Don't mess up!

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After what we had just talked about Will immediately ran to the corner of the room and sat down.
"I can't, I can't trust myself near you guys-" he began to stutter making us walk towards him.
"Will it's ok-" I said as he snapped making us stop.
"NO! DONT COME ANY CLOSER! I could kill you any minute now!" He yelled as I looked at Jayden.
"We need more of that syrum. To keep him from turning into a zombie" Jayden said making me nod. Then all the sudden the doors opened making us all turn to the door seeing Muslim was pushed into the room. He had fallen onto the floor.
"Muslim!" We all yelled as I ran towards him to help him up. Once I did, the doors shut.
"Where the hell were you??" I asked as I pulled him up to stand. He then hopped over his cuffed hands leaving them in front of him.
"Get this off me" he said as I turned to Jayden seeing him pass me a pocketknife. I pick locked the cuffs and unlocked them. He flicked them off his wrists.
"Muslim we found something out" Jayden said as I nodded. He nodded too.
"I did too." He said making us look at him.
"What did you find out?" I asked making him sigh.
"Victor tricked us into working with him using his memory wipe syrum. And he brainwashed Kirk and Rencie to be on his side. We were all part of the same group until Victor showed up. So we've all been brainwashed" Muslim said making us look at him.
"Well, we've found out, that memory wipe syrum, has the fucking cure!" I said making him gasp.
"What???" He asked as I pointed at will in the corner.
"And poor Will, he's been bitten" I said making him gasp.
"Wait why isn't he a-" he asked as Jayden sighed.
"The syrum is keeping the infection from flowing to his heart. He turned into one a few minutes ago but turned back to normal" Jayden said making Muslim cross his eyebrows.
"That's not possible? Once he's dead, he's dead" Muslim said as me and Jayden shrugged.
"This is some messed up shit I don't even know how it's possible-" I said as Will yelled.
"Would you guys shut the fuck up and figure out a way to get the hell outta here!!" Will yelled in pain making us look at him as he had his hand covering his bite.
"Oh shit. Um here" I said as I ripped one sleeve of my shirt off. I jogged over to him and kneeled down on one knee. I took his bitten arm and took a look at the bite. It was turning purple and was dripping tiny drops of blood. I took the ripped sleeve and wrapped it around his bite and tied it up.
"There, now we need to get the fuck outta here and get Will more of that memory wipe syrum-" I said as Jayden stopped me.
"He'll lose his memory though." Jayden said as I looked at him and then to Will. The look of worry and pain struck Will's face. I've never seen him this terrified. He leaned his head back against the wall seeing him look up at the ceiling. He shut his eyes tight and grunted in pain again. I looked at Muslim and Jayden seeing them with worried looks. If we gave Will another shot of the syrum, he wouldn't even remember us afterward and we would need to tell him everything that has recently happened. And worst of all, he's one of our closest friends. I looked back at Will seeing sweat run down his forehead, he was panting fast and he was shaking with his bitten arm resting on the floor.
"John, we have to give him the syrum, it's the only way to keep him from turning into a zombie again-" Muslim said making me look at him and sigh. i nodded in agreement until I heard Will groan loudly, pulling his head up to look at me.
"N-No! I'm not getting injected with the syrum again!-" will grunted as he then screamed in pain holding his bitten arm. I ran over to him.
"No Will, you need that syrum! It will keep you from getting infected!" I snapped making him whine and groan, leaning his head back against the wall.
"Muslim, did you pass by the girls?" I asked as he nodded.
"Where were you anyway?" Jayden asked making Muslim answer.
"When you guys got knocked out, I was hiding behind a tipped over desk and when no one was in the room anymore I went into the room where Eunice came out of and saw it was an old computer room and it was stored with old footage of all of us being tested. But then when I got out of there I saw Eunice watching the girls in a different room. I fought her for a bit and managed to knock her out and take the keys out of her pocket. I let the girls out and told them to follow me to the nearest exit. And now they're out there" Muslim said as Jayden crossed his eyebrows.
"Why aren't you there with them?" He asked as Muslim responded.
"The guards knew they escaped so I held them off while the girls ran" he said as I groaned and glared at him.
"Woah John, chill, they'll be fine" Jayden said making me glare at him.
"God knows what will happen to them Jayden! They haven't been outside on their own! Without Will or you or Muslim, or even Kirk!" I said as they sighed.
"John, we've been living in a world filled with zombies for 2 years. We've probably been brainwashed a few months after the virus started. During those months surviving without Victor, I'm pretty sure we learned a lot about defending ourselves" Jayden said as I sighed.
"I just don't want anyone getting hurt. One of us has already been" I said as I turned to look at Will as he groaned.
"So, we need to figure out a way to get out of here" I said as Jayden and Muslim nodded. I looked back at Will again.
"And we need a sample of that syrum"

