Broken by Arisa

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Marinette waited.

She waited, waited, and waited.

Her hands tightly gripped the edge of her balcony. He was coming and she knew it. She would wait for him no matter what. The night breeze snuck between her pigtails and blew her bangs out of her eyes as if keeping her company. Marinette settled in the wind's cold embrace, wishing for the person she was waiting for to appear any moment now.

A quiet sigh escaped her lips in the form of a small, white wisp floating away. She watched as it disappeared into the air, vanishing from her sight.

"Purr-incess," A low, sneaky voice called from behind her. Marinette spun around only to find a pair of glowing green eyes staring at her through the darkness. The face was close, a bit invasive of personal space, but that was the kind of person he was. The leather clad outfit, the mask that hugged his face, the messy mop of hair which seemed as if he didn't want to brush it that morning; all of this added up to him.

A smile started to grow on her face. "Chat Noir," Marinette said with her head held high. Her chin was up, her shoulders held back and she straightened up. The smile grew into a smirk. "It's a pleasure to see you again. How did you get back there without me noticing?"

"Cats are quiet on their feet." His simple reply satisfied her. He leaned back, finally allowing some space to come between them. "My Lady hasn't shown up for tonight's evening patrol again, so you get to be my Ladybug for today." He tapped the tip of her freckled nose with the tip of his black claw ever so gently. It felt as if he didn't touch her at all.

Marinette wouldn't admit to anyone that she has been neglecting patrol to simply get to know her teammate better; it was a whole new side of him that she couldn't see as Ladybug. Granted, he was still the sarcastic, ever flirtatious superhero, but their conversations together have grown meaningful unlike when they meet in battle and barely have time to greet each other. She and Chat have grown to become good friends.

She gestured for him to sit down in her chair and she, in turn, sat herself down next to him. They spoke with each other as if they knew each other their whole lives; Marinette rambling about a stressful day at school and Chat Noir  reenacting his latest fight with an Akuma. As they continued to talk, Chat Noir's eye caught sight of a couple of band-aids on her arms. "What happened there?" He gestured at it with his hand. She looked down, remembering how she had hurt herself in an Akuma fight.

"N-Nothing!" She stuttered and hastily tugging down the sleeves of her grey blazer. "Clumsy me fell down the stairs again. You know me; unable to walk in a straight line without tripping!" Chat raised an eyebrow but decided not to press on.

As their conversations grew, so did their laughter. Marinette's voice rang so loud it was if all of Paris could here her bell-like laugh. "Then, as the Akuma tried to attack me, I said, 'You have cat to be kitten me right now!'" Chat Noir waved his arms as he was finishing up his story. Marinette had to hold her stomach to restrain herself from exploding from a fit of giggles. Suddenly, a clicking sound came from her room and the echo of a door creaking open caused her to stop.

"Marinette, is that you?" A warm, but tired voice called.

"Yes, Mama!" Marinette replied, rushing towards her balcony's exit and pulling it open. Chat Noir got up from her seat and peeked over her shoulder but the teenage girl was trying to push him away so the person speaking couldn't see him.

She caught sight of her mother; sleepy-eyed and yawning. "Who are you talking to up there?" She asked. "I don't see anyone."

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