Facility compromised

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{Project X}
I hid behind the wall making me turn my head to the side peeking beside it. There were about 5 walkers filling that hallway. I hid back behind the wall again and cocked my gun. I held it up to the side of my head and pulled up my mask to cover the bottom half of my face. I then walked out to the hall and faced them all. I pointed my gun out towards them making them all come running at me. I walked forward and shot a bullet through each of their heads making them fall to the ground instantly before they could lay a hand on me. I looked down seeing one crawling towards me. It's legs were just stubs attached to his torso. It looked up at me and slowly made it way towards me. I pulled out a knife from behind my belt and kneeled down in front of it and stabbed the side of its head. I yanked the knife out and stood up. I turned to look down both ways of the hall and ran ahead and turned right.

Praise lead the way for us to go around the other way towards the lab with the syrum we need. We have passed a few walkers and a whole crowd of them earlier but we snuck through. I wonder where Will is? I stopped as soon as everyone stopped behind Praise. She looked passed the wall and down the right hallway.
"Clear" she whispered as she then turned to that hallway with all of us following. I heard growling behind me making me turn spotting a crawler on the ground slowly making its ways towards me. I pulled out a knife from my belt and stabbed the thing right at the side of its head and yanked the knife out. I looked down the hall seeing a whole crowd of them where we all used to stand next to the lab. Thank god we moved ahead.
"John" I heard Muslim say making me turn back to him and nod. I walked over to him and turned right following everyone else.

I looked out the window to the hallway seeing a bunch of zombies nagging their fists on the glass. A few were trying to get the door open which a few guards were holding back.
"Barricade the door!" I yelled as a few people on the computers flipped a switch on their keyboard seeing a thick metal door roll down in front of the door letting the guards step aside. As it shut, we can no longer hear the zombies banging the door knowing it was secure.
"Uhhh sir" one said as I turned to him. He pointed at his screen seeing a call. Victor.
"Shit, its Victor" I muttered as Josh stood up from his chair. I clicked the keyboard answering the call.
"Sir I can explain-" I started as then Victor yelled.
"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED OVER THERE?!?!?" He yelled making me grunt.
"One of our test subjects, William Wade, turned out that he was bitten by one of the freaks. I saw him turn into one in the boys room earlier but... he then turned back to normal a few seconds after" I said as Victor growled.
"How come you didn't inspect them before you let them in?!?!" He yelled, I crossed my eyebrows. Did he not hear what I just told him about how Will could transform into a zombie and back to normal?
"Sir? How come Will has the ability to turn into a walker and back to normal?" I asked making Victor clear his throat.
"I'm not sure what is going on with Will, it appears that someone has injected him with such a fluid that gave him that ability. So now that our facility has been compromised, it is your job to get it cleared out and disease free before my arrival! You have 48 hours" he said, my eyes widened at his demand.
"But sir! This facility is too big! How do you expect us to clear it out in less than 2 days?!?" I asked as Victor sat back in his chair behind him.
"I didn't know you weren't up to such a task which is quite simple!"he yelled making me look at him. "I expect the facility cleared out and back to normal in 48 hours, if you fail to do so, I'll have no choice but to turn you into one of them" he said as the screen went black. I clutched my hand into a fist on the table. Anger and frustration struck me making me punch the table.
"Josh! Tell all surviving guards and X to kill all the infected assets in this facility. They have 48 hours" I said as Josh nodded and pressed the button in his ear.

"Praise are we there yet?" I asked. We had turned right twice already, I was expecting on more right turn until we get to the hall where the lab was. She stopped making me pause behind her. She turned to the upright and smiled.
"All clear, lets go" she whispered as she jogged ahead and stopped in front of the lab doors. She kicked them open making us all walk in. The guys barricaded the doors while us girls looked around for the syrum we needed. I walked in between two long tables with a bunch of small test tubes lined together resting on the tables. Many different colours.
"Girls over here!" Kylah said as we all jogged towards her. She was standing in front of a door that said, Classified on it. I crossed my eyebrows and looked at the girls.
"Can you get in there?" I asked as Kylah looked on the ground, she picked up a key card on the ground and slid it through the card slot next to the door. The light turned green making it open letting white smoke blast out to our faces. We gasped and waved our hands in front of our faces.
"Come on" paisley said as she lead the way into the room making us all walk through the smoke. I gasped, once we entered we were surrounded by shelves of different a syrums. Tons of shelves were set up row by row in front of us.
"Oh jeez" I said as I walked down on aisle. The girls split up to check other aisles of the syrums. Looking at each of the racks of syrums, I noticed the labels on them were just numbers. I stopped in front of one and picked one up. It was a little hit blue syrum, with the numbers 23.145, the liquid inside has small yellow dots floating around in the liquid. For some reason, this looked familiar.

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