Dani and Paisley were in their disguises. With their head masks covering their faces and the black army suit. They picked up the guns and told us to run towards the door. The rest of us girls had our hands behind our backs as Dani and Paisley cuffed them. Once we faced the door Dani banged the metal door.
"Who's there?" Someone said as the camera above the door adjusted and pointed down towards us. The door clicked and opened making Dani and Paisley push us in. We were once again being pushed into the hallway. Dani shut the door behind us and once she did, Kirk and a few guards came running down the hall and stopped in front of us.
"where is Dani and Paisley?" He asked looking at Dani and Paisley making them shrug and stay quiet. Kirk groaned and looked at us.
"You'll never get away with this" I said making Kirk chuckle.
"I already have. Take them back to their cell" Kirk snapped as Dani and Paisley took Katherin and Jewel while the other guards took me and Kylah and pulled us down the hall once again.

Kirk and the rest of the guards turned to different hallways leaving us girls with 2 guards. I looked around and spotted the room where the guys were all in. I then turned to Dani holding Katherin beside me and nodded a little making her nod. Then all the sudden I turned my body around and kicked the guard back. Kylah punched the head mask off the other guard making him pass out onto the ground.

I heard a grunt outside through the window making me cross my eyebrows and turn to the wide window facing out to the hall. Two guards were knocked down while I saw. The girls! And two other guards standing behind them. The two guards behind them took their head masks off seeing it was Dani and Paisley. I ran towards he window and began to bang on the window.
"HEY! HELP US!" I said as they turned to me and nodded. Dani took out a key card and ran towards the door. I heard the door click seeing it open then they pushed it open and ran in. They all smiled.
"YOURE ALIVE!" We yelled as we came up to hug them.
"What did you think we would die out there so easily?" Katherin asked as I elbowed John making the girls gasp.
"I'm sorry I worry too much!" John said as the girls then chuckled.

I was happy I saw the guys again but once I looked past John, I noticed Will was in the corner of the room with his knees pressed up against his chest. He had a terrified look on his face. His arm had some kind of fabric wrapped around it and it had a stain of blood. I crossed my eyebrows and walked passed John towards Will. Will saw me walk towards him making him gasp and stand up pushing himself back against the wall.
"Stop! Don't come any closer!" He snapped making me stop halfway and look at him closely.
"What's wrong will?-" I asked as I looked closely at his injury. Around the bandage, his skin was turning purple around his wrapped arm. I crossed my eyebrows.
"Will- have you been- bitten?" I asked whispering the last part making Will start to cry again. I felt tears fill my eyes as I took a few steps closer to him. He shook his head.
"Please! Don't come any closer! I don't want you to get hurt!" Will said as I stopped. The girls stopped behind him and gasped.
"What happened?" Paisley asked as John answered for us.
"He's been bitten" he said as I looked back at John.
"Since when?!" I asked as he shrugged. Then will answered.
"Before we left to go to the airport. You were all in the jeep until a zombie pulled me down. Before I could shut the door, it bit me..." he said making me turn to Will, furious.
"And you didn't even bother telling us!?" I yelled as he turned away. A tear fell from my eyes but I was furious.
"I didn't want you guys to worry-" Will said until Paisley snapped.
"Didn't want us to worry?! Will! You've been bitten! Bitten or not we'll be worried all the time!! I can't believe you didn't tell us you were bitten!" Paisley yelled as I was about to run towards Will but Jayden pulled me back.
"Please don't get any closer-" Will said as I yelled.
"Don't tell me what to do! I'd rather get bitten by one of my own friends then a stranger!" I yelled as then Will looked at me.
"Ever since this fucking virus spread, I wanted to die! But I couldn't because all of you guys were still here, wanting to live, never wanting to give up!" I yelled again making Will sigh.
"We could have handled you getting bitten before we ended up in this damn facility. You made us find out when we're here" I said starting to calm down. Will then sat down. We were all silent for a few seconds.
"Come on, we have a chance to get out of here. Lead us to the exit" Jayden said as I turned away from Will and walked over to the door.

I walked over to Will and helped him up.
"Come on, we're getting out of here" I said making him look at me and push my arm off.
"I'm not going. I'll just be in the way. I might turn any second now and end up biting one of you, or worse. All of you" he said making me glare at him.
"You're coming with us no matter what. In the end...we'll all be dead anyway" I said making him look at me. I put my hand out for him to take.
"Live together?" I asked making him take my hand
"Die together" he said making me smile and let go. I then let him walk ahead while everyone waited out the door.

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