Us by jubi

473 48 10

Marinette sneezed.


She sniffled—she hated being sick. Marinette took another sip of her tea. It was her favorite type, creamy and sweet with a hint of caffeine.

"Tikki..."she moaned, "I hate this feeling."

The Kwami nodded and then reassured, "I know, Marinette, but you'll be better tomorrow!"

"But I wanna be better now!" the girl complained, kicking her legs up in the air.

"Marinette, you're acting like a brat! Stop complaining and sleep."

Marinette shook her head. She knew she was being a brat but didn't want to admit.

"I'm sorry, Tikki...It's probably just the painkillers talking," she apologized.

Tikki nodded and then yawned. "I'm going to sleep... Night Marinette!"

"Night, Tikki!"

With that, the Kwami left to go sleep in the drawer.

Marinette took a deep breath and sighed at the peacefulness. It was nice, especially since her attitude was mixed up. Suddenly there was a knock on her balcony door. Marinette didn't even have to look; she knew who it was.

"It's open, Chat," she whispered.

Chat Noir came in and sat at the end of her bed. "Hey, Princess," he said quietly.

Marinette shook her head. NONONONONO, not again! she thought.

"Kitty, did he um—you know..."

Chat nodded. It wasn't the first time he had been in this situation, in fact, it happened once a week. Still he always had his Princess to comfort him.

"He can't do this anymore, Chat. He's your father!" Marinette exclaimed.

"Then why does he never have time for me? I asked him today and all he said was that he's far too busy to spend time with his son. I guess he doesn't love me...I'm just a burden for him."

Marinette gasped and moved closer to him. "Chat, no! He is your dad, he loves you! It may not look like it but...Anytime you want to talk to him about something, he's there, isn't he? If you ask for him, he comes. Even if it's just for thirty seconds, he arrives. You're not a burden. You're his son. His only son. He loves you."

Chat looked up at the girl, but everything changed, he saw Marinette differently somehow.

The Cat saw her as more than a friend. He shook off the feeling.

"Enough about me, Princess! What about you?" he asked.

Marinette sneezed. "Who me? I'm great. Naw! I'm really sick and what-not."

"Oh. What about the boy you like?"

Marinette shook her head and made her way across the room and grabbed two cups of water. When she got back, she handed one to Chat.

"Thanks," he said.

"Don't mention it," Marinette replied with a smile. "My crush...He has this thing where he'll turn back to look at me but nothing ever happens..."

"I'm sorry to hear that. If it makes you feel any better, my lady hasn't even started liking me..."

Marinette smirked.

"I wonder why..." she muttered.

Chat looked up.

"What was that?"


"No, it was something. It was something, I heard something. What was it, Princess?"

Marinette moved further back into her bed until she hit the wall. "Curiosity killed the Cat, Chat Noir."

Chat gave his signature smile and moved closer to her. "And I'm still alive! Now Pwease Purr-incess! Tell me what you said."

"Not a chance!" Marinette crossed her arms.

"Then I'll just a have to get it out of you!"

"How would you do t—"

And before Marinette even got to register her last word, she felt his lips crash against hers. Chat Noir was kissing her! Her eyes widened, but she soon melted into the kiss anyway—she kissed back. She kissed back! Chat Noir pulled away, and Marinette let out a tiny, sad groan.

"Geez, Princess. A bit eager are we?"

Marinette touched her lips. "You kissed me—I kissed back—I kissed you—WAIT, WHAT?"

The girl started freaking out and hyperventilating.

"Chat! You didn't! I mean! I'm so confuse—"

Yet he was, too. So, he kissed her again, and she kissed back. Marinette didn't let it slide. When they pulled away, she said the words that would change her life forever.

"I think I like you, Kitty," she blurted out. Upon realization, Marinette covered her mouth.

Chat Noir gave a sincere smile.

"Princess, If you don't mind me asking...what's next for us?"

Marinette's eyes widened, she didn't realize what this meant. "Um, we could maybe, you a thing? I don't know."

Chat grabbed her hands. "I think that would be purr-fect don't you think Princess?"


"YOU AND CHAT NOIR ARE ARE THING?!" Alya shouted the next day, at school.

"Alya! Sh," Marinette hushed. "Chat said only to tell a close friend, no one else."

"Mar, I have to put this on the Ladyblog! Maybe you could find out who Chat Noir is?"

"Alya, You can't! If you do, he'll freak! I'm not going to find out who kitty is..."

That didn't mean she wasn't curious. If anything, she wanted to know who she kissed, who she trusted, who he was.

"Is he a good kisser?" Alya asked.

Marinette slapped her friend. "If you must know"—she smirked—" Yes."


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