Drawn by Issy

683 46 16


pencil to paper,

bow to string,

two mystifying arts;

dark lead scarring blank canvas with a flaw

p e r m e n a n t l y

as the sketcher creates what might only be

i m a g i n e d

by those whose dreams extend beyond reality

whilst the horse-hairs gliding across the string

create a piercing sound to be only heard

o n c e

yielding a sweet tune, drawing the listener in with a net of

f o r t e s


p i a n o s

isn't it crazy how both have managed to

b e w i t c h

each other in this way;

cyan eyes glazed, entranced with a

m e l o d i a

that tells itself through

t e m p o s


d y n a m i c s,

as his blank-paged sketchbook lies before him

and red irises focused, mesmerized by the

s t o r y

lying behind

l i n e s


c o l o u r s

decorating a white page,

a violin case sitting heavy on her lap

their minds are full of thought;

with the start of swirling ideas, made of lead, paper, rubber

and endless symphonies brought to life by wood, strings, and a bow

all inspired by their counterparts talents;

for her, his art

and for him, her music

e v e r y t h i n g

was hidden behind red, black, and purple-tipped left bangs

[but they were given away by identical blushes when Alix caught them staring at each other.

she knew.

she always had.

so she just skated away, a small knowing grin plastered on her face as she silently cheered for her new ship.]

both artists were equally,



e n c h a n t e d

by each other

united through their own happinesses,

and ultimately

drawn together.

(in case any of you don't get the jist, basically a random story plot i once had where nathanael is an artist (duh) and juleka is a musician - in this case, a violinist. idk, i like the idea of her having a connection with music, especially if the head canon about jagged stone being her dad is true. that would literally be the best)

[i'll probably unpublish this later ahaha]

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