Halloween One Shot by adrienette_is_otp

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A chilling wind pervaded the air around the park. There was the cacophony of shrieks of joy and the Halloween-themed music coming from speakers around the park, not to mention, the echo of 'Trick or Treat' throughout the whole city. The smell of pumpkin and burning leaves surrounded the park.

Everyone from school was at the party. Alya, Nino, even Adrien. Marinette enjoyed looking at all their costumes. Alya had gone as a unicorn from the mythical world of Respa. Nino was a DJ, which was rather fitting. Adrien went as Jackady, and that was a good fortune because Marinette went as Stormy Weather.

"Hey Marinette, my little brother, and sisters need something to do, could you do me a huge favor and tell them like a ghost story or something?" Alya begged, desperate for a break.

"Yeah, sure," Marinette replied, knowing she needed a break.

"I'll help too, little kids are fun." Adrien smiled.

They kids were gathered around the bonfire, roasting ghost-shaped marshmallows.

"Who wants to hear a story?" Marinette asked.

"Oh! Marinette please tell us a story!" The children said.

After getting the kids situated on the grabs in a circle, with minimal fussing, Marinette cleared her throat and began her tale.

"It was a Halloween night, with a full moon, just like this one." Marinette said, pointing to the sky, "I went to go trick or treating when Adrien stopped me and asked if I wanted to go to the park with him."

"So we went to the park, but nobody was in the town."

A memory popped up in Marinette's head.

The bakery was filled with the illuminating light coming from jack-o-lantern that were scattered across the bakery. The doorbell echoed through the halls, Marinette quickly scooped up a bowl of wrapped cookies and went to answer it. Instead of shrieking children, she was meet with a familiar pair of green eyes.

"Adrien? What are you doing here?" Marinette asked, trying not to think about what she looked like.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go down to the party at the park with me." Adrien smiled.

"Yes! Of course!...I mean...yeah, sounds good." Marinette laughed nervously.

"Alright, awesome," Adrien said.

The moon was a ghostly orange, and the town was cold and dreary, despite what festivities should have been taking place. But the people of Paris had decorated, with plenty of spider webs.

"Then, when I and Adrien got to the park, we found everyone."

In the park was a massive spider web, and tied within the sticky silk were the citizens of Paris.

"They were tied up, in Arachiness web!"

A large shadow approached. Adrien pulled Marinette behind some bushes and looked out on the web. A large spider creature came out and began giggling to itself.

"Ahuhuhuhuhu~" The creature laughed tentatively, "Who wants some more Spider Cider?"

"She was the most feared creature of them all. She was the Queen of the spiders, who bit people and injected them with her poison, and then she killed them. Adrien and I, we didn't know what else to do, so we ran."

The creature went and bit into an innocent victim. A shrill scream echoed off the nearby buildings. The creature wiped the extra venom on her lips and broke into a sly smile.

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