Chapter 3-The Airport

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Jack's POV

I walk on to the plane and take my seat in first class. I close the curtain and take my PTSD meds with some water and some Advil, as planes always give me headaches. I grab my complimentary pillow and make the seat recline.  I grabbed my laptop and some ear buds and started checking my social medias. After awhile I found myself on YouTube and watching my friends, but then I got stuck in a Mark hole. I was stuck watching his channel. I thought it was cute the way he reacted to things I smiled. The way his voice got really high and did that screeching thing when something he didn't like happened. He's a real cutie. Wait what did I just say that? I'm straight..I think yeah straight... Well I mean men can be attractive but I can only have sex with girls I'm straight yeah.... I hadn't gotten enough sleep prior so it was easy to slip into dream land.

I woke up to the stewardess tapping my shoulder.
"Sir sir, we've landed sir." I looked up confused at her smiling face. I looked around and remembered that I was on a plane. I couldn't remember if I was in Ireland or America now. Once I snapped out of my sleeping daze I knew I was in America. I put my laptop in my carry on and walked of the plane. I was walking through the airport on my way to get my luggage and I heard little scuffs coming toward my way.
"Jack Jack wait up wait Jack!" I heard. I turned around to see a little boy.
"Oh hey there little dude."
"Jack you're so cool and you mean a lot to me and I hate to bother you but I want you to know you help me a lot." He huffed out in a broken Irish accent.
"That's so good in glad you enjoy my videos!" I smiled.
"You see, my family originates from Ireland and I have this accent. When I was younger it was ok and more fluent but as I got older the kids started making fun of me. Because I'm short and I have pointy ears... And I started to hide my accent and years trying to suppress it turned it into half Irish half american and sometimes it sounds British  and people make me feel so bad about it."
I frowned.
"Aw I'm sorry that's so rude of them! But I like you're accent because it's a mix and that's cool some words in your sentence sound Irish and some words sound American. Having pointy ears are the best! And who cares if they think we're leprechauns we weren't going to give them any of our gold anyway." I winked. I looked up to see his mum standing behind him to the left smiling as she mouthed 'thank you'
He gave me the biggest smile and hugged me.
"Hey listen little dude! I gotta get going but do you want me to sign anything for you?" He looked back at his mother!
"MUM PLEASE!" She reached into her purse and I thought she was grabbing money. I was about to decline when she pulled out a tiny Sam.  It was about the size of my hand and it looked really cool.
"I made it myself. " he said looking down. I signed it and handed it to him.
"Ya know I get a lot of these a day and this is one of the best ones I've seen. !"  I made him smile again.
"Mum can I borrow your phone?!" She handed it to him.  He looked a little scared.
"Do you mind?" He asked.
"No not at all"  I grabbed the phone and took 4 selfies with him and handed his phone back to his mother. I gave him a hug and nodded as I proceeded to look for my luggage.
Once I had grabbed my luggage I headed
Towards the taxi line-up were Mark said he'd meet me.  As I approached closer I saw a short man who was still taller then me with red fire locks looking down at his phone. "Wow he really is something." What no don't make this weird me. I waved him down and called his name.
"Mark Mark!" He looked up and smiled. He pulled me into the embrace my chin lay on his red and black flannel.
"How you been buddy?!" He asked as he releases me and we started heading to the car.
"Good good just Irish ya know." I chuckled.
"Ah yes we all know keeping your pot of gold is a very high maintenance job." He tried to keep a straight face but couldn't help laughing at it.
"Fuck you,," I said crossing my arms.
"AWWW come on Jackaboy don't be like that." He was still laughing.
The rest of the way to Mark's place we made various small talk about friends and YouTube.
Mark helped me carry my things inside and he showed me my room. It was right next to his room and the bathroom was right across the hall. The moment I got into my room I jumped on the bed and immediately  passed out. I was so exhausted.

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