Sunlight by Mimi

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"Lady Fortune, we have found him." The woman sitting in the throne now looked ten times more interested than she had before.

"Bring him in." She straightened in her seat, smoothing out the red and black fabric across her lap and idly messing with the golden rings about her body. The guard that was kneeled before her nodded and stood, rushing out of the room.

Moments later, there came a group of guards surrounding one individual in the middle. Eight guards in total surrounded the person, two on each side, each holding a rope that was bound to an extremity of the individual's body. A brown burlap kept the identity hidden, but she already knew very well who it was.

"Kneel," one of the guards commanded. The individual's black tail flicked, refusing to listen, leading for the guard to push them to the ground and force them to bow their head. She winced as he grunted. The guards muttered to the kneeled individual before focusing their attention to the throne.

"We found him in the outskirts of the neighboring city, messing with rats." She scoffed. Typical.

"Take off the burlap." She spoke and she could see twitching under the thick fabric. The guards looked at each other hesitantly, making her impatient. "Never mind. Leave him and leave our presence."

"But Lady Fortune-"

"Are you doubting your ruler?" She rose her voice ever so slightly, making the guards immediately bow their heads. "You dare doubt the word of your queen?" They remained silent.

"No, Lady Fortune." They slowly let go of the ropes and bowed their heads once more before exiting the throne room.

There was a thick silence that permeated the room except for the sound of their breathing, a tail flicking on the clay floor, the sound of the door closing and the dull thud of retreating footsteps. After a moment of complete silence did she sigh and the burlap twitched again.

Lady Fortune stood and with a swing of her hand, the burlap was floating off the other's head and within a blink of an eye, a tanned, clawed hand with black magic was hovering before her face. She was welcomed by green eyes, pointed black ears and a snarl, unflinching.

"Lord Plague." The snarl turned into a smile and the black magic disappeared, latching itself to her waist and brought her close.

"Lady Fortune. Fancy meeting you in this timeline." She rolled her eyes.

"Cut it out, Lord Plague, you know we reincarnate every so years."

"Years? I would dare say centuries." He looked her up and down. "How long has it been?"

"Centuries," she agreed, him letting out a hum.

"It's been centuries, my lady... I've been looking for you..." His voice lowered into a deeper pitch and a giggle bubbled out of her lips.

"To what, try and kill me?"

"The gods know I would never kill you."

"Lord Plague, we are the gods." He smirked.

"Exactly, you know I wouldn't kill you." He looked into her crystalline blue eyes, she looking into his electric green. "You get more beautiful every time I see you."

"And you grow to be ever the most mischievous one to find me."

"What can I say? Bad luck trails me, my lady, the best way for me to find you is for your luck to seek out mine. Lucky for me, I found you a hell of a lot quicker this time. Didn't have to send a plague to find you." His voice grew husky and his lips were mere inches from hers. Lady Fortune began to lean in as well. Their breaths mixed and their lips barely brushed when she looked to the side, leading Lord Plague's lips to her neck.

"But I wouldn't push that luck, now would you, Lord Plague?" Her voice was smooth and visibly saw Lord Plague's shoulders slump before he let out a groan.

"Maybe I want to push my luck in this lifetime," he muttered. "Treat me kindly as your king, won't you?" A small smirk played on his lips as he pulled away from her neck, cupping her porcelain cheek.

"My king?" She let out a hearty chuckle, leaning into his hand. "Treat me as your queen and you might have yourself a deal." He gave a chuckle.

"May this day be the day that we no longer work against each other, but with each other."

"Comrades, then?" Lord Plague chuckled, a smirk meeting her teasing smile.

"Not quite," he whispered as his lips met with hers. The sunlight dazzled through the windows, the warmth of it tangible almost – the light consumed Lady Fortune in a soft, warm glow as her eyes fluttered shut and she was embraced by the warmth provided by the sunlight and another.

When she cracked one eye open, the sunlight momentarily blinded her. As she grew accustomed to the light, her eyes fluttered open, finding a black figure stretching before.

"Good morning," he murmured, curling into a small ball. She giggled softly and cuddled closer to him.

"Good morning," she replied softly. "I had a dream... About us." He hummed questionably.

"What about?" he mumbled with one green eye barely cracking open to look over at her.

"When you first stepped in as the king." Both his eyes opened as he looked at her with initial shock, but rolled his eyes.

"What a day to remember," he quipped sarcastically. She smiled fondly, knowing him all too well.

"It was quite the day to remember." She brought her small paw to her lips, reminiscing the dream. He watched her with one open eye, before letting out a huff.

"It's the first time we decided to work together." He added. She hummed agreeing.

"And now look where that's brought us." The two looked across from the end of the bed, looking at the blue haired woman and blonde male peacefully asleep.

"I'll admit, I got lucky."

"You pushed your luck in the best of ways." She propped herself up and gave him a kiss on the forehead, making his ears twitch. "I love you, Plagg."

"And I you, Tikki." Plagg's tail wrapped around Tikki lovingly before they both dozed back to sleep.

Just thought I would drop something a little different this time around. ;)

Love, Mimi

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