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The snow fall was eating worst. I couldn't see anything. Just white blurs in front of me. I covered my face with an arm in front of my eyes.
"are we there yet???" Jayden asked as then I stopped, hearing footsteps around us. I shushed everyone.
"We're not alone" I whispered as we stood motionless hearing footsteps coming towards us. Then all the sudden someone in a white lab suit jumped at me making me screamed and jump back. A lab suit looking like a space suit with a helmet but it was hard to see who it was. Then I felt everyone else bunch up behind me. We were surrounded. These men were holding long rods with tazers at the tips of them.
"Who are these guys?" Jayden asked making me look closer at their suits. RF. I gasped.
"They work at the Red Facilty-yyyyyy" I stuttered as one of them tazered me causing me to fall and faint.

"MUSLIM!" We all screamed everyone else was tazered. I was the last seeing them all crowd around me and taze me. I fell to the ground.


I gasped awake making me sit up and look around. I grunted in pain as I felt my arm sting. I noticed I was wearing white clothes. I pulled up one sleeve seeing my bite getting worse. I then felt another sting in my arm making me scream in pain and lay back in my bed. I grunted feeling like this stinging is gonna last forever until it stopped. I shook a little until I controlled myself. I sighed and sat up again. I noticed two beds beside me. Jayden and Muslim on each of them. I used myself off my bed and walked over to them. I shook their shoulders waking them up.
"Where are we?" Muslim asked making me look around the room. A wide window showing the hallway in front of us and on the side was a really wide mirror.
"I think we're in the facility." Jayden said until I heard a loud ringing sound that lasted for 2 seconds. We immediately covered our ears until it stopped.
"So...since you intruders have found our secret base, I guess we're gonna have to use you as test subjects" the voice said making me cross my eyebrows recognizing the voice.
"Kirk?!" I snapped hearing him chuckle.
"Hey guys, how do you like your room?" He asked making Muslim and Jayden roll their eyes.
"Where are the girls? Where is Eunice!" I yelled as he them chuckled again.
"Oh don't'll see them in your first test simulator" he said as the ringing came back and his voice disappeared. I groaned. Jayden stood up and walked over to the door. He tried to open the door but it was locked. Muslim got off his bed and walked over to the window to the hallway. He looked on each side and knocked on the glass.

The glass was thick, you probably need a big drill to get to the other side of this glass. Then I saw someone walk passed me seeing...John?
"John! John! In here!" I yelled as I banged on the window. He just walked straight passed us.
"Wait! John! Where are you going?!" I yelled as I sighed and looked at Jayden and Will.
"Kirk must have given him the memory wipe syrum." Will said as I saw him holding his arm. I crossed my eyebrows.
"You ok will?" I asked making him look at me and nod. He pulled his hand away from his arm.
"We got to find a way out of here to get the girls" Jayden said making us all nod.

I groaned as I kept banging my fist on the window to the hallway.
"Get. Us. Out. Of. Here!" I whined making the girls groaned.
"Stop Dani. There's no use. No one can hear you through that thick glass." Praise said making me turn to the girls. I was in a room with Katherin, Jewel and Praise.
"How are we gonna get out of here?" Katherin asked as she pulled her knees to her chest on her bed.
"I don't know burin sure we'll find a way out...when we finish our first test" Jewel said making us all look at her.
"We don't even know what that test will be?! They might inject us with one of their syrums and god knows what will happen to us!" I screamed making praise shush us.
"Ok everyone calm down! I'm sure the test won't be with syrums and what not. Let's just wait and see what happens. We all know what to do when stratus coming up right?" Praise said making me nod.
"How can we practise when we don't even know what we're doing?" Katherin asked making Jewel stand.
"Fighting is probably the main answers to everything right now so" jewel said making me nod.


We've been waiting for about 5 hours. They've sent us food to eat for lunch. The all the sudden a loud alarm went off making me drop my spoon and cover my ears. The girls did the same until the alarm went off when four men came into our room. We gasped as they just stood at the door.
"Come with us" one said making me cross my eyebrows. I then saw Kirk walk in passed them.
"Kirk!" I yelled as I was pulled back by the girls.
"Ladies? The boys are already in the testing chamber being tested on as we speak. You 'lovely' ladies...are next" e said making me glare at him. The four men came to each of us and locked our wrists with handcuffs. We were then pushed out the door and down the hall.

I screamed in pain as I felt electric shock run throughout my whole body. I was sitting in an electric chair. The shock stopped making me groan quietly.
"Please...stop-ppppp" I screamed again feel the shock run throughout my whole body. The shock stopped making me slowly turn to Muslim and Jayden. They were still going strong. The shock came up again making me scream and look up.

We were pushed into a room with a large window. I gasped seeing the boys in electric chairs. We ran over to the window and placed out hands on the glass.
"No!!" I screamed as I turned around and grabbed Kirk's collar.
"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!?!" I screamed as I shook him back and forth. E grunted and pushed me off. The girls caught me making grunt and stand. I gave him a glare.
"Im doing this, to save the world" he said making me look at him.
"Sir they have passed. They all can last at about an hour in these electric chairs without fainting. " one said making Kirk look at us.
"Strap them up, their next" Kirk said as the guards came to us. A started to pull us towards the door into that room. I grunted trying to stay still keeping the guards from pulling me away.
"No! Why would you do this?! This is not gonna save this world!! Using living people for your little science experiments! You're just killing more of the only survivors in the world! Please stop this madness!l I yelled as I pulled my arms out of the guards grip but they grabbed me again. I looked at Kirk with pleading eyes until he shook his head.
"Strap them up!" He demanded making me gasped.
"No! No! Kirk! You monster! You monster!" I yelled as the guard pulled me into the room and sat me down on the chair. They strapped me up my legs my wrists onto the chair. I tried to get out but I couldn't. I grunted. I glared at Kirk at the window. Then I saw Will, Jayden And Muslim get pulled out of the room. I gasped as I looked at Kirk. He then pushed a button on the panel in front of him felling a shock throughout my body. I screamed.

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