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I turned to Eunice and saw something completely shocking and beautiful. She-she's SMILING!! I blinked a few times.
"Eunice?" Jewel asked breaking the silence and Eunice snapped out of her thoughts and went back to a straight face.
"Huh?" She asked making us all gasp and groan disappointed.
"NO!!" We all screamed in unison. Eunice jumped back a bit on the couch.
"Dammit Jewel!" I said making her scream and wipe her face.
"I didn't mean to! I thought she would keep smiling!" Jewel screamed making us all groan.

I smiled, dammit. Ok I need to be more careful now. Why the hell did I smile!? All of the sudden I heard yelling from all the way downstairs at the main entrance. My eyes widened and I immediately ran towards the windows near the lounge area on this floor. I pushed open the window and looked down. The roads were pretty quiet but there was a lot of zombies up against the wall. I then narrowed my eyes to a few moving objects running down the road towards the hotel. My sight had seemed to have zoomed in towards those moving objects seeing Will, Muslim, Jayden, Josh, Rencie and Kirk. I gasped and saw a huge wave of runners, making their way towards the guys behind them. With Josh and Jayden behind the rest of the guys, they turned around every few second to shoot but I can tell they were running out of Ammo. Shit. I pulled myself back in.
"Lets go! The guys are in trouble!" I said making the girls gasp. We all immediately ran towards the stairwell and down to the main floor. We ran into the main lounge and grabbed our weapons. I cocked assault rifle and followed the girls out to face the wall. I hung the strap of my gun over my shoulder.
"Climb up onto that platform. And shoot over the wall." I said seeing the girls pull out ladders and lean it up against the edge of the platform. We all climbed up and spread out on the platform and leaded up against the wall with our guns sitting over the wall.
"Anyone want a sniper rifle?" Kylah called from the bottom of the ladder making me look down off the edge of the platform
"Toss 'em up" I said as she tossed up two making me catch them and hand one to Jewel and Praise. She tossed up two more and then climbed up the ladder with her own. I gave one to Dani and kept the other. Katherin and Paisley stuck with their assault rifles. I placed the rifle over top the wall and aimed. The guys continued to make their way towards u scar down the road making me close one eye and aim carefully at the first zombie storming up behind them. It looked like the zombie was about to trip. If it falls, a few of the zombies behind it will trip and tumble behind it. I took a deep breath and waited. Once my target had got into range...I pulled the trigger. The bullet had blasted out towards the target and blew a hole straight the forehead. Once it fell to the ground some of the zombies behind it had tripped over top of it and it slowed them down just a bit. I pulled the sniper down and pulled my assault rifle out and pulled myself to jump over the wall. I stepped on a zombies head making me jump over top of the heads and land on the ground. The girls had followed after me making us all run ahead towards the guys. The guys came up towards us making me drop my bag full of guns seeing the guys all pick out a gun and shoot the zombies behind us. We shot all the zombies behind the guys.
"Ok move back!" I yelled as we all continued to shoot while moving back towards the wall.

I was up front in front of everyone, farther away from the wall then the rest of them. I continued to shoot until all the sudden an Elf zombie had made its way towards my leg and bit me. I screamed and looked down. I kicked it off me and stomped on its head crushing it. I sighed and took a deep breath. Shit. Then, 3 runners had ran up towards me making me scream again seeing them tackle me down onto the ground. I dropped my gun and it had slid away on the ground. I groaned and tried to push the zombies away from me. They began to bite my arm that was pushing them away making me scream and cry out, I shut my eyes tightly trying to numb the pain away but nothing worked. I didn't care anymore. I tried to kick them off me but I started to feel the infection arise from my body, causing me to weaken.

I pulled out my knife and stabbed a zombies head and pulled the knife out. I looked over to where jewel was standing seeing she was surrounded my zombies. I gasped.
"Jewel no!!" I screamed making me drop my knife and pull out my machete and started to chop the heads of the zombies that got in my way and ran towards Jewel. She was being eaten by 3 runners. I kicked them off her. There jewel laid, her entire body was shaking and the pupils in her eyes had rolled up into her head showing nothing but the white in her eyes. White fuzz was gushing out of her mouth making me start to cry. I kneeled down to the ground and pulled her into my arms. She hasn't turned yet but she's gonna become one of them soon.

I kicked an elf away from me and chopped two of the runners heads off that came after me. There were only a few zombies left making me look around and count Everyone. I realized Kylah was kneeling on the ground with Jewel in her arms. No. I ended up running towards them seeing 5 more zombies running towards them. Kylah paid no attention to them what so ever and didn't let go of Jewel. I growled and started to shoot at them keeping them from reaching Kylah.
"Kylah! Get back to the hotel!" I yelled but all I heard from her were mild cries.
"No! I'm not leaving Jewel!" Kylah cried making me turn back to the zombies in front of me and chop their heads off.
"Kylah! She's gonna turn!" I yelled as once zombie had grabbed my arm. I grunted, before it could bite me, I punched it straight int he face and kicked it away from me.
"She not gonna turn!!!" Kylah yelled making me snarl and continue to fight the zombies back away from Kylah.

I looked down at Jewel shaking in my arms.
"Jewel? Come on. Don't do this" I said crying seeing her shake even more until she stopped and laid there. Tears were just flowing out of my eyes as soon as I saw her die right in front of me. Making me shut my eyes and just cry.

I finished off the last zombie on my side making me turn to Where Eunice had ran off to. She was fighting off the last few zombies and Kylah was holding Jewel in her hands. Kylah was crying. My eyes widened as soon as I saw Jewel's head jerk up towards Kylah, biting her neck.
"Kylah!" I screamed making Kylah scream and Eunice turn to them.
"No!" Eunice yelled as she kicked the zombie off her and ran towards Kylah. I immediately ran towards the three of them.

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