We're still in a plane

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It's been a day since we escaped. I told the girls we'll be landing soon in Florida. Hopefully, it'll be morning when we get there. Or just when the sun is rising. I heard the door open and close making me glance back seeing Praise come in and sit down beside me. I looked ahead out the window and kept my focus on flying.
"We almost there? The girls are asleep" praise said making me smile.
"Yea should be there in a few hours" I said making her nod. The sky was beautiful, it was a beautiful tint of pink and the white clouds all hovering below us. The sun just barely making it over the clouds. It was absolutely amazing.
"Man, the few up here is amazing, I can't wait to see the beach" praise said making me giggle.
"Yea, we can maybe stay in the hotel near the beach, the view up on the higher floors of the sunset is astounding" I said making her smile. Then we both fell quiet.
"I wonder when we'll all see each other again" praise said making me glance at her.
"Soon praise, I have a big feeling it's soon"

Muslim was flying the plane. I feel pretty bad that we just left everyone, we all split up. I hope we see them again one day. I know we will reunite with them. We were on our way to Florida in just a few hours. I'm kinda excited, I have a feeling everyone will make their way to Florida as well. Reason being why I know that is because we all wanted to visit Florida one day when we were back at the school. As roommates, me, Will, Muslim, Dani, Katherin, Jewel and Praise. Before Eunice showed up we've been talking about places we wanted to go. Florida was one of the popular ones. So I have hope that we will see each other in Florida, maybe near the Florida beach.

I was just sitting down keep an eye on Josh sitting next to Eunice. Eunice was just minding her own business checking all the guns. Josh couldn't take his eyes off her. I growled. I don't not like him at all. Then I felt Katherin sit next to me. I could hear her chewing something Making me cross my eyebrows and turn to her. She was stuffing her face with food. She stopped chewing as soon as she saw me look at her. Then she slowly turned to me.
"What?" She asked with her face filled with food making me glare at her.
"Where did you find the food?" I asked making her swallow her food.
"I found it in the storage closet" she said hearing A gun drop. I turned to Eunice seeing a pistol dropped. I heard her curse. She then bent down to pick it up but Josh beat her to it. His hand touched the gun with Eunice's hand on top. Eunice looked at Josh making me growl.

I pulled my hand away once I touched his hand. I sat up straight and cleared my throat. He handed the gun to me making him smile. I crossed my eyebrows. This does not feel right. What is this?
"You dropped this" he said making me take the gun from him carefully without pulling the trigger.
"Um, thanks" I said until Will cleared his throat.
"Watch It Eunice, he almost pulled the trigger at you" Will said making Josh glare at him. I looked at both of them.
"Are you blind there Wade?" Josh asked making Will crack his knuckles and glare at Josh.
"Oh come on, can't we just have a decent plane ride without any arguments" Katherin asked making Josh sigh. He stood up.
"Look, Will I know you don't trust me that much but I promise you, I will do anything to make you finally realize I'm on you're side"  Josh said making Will cross his arms over his chest. Then all the sudden the plane fell silent hearing something move from around the rows of cars. I instantly picked up a gun from the pile and cocked the gun. I pointed it towards the cars.
"What was that?" Katherin asked making me slowly make my way towards the cars. The cars were stacked up in threes. I walked in between a row. I felt crowded already by how high they were stacked up. I then turned towards the back of the cars on the left seeing nothing. Then the sound came back making me jerk my gun ahead down the row of cars, down at the end was really dark, I couldn't see anything apart from where I'm standing. I slowly walked towards it, ready to pull the trigger until all the sudden a zombie came out of no where making me gasp and pull the trigger hitting it in the arm. I whimpered as it jumped on me making me scream.

Eunice screamed making me gasp and run over to the pile of guns and picked up a shotgun. I cocked it and jogged through the row Eunice walked in seeing her struggling to move. I ran towards her but she took a knife out and stabbed the side of its neck making it tumble over to her side. She grunted and stood up. I stopped right beside her.
"Are you ok?" I asked making her pick up her pistol off the ground and sigh.
"I'm fine, where did that come from-" she said until a door had slammed open seeing a whole bunch of zombies come running out.
"Runners!" I yelled making me grab Eunice's wrist and pull her out from the stack of cars. I took a look at the stack of cars and ran over to one side. I took a deep breath and began to push the cars to block the way from us. I grunted and screamed with all my strength and pushed the cars forward hearing the alarms all go off as they crashed onto the ground. I panted and ran over to everyone.
"Uhhh guys! The engines are busted! What's going on back there?!?" John yelled as a red light was blinking in the plane making us all gasp. I looked out the window seeing Zombies were crawling on the wing. My eyes widened.
"How the fuck did they get up here?!?" I yelled hearing the cars thrash and bang making me look at the knocked over cars. The zombies were starting to crawl over the cars.
"Shit, we all can't fit in the pilots room!" Katherin said as I gasped and looked at Josh. He was ready to shoot the zombies about to jump off the cars.
"Josh, are you willing the fight them off?" I asked making him look at me and nod.
"Anything" he said making me nod. I turned to look at the girls seeing Katherin holding Eunice's arm as Eunice was growling.
"Eunice, Katherin. Head to the pilots room with John, and lock the door" I said making Eunice glare at me.
"What?!? Do you think I'm just gonna leave you guys here to fight them off yourselves! There's too many of them!!" She yelled making me grunt.
"Eunice don't make me go through this now! We're in the middle of a crisis and youre here blabbing about not wanting to leave us here? We're wasting time! Now get your asses in the pilots room and stay there!" I yelled making me feel the sudden rage rush through my veins. She gasped and grunted. She then grabbed Katherine wrist and dragged her into the pilots room and slammed the door shut. She looked out the window on the door looking at us making me turn to Josh. He picked up a gun from the pile and cocked it, locked and loaded.
"I haven't killed a zombie in a while" he said making me smirk and chuckle.
"Man, you're missing out then" I said making me aim up above the cars and pulled the trigger shooting a zombie through its head. It fell back behind the cars.
"Nice shot" he said as he spun his gun in his hand and held it again and shot up at the cars hitting a zombie. I nodded.
"Not bad, but come on, you could do better" i said making him laugh.

I turned to John and sat down. Then the plane began to shake. I screamed and stood up and let Katherin sit down. I put the seat belt on her and held onto the bar behind John's seat. An alarm came blaring out as the plane was starting to go down.
"Oh shit" John said making me grunt.
"John where are we?!?" I asked making him pull off the headpiece.
"Were on top the ocean near Florida beach-" John said as all the sudden the plane came flying down making me scream and hang on to the bar. My legs flew up as the plane came down, we flew past the clouds and now faced the huge ocean in front of us.
"Oh no..."

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