Another one

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I was just looking around the cases until I pulled a really big one. I pulled it open seeing a big yellow bag filling the whole case. There were two paddles inside. I smiled and closed the case. I then dragged it up behind me and made my way towards the the opening under the cars until I heard a scream making my eyes widened and quickly swim under the car. Once I came to where John was supposed to be, I saw a zombie bite him on his shoulder from behind him. I pulled the case and pushed it up for it to float above the water. I quickly swam towards the zombie and kicked its head to the side letting it pull away from John. Blood had filtered the water around us making me grab John swim up to the surface. I gasped as reached the surface. I looked at John as his eyes were slowly closing.
"HELP!" I yelled.

It's been a while since John and Will went down there. All the sudden I heard
"HELP!" Will yelled making me gasp and stand up from the wing and run towards the body of the plane and climbed up into it. I looked down at the hatch seeing Will was holding John. Blood was flowing around them, growing bigger every second. I gasped.
"Oh no" i said as I reached down and grabbed John's arm and pulled him up out of the hatch resting him onto the ground beside me. I pulled his legs out and let him lay there on the plane. I felt tears fill my eyes making me cover my mouth seeing John was bitten on his shoulder. Blood was spilling out.
"Josh! Katherin!" I called out as I heard them climb up onto the body of the plane. Josh gasped meanwhile Katherin screamed making her run over to John and hold his hand.
"John! What the hell happened to you?" Katherin asked as I looked back at Will seeing him crawl out of the hatch.
"What happened?! I asked making me look at Will.
"I saw him get bitten by a zombie!" Will said making me look at John.
"Katherin rip off your sleeve off" I said making her rip her long sleeve off and hand it to me. I lifted John's shoulders up and rested them on my knees. I ripped the part of John's shirt where he was bitten. The bite was horrifying. I gagged. I looked around in my pocket and pulled out a pocket knife. I flicked up the knife part and scratched it up against the plane creating a spark and lit the cloth I had. It lit up making me lean the fire up against John's shoulder. The fire burnt John's bite hearing John scream and shake. Katherin held him down.
"NO! STOP! IT HURTS!" John screamed making Will grab his other arm and push it down.
"This is gonna stop it from bleeding! Now hold still!" I cried out as his skin was sizzling as the flame touched his skin. John continued to scream. The flame was spreading throughout the entire cloth and it reached me hand making me scream and pull it away from John's skin and wrapped the burning cloth in a ball making me scream feeling my hand burn and threw it into the ocean. I held my breath. Parts of my hand were burnt. I panted still feeling the pain.
"Eunice?" Katherin asked making me look down at the ocean. I jumped off the body of the plane and landed on the wing and dipped my hands in the water. I screamed again feeling the cold water wrap around my burnt hands. I put my head over down on my knees as I kept my hands in the water. The pain slowly went away making me slowly take deep breaths.

