responded, plastering a fake smile onto her features. She looked around the woman, hoping Kim might be sick, or something along those lines. Alix mentally sighed, seeing Kim smirking behind his mother, looking her directly in the eyes.

"Alix, honey, while Mr. Lé and his wife are talking to us, could you be a sweetheart and go with Kim to the recreation room?" Alix's mother politely asked, even though Alix knew it was a demand. Instead of responding, Alix huffed and dragged Kim upstairs to the room. After the adults were gone, Alix finally spoke.

"Race you to the rec room!" She yelled, already running.

"That wasn't fair, Alix," Kim whined, after catching up to Alix, who was waiting for him. "I challenge you to a game of air hockey!"

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