What are you doing here?

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"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?" I yelled hearing Kirk and Rencie scream in front of me. I literally chained them up to the wall and they were standing up against the wall, cowering in fear. I continued to yell at them.
"TALK GOD DAMMIT! HOW DID YOU FIND US?!?" I yelled until I heard everyone descend down the stairs and run up behind me. Katherin pulled me back and pushed my guns down. Will, Jayden, Muslim and Josh stood in front of us. Kirk and Rencie sighed in relief as soon as they saw the boys stand in front of us.
"Oh thank god, she's been yelling at us for the past 10 minutes. I'm about to go deaf" Kirk said making Will walk up to Kirk and punch him straight across the face. The girls gasped in shock as Will continued to punch Kirk. Thankfully Muslim and Jayden pulled him away from Kirk before he got beaten to death. Kirk coughed out blood and looked down. Will struggled to get out of Jayden and Muslim's grip.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I yelled still trying to get out of Muslim and Jayden's grip. Kirk coughed and looked at me.
"Let...me...explain" he said making me growl. Kirk panted and groaned. "Before you beat the shit outta me, Victor, sent Night to hunt you guys down" he said seeing his bruises heal. He looked up at me with apologetic eyes, I kept my glare on him.
"I think we know that. Your hunter killed one of us" I snapped, ripping my arms out of Muslim and Jayden's grip. Kirk looked at me, confused, as well as Rencie.
"What? Who?" He asked making me keep quiet. He then sighed until Eunice stepped forward.
"What are you guys doing here?" She asked making kirk look at her.
"We escaped from Victor. We both got our memories back" he answered. I find that hard to believe. Eunice stayed quiet while everyone else stepped in.
"Why should we trust you?" Jewel snapped making Kirk sigh.
"Victor brainwashed me, just like you guys. I'm me again I swear. I finally realized he brainwashed me when the red facility was infected" he said making me cross my arms over my chest. I then looked at Rencie.
"Let me guess, same thing with Rencie?" I asked making Kirk groan.
"I swear to god I'm back. I know I was a pain in the ass back then but I'm not that guy anymore" Kirk said making me chuckle.
"Like we're gonna fall for that" I snapped making Kirk look down. Then I heard Eunice sigh.
"Sorry Kirk" she apologized making me look at Eunice. Why did she apologize?

"Why are you apologizing to him? He should be apologizing to us" Kylah said making me turn to everyone else.
"Kirk and Rencie were in the same position as me and Josh. Up to the point where none of you can trust us" I stated making Will look at me. Josh stood by my side.
"She's right. You trusted us after a while we stayed with you. Why not give that chance to these two?" Josh said making me turn to Kirk and Rencie.
"Two minutes ago you were yelling at them, now your on their side?" Jayden asked making me unchained Kirk and Rencie. I turned to everyone again.
"I'm not on their side." I said making me look at Kirk with a glare." I'm just giving them a chance to be on our side. And if they prove us they are not trustworthy" I said making me pull a gun out and point it to his head. "I'll blow your head to bits" I snapped making Kirk stand still, he didn't flinch.
"Fine." Will said making me lower my gun down. I then looked into Kirks eyes. I saw something in his eyes. I gasped.

A howler. The same howler that attacked me back at the facility. I didn't kill it, I just fought it off to get everyone set on the plane outta there. But then I saw different visions of Kirk. In his eyes, he was attacking Josh in the control room. He was yelling at him, pinning him up against the wall. Kirk was yelling at him how he had treated josh like a norther to him but josh lied to him. This was when...Kirk got his memory back and Kirk went rogue and turned into... a howler.

I stood there seeing Kirk look at me.
"Eunice?" He asked making me shake my head and hold the side of my head. I looked at Kirk. I should stay quiet. They would kill him if they knew.
"I'm fine. Come on, you guys must be hungry" I said making me turn towards the kitchen.


