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Something about this place didn't feel right to me. These kids look like they can't defend themselves and rely only the people with guns. I was laying on my bed staring up at the ceiling. This Victor guy was weird and creepy. It seemed like her knew me way back before this all happened. I shook my head. I then closed my eyes.

"Eunice. Eunice." The voice said as my eye sight was blurry, I can see 2 figures in front of me, a man and a woman.
"You are strong and smart, fast and keen." The woman said as another flash came out showing me with red eyes and I was lightening fast, killing walkers everywhere. "What is this?!"

I screamed and sat up. Everyone looked at me.
"Uhh, are you ok?" Praise asked making me look at her. I shook my head, knocking the thought out of my head.
"I'm good, umm when's dinner?" I asked making Katherin answer.
"Sun down" she said making me nod.
"So what exactly do you guys do around here?" I asked making Jewel look at me.
"Nothing really, we just treat this place like our home. and Victor is like our father. He tells us what to do and we do it" she said making me cross my eyebrows.
"You do anything he says?" I asked making the girls nod.
"Im gonna look around the place and get used to it" I said making them nod.

I walked out my room and walked down the empty hallway. I crossed my eyebrows. Where did everyone go? I walked down and looked over in the small windows of each door. There were people inside. I shrugged thinking nothing was wrong and walked down the hall. I had my black leather handled knife in my belt. I looked around me every time I took a step. Until I bumped into someone. I stepped back seeing it was that guys that nearly left me to die behind the fence. What was his name again...Kirk. I looked at him and he gave me the deadliest glare. Like he was about to kill me or something. He suddenly pulled out a sharp knife and pushed it up my chin making me look up to keep him from stabbing me.
"Make one wrong move or else you'll be dealing with me" he snapped making me say nothing. I feel blood dripping down from my chin as he then swiped the knife out from under my chin. I wiped the blood off and saw him walk passed me. I turned to him. What was his deal? He hates me for sure, just cause I'm new. Well I am a stranger to him so it probably makes sense, but I think he was one of the students in my History class, before this zombie madness went on. He was one of the smartest people in the class but he was always quiet. I crossed my eyebrows and turned back towards the empty hallway. I know it wasn't my job to monitor the halls but, I was just curious, this place doesn't feel right...or safe. I turned right at the end of the hallway and saw a few college seniors talking to each other. I ignored them and walked passed them. My attention was caught by a dark blue door. It was different apart from the others. The ones i passed were Red. I walked towards the door and slowly lead my hand onto the doorknob. I touched the knob but before I could turn it,
"Ppssstttt!" Someone whispered making me look around. I had spotted one of my roommates down the hall. I let go of the doorknob as she jogged over to me.
"You shouldn't go in there" Praise said making me look at the door and back at her.
"What's inside?" I asked making her sigh. She shook her head.
"I'm not exactly sure but we're not supposed to talk about it. Victor is really strict about the rooms we go in. And he specifically said no one should ever step foot in this room" she said making me look at the door again. There was a sign on the door.
"Warning, Dangerous chemicals beyond this point" it said making me look at Praise and nod.
"Ok" I said making her take my hand and lead me away from the door.

I was looking through the cameras and I had spotted 2 girls in front of the CTR, Chemical Tests Room. I zoomed in on their faces seeing it was the stranger Eunice and Praise. I hummed.
"What are you doing there?" I mumbled to myself as I pressed a button on the panel in front of me turning the sound on for the cameras in that area.
"No one should ever step foot in this room" praise said making me look at Eunice. I can see the curiosity in her face. I think she is the Project J, no impossible, Project J is in the Red Facility being tested, or trained. But the thing is I've heard news from the Facility that someone broke out. I wasn't sure who from the facility broke out but I'm sure Project J is still in the facility.

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