The Arctic!?!

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"How the hell are we gonna get there?" Jayden said making me hum.
"We're in New York...if we find a plane we could fly there or...we sneak in to one of Victors Jets to get there" I said making Jayden look at me.
"Id rather someone I trust fly us there. Muslim's a pilot...and we're just about an hour drive to the airport...if we find a plane that still works, we'll fuel it up... Then We're good" Jayden said making me nod.
"Alright...we'll start packing first thing in the morning" Jayden said as I turned again to the computer screen.
"Hang on...what's this?" I whispered as he clicked on a different building. It was huge...bigger than the Red Facility. It was black all over and it was surrounded by looked like a haunted forest around the black building.
"Blood Factory?" Jayden said making me read the description.
"Says that Victor used to use this place as their Blood storages and to make the cure. But it looks abandoned and look..." I said as i zoomed into the picture. I pointed at a shattered window.
"Who broke in?" Jayden asked making Me read a bit more.
"Victor abandoned this place a few months after he gathered the survivors into the school. This picture was taken right after they abandoned it. But who broke in?" I whispered making Jayden shake his head.
"It's probably not important. All we need to know is that we need to travel North to get Eunice back" Jayden said making him walk back over to his bunk. I turned to the computer screen again and crossed my eyebrows. Since it's a blood factory...were they used to store blood and the failed attempts to make the cure...who...or what would break in? Clearly doesn't make sense. I mean who would want to go back to a place where's there's blood and poisonous liquid inside. I shrugged and exited the browser.

I was trying to sleep but this stupid vision was keeping me up. I couldn't stop turning side to side on my bed and my eyes were closed tight.

"Don't make him mad" a voice kept saying making me shake. Seeing blurry rooms and needles. Blurry people walking by and I see myself electric chair.
"How dare you try to escape again!" Victor yelled making shake and scream.
"Eunice! Eunice!-"

"Eunice! Wake up!" I sat up about to scream until someone put a hand over my mouth. He turned the lamp on beside me. It was John. I calmed down and pulled his hand down.
"Sorry" I whispered making him sigh. He looked upset.
"John...let me ask you this again. Why are you working with them if you're against them?" I asked softly making him look at me.
"I'm forced to...they...have my parents" he said making me gasp.
"What?" I asked shocked seeing tears start to fill his eyes.
"Me and my parents survived the virus, it's just, when they found us...Victor looked at me and then my parents. He demanded the guards to take my parents and Victor threatened me that he would kill them if I don't do what he says." He said making me put a hand on his shoulder.
"John... You shouldn't be talking me to me...why are you helping me?" I asked as he looked at me wiping his eyes.
"My parents would want me to do the right thing, and that's to get you out of here" he said making me sigh.
"How?" I asked as he looked at me.
"You broke out remember?" He asked making me grunt.
"I'm still trying to rethink my memories, I don't remember everything yet." I said making him smile.

"I helped you escape" I said making her look at me.
"What?" She asked making me looked down.

"I was in the lab testing out the 30th sample of the "cure" we made. I just finished injecting the first person with it until I spotted you in line with the other test subjects. You were the only girl I've seen being tested on. The ones we were testing we the ones who passed the training exam. Once it was your turn, I felt scared of what was gonna happen to you. The rest didn't survive when they got injected with the syrum but. When I injected you, I flinched but after a few seconds, nothing happened to you. Everyone around me cheered making them all take you and drag you off into another room. I watched you as they dragged you out of the lab. From that moment, I knew, you weren't safe here. I've seen what they do to people like you, they take your blood and mix it in with the syrum we injected you with, we keep taking your blood until your gone. So I decided to hatch a plan to get you out.

I made a liquid that will allow you to forget what has happened to you at the Red Facility. Then I snuck into your room at night and injected you with the fluid. I saw you shake making me run towards the door. I meant to unlock the door but it had already shut. But it turns out. You shattered the glass of the door and looked at me. You had not recognized me. Then an alarm rang out causing you run the other way from the guards. I looked at the guards making me stand in front of them to slow them down. I had my mask on so they didn't recognize me.
"Move outta the way!!" They yelled making me wait a few seconds and moved aside.
"Sorry I'm new" I said as they grunted and continued to run."

She blinked making me sigh ones again.
"And here you wind up again" I said making her attached her neck over her collar.
"Thank you" she said making me shrug."where are they holding your parents?"
"I'm not sure, Victor didn't bring them here. They brought them to some factory" I said making me sigh.
"I'm sure they're ok" she said making me nod.
"Well you should probably get some sleep" I said making her chuckle.
"What? So you could inject me with the memory wipe and let me escape again?" She smirked making me roll my eyes and laugh.
"I just might." I said making her chuckle. I stood up and walked towards the door.
"Night Eunice" I said making me walk out and shut the door.
"Hey!" Someone yelled making me turn to the right side. The hallways were lit up, I saw Kirk and Josh stomping towards me.
"What were you doing in Eunice's room?" Kirk asked curious making me cross my eyebrows.
"I just knocked her out with the sleeping needle" I lied. I watched both their movements seeing Josh slowly reaching towards his knife.
"Don't lie John. We know you helped her escape a long time ago" Kirk snapped making me cross my eyebrows.

I heard yelling making me blink and sit up from my bed. The light from the hallway shined into my room. A bar of the light on the ground near the door. I looked out seeing Kirk, Josh and John. I crossed my eyebrows. But then my sharp eye vision caught Josh grabbing his knife.
"You're gonna join your parents!" Kirk yelled making John step back. Frightened.
"What? They're alive!" John yelled making Kirk chuckle.
"You really think we'll let your parents live?" Kirk snapped as Josh yanked the knife out of his strap. I gasped and ran towards the door. It was locked. I grunted and tied pushing it open. I ran towards the window seeing Josh stab John's stomach. I screamed as I tried to bang the window. This glass was too thick! I looked around for a chair. I picked one metal chair up and smashed it not eh glass but it didn't crack. I watched as my only friend in this facility fall to his knees. I screamed with tears starting to spring out my eyes.

John was gagging on the ground,coughing blood. I sighed.
"Get the memory wipe" I said as Josh pulled out a needle. John managed to speak.
"No! If you use that on me, Victor will kill you!" He yelled making me roll my eyes.
"He told us to use it on you. Also, it will heal your stab wound. We can't have you snooping around with Eunice" I said as Josh injected the memory wipe into his arm. He then fell to the ground asleep.
"Get him to the medical room" I said as Josh picked him up. I turned to Eunice seeing her crying, she was mad but her eyes were watering. She then tried to elbow the window. I could feel her screaming with rage.

He smacked his hand on the glass. Making me stop and just glare at him.
"You motherfucker, when I get out of here, you're the FIRST to die in my book!" I yelled making him look away. Oh great, now John can't remember anything and I'm stuck in a building I don't even remember how I got out of here!

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