I was sitting on another table alone, keeping an eye on Kirk and Rencie. They were sitting together on a different table eating beans in a can that Eunice had cooked earlier. She was still in the kitchen just cleaning now but I kept watching Kirk and Rencie. They were laughing and chatting about their plane ride before they got here.
"Hey Will" Muslim said making me turn to the stairs. He jumped down from the railing and landed safely. He then walked over to me with a bag. He tossed it to me making me catch it.
"What?" I asked feeling the bag was pretty heavy.
"We're heading out to plant tricks for Night. To lead him away from the hotel. Jayden and Josh are upstairs waiting." He said making me nod. Then I heard Eunice speak from the kitchen.
"Bring Kirk and Rencie with you" she said making my eyes widened and turn to Eunice. She was standing right in front of me. Oh jeez, that was fast? She was just in the kitchen a few seconds ago. The kitchen was far from where I was standing.
"What?" I asked making her shrug.
"Wasn't my idea" she said making her point to Kirk and Rencie still sitting on their table. They waved.
"No way" I said making her groan.
"Look, if they don't help or better yet if they try to kill you, you can kill him. But if they do help, that is a big step for them to earn our trust" she stated making me groan.
"Fine" I said making her turn around about to walk away until I mumbled.
"Bossy much?" I mumbled quietly making her stop. She then turned to me again and rested both her hands on each sides of her waist.
"You don't like me do you?" She asked nearly smiling making me cross my arms over my chest and smirk.
"Who said I don't like you?" I asked making her roll her eyes.
"Seems like you do" she said making me chuckle.
"How?" I asked making her think for a moment.
"You call me bossy when I'm not the one who's bossy around here" she said making me give her the "are you serious" look. Kirk and Rencie chuckled behind her as well as Muslim. Eunice then groaned. "Ok fine, I'm bossy when I need to be" she admitted making me chuckle. Kirk and Rencie came up to us.
"Ok, we're off" I said making Eunice nod. She stuffed both her hands into her jean pockets. Then I saw Kirk walk back towards Eunice and pulled her ponytail out letting her hair down. Eunice gasped as her hair flowed down and hit her shoulders. Kirk came up to me. I never seen her with her hair down.
"Kirk, give me my pony tail back" Eunice said calmly making me chuckle.
"Leave your hair down, you're not going anywhere" muslim stated making me nod. She combed her hair up with her fingers and held it still but she need a ponytail to finish the look.
"Kirk give me my pony tail"she asked again making Kirk shake his head. Then she sighed and let her hair down. She stood there for a moment and cracked her knuckles and her neck.
"Warning you know Kirk." I said making Kirk look at me.
"About what?" He asked until I heard Eunice run towards Kirk and tackle him to the ground. Kirk screamed trying to get her off him. Eunice reached for her pony tail in his hand and took it from his hands. She got off him and went to tie her hair up into a pony tail. Kirk got up and wiped his shirt.
"I would have avoided her tackling me, if I was ready" he said making us all laugh except Eunice. She stood there with her arms crossed over her chest glaring at Kirk. I thought that would make her laugh a bit or at least smile.
"Is she always like this?" Rencie asked making me look at him.
"She doesn't smile, but she's not always serious." I said making her now glare at me. I smirked.
"Alright, lets go, we only have a few hours till sundown" muslim said making Eunice clear her throat.
"Muslim, its 6 in the morning. You have 12 hours" she stated making me look at Muslim.
"Sorry, I've been inside for, i don't know how long, it seems like forever since I've been outside." He said making Eunice respond.
"Muslim you were outside a few hours ago" she said making Muslim groan.
"Ok Ms. Know-it-All" muslim mumbled making us all laugh except Eunice. She then turned around towards the kitchen. Before we could go upstairs, I heard Eunice yell from the kitchen.
"Can you scavenge around for some food, we're almost out!" She yelled making me answer back.
"Ok!" I yelled back as we all made it up the stairs.

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