Oh no...

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I pulled myself to look down the hall turning my head left and right behind the wall.
"Clear" I whispered as everyone else walked out in the middle of the hall and kept walking down.

I was walking behind everyone, I was beside Will making sure he was ok to Walk on his own. He was walking fine a bit earlier until now, he was dragging his foot on the ground. I looked at him, he was sweating and his skin was turning grey. He shaking.
"Will are you ok?" I asked as he nodded until all the sudden he fell making me gasp and catch him.
"Guys stop" I said as they all came to a stop and turned to me making me help Will up.
"John? where is the lab?" I asked as I looked at John. He looked around and turned back to me.
"The nearest one is just down a few more hallways" he said as I looked back at Will seeing his head was facing down and he was panting.
"Come on, we're almost there. Just a few more hallways-" I said as I pulled him up to stand. All the sudden, I heard a guards voice echo down the hall making me gasp.
"THERE THEY ARE! GET THEM!" One said as everyone began to panic and scream. I trie to drag Will but he was too heavy.
"Will, get up!" I yelled as the guards began to run towards us.
"Come on!" Katherin yelled as I turned to will , He began to groan and his breath was going heavy.
"Will? Are you good-" I asked as he looked up at me and gripped tight on my shirt.
"Get. Everyone. Out of here." He said as his face shook, his eyes were turning red, his skin was going grey. I gasped. He groaned in pain and about to fall but I kept him still.
"Will, no! We're not splitting up again!" I said as he gripped tighter on my shirt.
"Fucking listen god dammit! I'll meet you all by the lab!-" he snapped as all the sudden he let me go and fell down to the ground. He began to growl and groan. He planted both his fists on the ground and clutched them tight together. I began to hear him scream as he was turning. The look of fear struck my face as I Heard johns voice behind me.
"Jayden! Come on!" John yelled as he grabbed my arm and dragged me down the hall. I saw Will jerk his head up and roar. All the guards stopped right in front of him making Will look at them. The guards pointed their guns at him until Will pounced on one of them making them all shoot simultaneously. They all missed Will as he bit almost every single one of them in seconds. I gasped. Everyone turned to a different hallway. Oh no...

{Project X}
I groaned and sat up from the ground. I growled as all the sudden I heard groaning from down the hall. I crossed my eyebrows and turned down the hall. A few of the guards had no helmets on them making me groan. I stood up and walked over to them.
"Hey! Why aren't you two wearing your helmets-" I said as they turned to me seeing there necks were bitten. Their skin were grey and their eyes were pure red. I gasped as they both growled and rushed towards me. I pulled out both my pistols and pulled the triggers. I shot both their heads off making them fall to the ground. I lowered my guns and crossed my eyebrows. I pushed a button in my ear.
"Sir, two of our guards were infected" I said as Kirk's voice boomed on the other line.
"WHAT?!? HOW?!" He yelled as I looked around spotting more of our guards infected running towards me. I pointed a gun towards them and shot them down,
"I don't know sir" I said as he groaned on the other end.
"kill them all!" He said as I grunted.
"What if there's too many of them-" i said as he interrupted me.
"That's an order!" He said making me grunt.
"Yes sir" I said as I pulled away from my ear and punched the wall in anger. I ended up making a hole in the metal wall making me grunt. I put one gun away and held the other in front of me and ended up jogging down the hall.

I yelled and threw a chair across the whole control room. Everyone gasped and ducked as the chair smashed to pieces on the wall. Everyone ended up looking at me terrified. I took a deep breath.
"Josh! Check the security tape from when the girls escaped." I said as he brought up the all cameras from different hallways and their rooms. Then I saw the boys room making him zoom in that camera. There was, a zombie in that room but then it turned back to normal seeing... Will. I gasped. How is that possible?!?! He can turn into a zombie and back to normal?!?
"But... how is that possible?" Josh asked as I thought for a moment.
"He got injected with something, not sure what" I said as I thought again. Could it be the syrup Victor always gave me? Wait no, the syrums he gave me made me stronger but it made me forget a few things too... I don't know what though. Or better yet I don't remember what.
I grunted and slammed my fist on the table. I pressed the button in my ear.
"Project X. I found the source. Locate and kill William Wade" I said as she responded back.
"Yes sir" she said as I pulled my hand away from my ear and looked at the cameras. The infection was now spreading in the facility. Victor is gonna kill us.

Now we were wandering around the halls filled with flesh eating humans. I groaned.
"Why'd he have to get bitten" I said as everyone sighed then once I was about to turn to a hallway, I gasped and pushed everyone back and shushed them.
"A whole bunch of them down that hallway" I whispered making John look at me.
"The lab is down there" he whispered making me grunt.
"Where's the next nearest one to this one?" I whispered making him groan.
"Its three floors above us" he said making me look down that hallway. There was another way to get there but we need to go around. I sighed and turned back to them.
"We'll go around. There's too many of them to take on. John lead the way" I said as he nodded and called clear making us all jog to catch up towards him.

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