That was toture...

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I was laying in my bed. Our room dark cause it was night. The girls were asleep. They were crying earlier right after the test. We lasted about an hour and a half. It was horrible. I sat up and looked at the girls in their beds asleep. I looked out the window to the hall seeing Paisley and kylah looking through. I gasped. They then walked in and closed the door. I growled and picked up a fork from my last serving.
"Stay back!" I snapped making them both gasp.
"Praise, we're not gonna hurt you-" paisley said making me snap.
"No! I can't trust anyone one of you guys in this facility! Stay back!" I snapped making Kylah take a deep breath.
"Look, we just got here and I know what they did to you was horrible but, I swear to you...we're not here to hurt you" paisley said making me slowly lower the fork down.
"Look we don't have much time...the boys are about to move onto their next test...thank god john is planning on getting them out" paisley said making me cross my eyebrows.
"John?" I asked

I screamed as I felt Will choking my neck with his arm wrapped around my neck and his legs wrapped around my arms. I couldn't move.
"Will! Stop! Let me go!" I gagged as he grunted as then Muslim pulled him off making me fall to my knees and breath.
"Will, please listen-" I coughed as Will yelled with Muslim holding him back.
"Why the fuck are you working here?!? Why the fuck are we in here!?!" He yelled as I stood up and shushed him.
"Shut the fuck up! I'm trying to help you!" I whispered yelling making him glare at me. "Trust me paisley and Kylah will get you out of here"
"Why in the living hell would I trust you!?" He yelled making me sigh.
"I don't like it here as much as you do" I said making him roll his eyes.
"I don't like it here at all" Jayden said making me agree. It was silent making will grunt.
"If we end up here again...I'm gonna kill you"he said making me sigh.
"Now keep quiet..." I said making me lead them out of their room.

We lead the girls out of their room as we slowly walked down the halls.
"Aren't there cameras?" Dani whispered making me look at her.
"Kylah disabled the camera for a few minutes. We will meet up with the boys soon. This way" I said as we turned down the hall. I gasped seeing guards right at the end of the hall. I gasped and pushed them to a small space in the wall. I looked seeing John at the very end of the hall behind the guards. I signalled him making him nod. I then walked out and jogged over to the guards.
"They escaped! What are you doing?!?! Go find them!" I yelled making the guards run down the hall. Kylah stood in front of the girls so they won't see them. Then once the guards turned I called Kylah and gestured her follow. I then turned seeing John and the guys meet up. The girls needed up hugging the guys.
"You guys ok?" Will asked making them nod.
"Ok let's get the fuck out of here-" I said as I gasped feeling a needle strike my back. I groaned and fell to my knees.
"Paisley!" The voices around me mumbled making me look around and fall into Katherin's arms.

Paisley was struck by a needle. I took it out of her back. It was green. The Knock out syrum. It turns their sight blurry and then passes out. I then saw more needles strike every one of my friends making them all fall. I gasped and looked down the hall. A girl all in black clothing with a mask covering the bottom half of her face. Her hair was black, short and straight. Her hair split in the middle of her head. Her hair was until the collar of her shirt. It was short but it suited her. I crossed my eyebrows as her eyes looked familiar. She then pointed a silver gun at me. My eyes widened as she pulled the trigger. She shot me right on my arm. I coughed and fell to my knees. I shook my head blinking. My eyesight was blurry. I then yanked the needle out of my arm and looked at the girl. I then fell to the ground.


I gasped waking up making me sit up on the ground in a room once again. I groaned.
"Wills awake" paisley said making me turn around. Paisley, Kylah, Dani, Katherin, Praise, jewel, John, Muslim and Jayden were all in the room with me. I crossed my eyebrows.
"Why are we in the same room?" I asked making John sigh.
"They don't trust us in different rooms. It means they have to keep an eye on two different rooms so...we're all in one room" he said making me look down. Then a sting came to my arm again. I groaned and held onto my bandage.
"Woah will you ok?" Paisley asked making me shake my wrist.
" arm was numb...pins and needles" I said making them nod. Then a voice came up on the speaker in the corners of the room.
"Ugh will you guys stop escaping!" Kirk said making me chuckle.
"Out smarting you dumbass" I mumbled making the gang giggle.
"Ay! I can hear you!" He snapped making me look at the mirror across the room. I put up the middle finger.
"Fuck you!-" he said until I heard another voice in the background.
"Kirk!" He boomed making Kirk groan.
"You guys are going through another test" he said making me stand up.
"What?! You've tested us enough today!" I snapped making him groan.
"Shut up! We're following Victor not you!" He snapped as his voice disappeared. I groaned. Then a bunch of guards opened the door and jumped at each of us.
"Hey! Watch it!" Katherin snapped as they cuffed her. Then as a guard rushed towards me, I punched him giving me a clear exit. I ran towards the door until two guard tackled me down. I grunted making them cuff my arms. They pulled me up to stand.
"Come on...don't make this any harder" one guard said making me groan.

They all dragged us into a white room. Everything was white in this room. It was awfully bright until I got used to it. They then pushed us to the middle of the room.
"Hey!" I snapped making them pull our guns and point it at us.
"You move...we shoot" they said making me sit still.
"Ok guys, out of the room now" Kirk said in the speaker making them leave the room shutting the door.
"What the fuck are you gonna do now!?" I snapped making him chuckle.Then there was no voice in the speaker.
"Hey! Don't leave us cuffed!-" I yelled until I heard a door slide open on the other side of the room. We all turned to the sliding door seeing it was dark inside until something emerged from the room. It was the girl. She stopped as she stepped into the room seeing the door slide close behind her. She wore black fingerless gloves, a small black jacket that was until the middle of her stomach. She wore a black shirt under the opened jacket. Her mask was still on. We can only see her eyes and nose. There was a sword behind her back and two pistols on each side of her belt. Her hands hovered each pistol on her waist. Moving her fingers slowly.
"Who is that?" Katherin asked making me look closely at her.
"She looks familiar-" I said as then the speaker came on.
"Project X, go" Victor said making us gasp as she ran towards us pulling the sword up from her back and swung it down on us. Thank god we rolled away from each other. I landed on one knee with my hands behind my back cause of the hand cuffs.
"What the hell?! How are we gonna fight her cuffed?!" Dani said as Project X turned towards her making her run. Dani screamed as Katherin pulled her arms under her legs and pulled Dani out of the way. Is that Eunice? No...she's project J, or...did they clone her?
"Will watch out!" Jayden said as I lost focus and she headed straight toward me making me gasp and dive forward under her legs and slid across the floor.
"How the hell are we gonna do this?" John asked making me look around. I spotted a knife on the ground...I think She dropped it on the ground when she ran towards us. Then I heard footsteps coming towards us making me turn seeing her running towards us. I ducked as she swung her sword at me. I dove again towards the knife and ended up sliding across the floor. I pulled my arms under my legs and grabbed the knife in front of me. I then picked the lock with the knife setting me free.
"John!" I said as I tossed the knife at him landing on the ground beside him. He took it and unlocked himself.
"Get everyone else!-" I said as I grunted seeing her tackle me to the ground. I pushed her off me making her slide on the ground on one knee. I got to my feet seeing her run towards me with her sword. I gasped and grabbed a chair behind me and blocked myself with it. The sword cut the chair leaving me with one of the legs of the chair. I screamed seeing her swing the sword at me again but I blocked it with the wooden leg. I then kicked her stomach making her push back.
I turned to see everyone was free then I was tackled again by the girl making me grunt.

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