John's bite was no longer bleeding, but he was still screaming in pain making me hold him down. I gasped as I saw John's skin start to change. Oh no. My eyes began to water even more as I saw John's eyes start to glow red making me scream.
"No! John!" I screamed as John let out a roar making Will grunt and Josh hold down John's legs. I kept his one arm down as John began to squirm in his zombie form. He was growling and using all his strength to try and get out of our grip. I was struggling, I couldn't hold him down anymore until all the sudden he let his arm loose from my grasp making him sit up and push Will with all his strength seeing Will fly up into the air and fall down into the ocean. I gasped and landed on my back a few steps away from John. I saw John pick Josh up by the neck and toss him into the ocean. John then rose up from the ground, looked up and let a roar come out of his lips. His body began to grow bigger making my eyes widened. My elbows rested on the ground on each side of me while my knees were up in front of me. I looked at John seeing him now over 7 feet tall, with a much bigger, stronger body. He sniffed the air then jerked his attention to me. I gasped as he growled and ran over to me. I panicked and cried. He came right up to me and picked me up by the collar. He raised me up into the air and looked at me. I squirmed and looked down at him. He was glaring at me, his fury red eyes just staring at me making me gasp. He was about to throw me making me scream.
"John!" I screamed making me shut my eyes. I waited for him to throw me into the water until all the sudden. Nothing happened. I opened my eyes seeing John just stare at me, not a death glare or anything but He was just looking at me. Tears were streaming down my face but I was silent. What is he doing? I looked into his eyes seeing the real John in his eyes. He slowly put me down making me look up at him. I crossed my eyebrows. Does he know it's me? He leaned his hand over towards my cheek and touched my cheek with his thumb. I was afraid but once I saw his eyes, I knew It was really John. Then I heard someone cut something making me gasp and look up at John. He was just standing still until all the sudden, I saw him fall back and land onto the plane. I jumped as soon as he hit the ground and saw Eunice panting, standing next to John with a pocket knife in her hand. It was covered with blood. She dropped it.
"Fucking dull ass knife" Eunice said making her walk over to John and grab his hand. She then grunted and pulled his arm over his chest with all her strength and then pulled it all the way across his body making him roll over onto his stomach. I gasped seeing an "X" cut deep on his entire back. Eunice then jumped up onto the back and peeled one part of the x open and the rest making me gag and turn around to the ocean and puke. I wiped my mouth and turned back to Eunice seeing her take a deep breath and stick her hands into the dead corpse making me gag again. She was struggling and then I heard her pulling something. I stood up and saw her holding a hand, a very bloody, and human hand. I gasped as she then wrapped that hand around her shoulder and pulled out the body covered with blood out of the back of the zombie. I gasped seeing it was, the real John, all covered in blood and stuck to the carcass. All the muscles of the zombies body was sticking to John's body making Eunice pull John out from the body and down onto the ground. She laid him down making me run to John and fall to my knees. I put my head over his chest and heard a heartbeat. I gasped and smiled. I looked up at Eunice seeing her panting slowly. Blood all over her. She then looked at the rotting zombie corpse and began to push it towards the edge of the plane and kick it off seeing it splash into the water. Water had crashed onto Eunice, soaking her wet making me cover my mouth to keep me from laughing. Eunice had her eyes closed hearing her sigh. Water had streamed down her face.
"I really hate water" she said making me laugh. I then heard Josh and Will grunt and climb up onto the plane.
"Where? The fuck is he?!?" Will yelled making him cross his eyebrows and saw that it was only me, Eunice and normal John on the plane. He looked around.
"Where was that monster that threw me and Josh overboard into the ocean?" Will asked making me laugh and look down at John sleeping beside me.
"He's right here" I said making Will and Josh kneel down beside him.
"Is he alive?" Josh asked making me nod.
"He grew into a big monster didn't he? Why does his shirt and jeans still fit him?" Josh asked making me look at Eunice.
"Eunice cut the zombie open and pulled John outta the body" I said making Eunice look at me.
"What?" Josh asked making me point at the bloody knife on the ground.
"Yea, using that" I said making Will pick it up.
"This is a dull ass knife how did she manage to cut that thing open?" Will mentioned making me shrug. Eunice then answered.
"It's called Improvising." Eunice said making me laugh. Eunice then kneeled down beside me.
"Well, we have another person who can turn into a zombie" Eunice said mentioning John.
"Wait how did you know John's body was in that zombie?" I asked making Eunice answer.
"John has the ability to turn into a zombie type called Giant. Only way to kill them is by cutting an 'X' on their back or just shooting their heads off. I only had a knife so I cut his back. And to answer your question specifically, i didn't" she said making me gasp.
"That makes no sense, you pulled him out looking like you knew" I said making her shake her head.
"I didn't know his body was in there so when I cut him, I thought that he might have the same abilities as Will so when I peeled him open looking around, i just spotted John inside. I figured he was controlling or sleeping inside the body. So now we know, John can now also turn into a zombie, or better yet, a Giant. " she said making me look at John. Then Will punched the ground.
"I knew I shouldn't have left him alone! Now he's a fucking monster like me" Will yelled Making Eunice look at him.
"It's not your fault" Eunice said making Will grunt.
"I left him alone! It is my fault!" Will yelled making Eunice glare at him.
"You left me And Katherin alone with Josh?! I'd say that was even more worse than this! Josh could have killed us if he wanted to!" Eunice said making Will go silent.
"But he wouldn't turn you into a zombie now would he?" He asked making Eunice go silent. I stood up.
"Would you two just stop arguing?!? Oh my god I've had it up to here with your nonsense yelling!! Honestly you guys sound like an old married couple!" I yelled making them both look at each other and look away.
"You two arguing is not gonna solve anything! Legit nothing! This was no ones fault! You know what, shit happens and all you guys just gotta move on and deal with what happened!! We dealt with Will turning into a zombie and trusting both Eunice and Josh! We also dealt with this entire apocalypse happening and had started 2 fucking years ago! I'm pretty sure we can deal with John also turning into a fucking zombie!" I snapped making them both look at me and stay silent. I sighed.
"Now, without arguing again.Will, did you find the inflatable raft?" I asked making him nod.
"Good, now go with Josh to go get it and whatever else you took along the way" I said making Will walk over to the hatch with Josh. I looked at Eunice seeing her walk over to the edge of the plane at the very tip of the plane and just stand there, looking at the setting Sun. With all the shit that's been happening, I never realized the sun was setting. I sighed and walked over to her. I stood right beside her looking ahead to the sun set.
"Look, I didn't mean to yell-" I said making her sigh.
"Don't apologize, me and Will fight all the time, I actually thank you to putting it to a stop" she said making me look at her.
"Why do you and Will always fight anyway? Do you guys dislike each other or something" I asked making her shrug.
"No, I always mess up and say stuff without even thinking sometimes, then it always leads to an argument" she said making me sigh.
"Ok come on, don't put all the blame on yourself, I bet Will does the same thing" is aid making her sigh.
"Doesn't matter, it always ends up as an argument." She said making me turn to the Sunset. Then I saw Eunice look at me.
"Why'd you compare me and Will to an old married couple? They don't argue do they?" She asked making me look down and put my hand over my face and laugh.
"What did I say something funny?" Eunice asked without smiling making me look at her.
"What? Old married couples argue all the time, well I don't know that cause I've never been married but in almost every movie I've seen, they argue a lot" making Eunice cross her eyebrows.
"Still don't get why you'd compare us to an old married couple" she said looking back at the sun.
"You're a woman and he's a man, you were both arguing? And what is an old married couple? An old man and a woman, with a basic fact, they argue" I said making me roll my eyes.
"Do I really need to explain this to you?" I asked making her shrug.
"Sorry for being clueless" she said turning around and walked over towards the hatch making me glare at her.
"What's not to understand?! I said it perfectly clear?!" I whined making me jog to follow her.

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