Part 18 - Suspicious

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"What do you mean you need to take a break?" I yell as he walks down the hallway. It's been two months since we started dating and the closeness we felt then is beginning to drift as his ex continues to hold her place between us. "You can't tell me that you love me one day and then ask for a break the next!"

"I just need some time, this is moving so fast and..." he says before I cut him off.

"I saw the messages! I went through your phone while you were asleep. I knew you were talking to her and I had to see what she was saying for you to treat me like you have over the past month," I reply angrily. "One minute everything is fine and the next you are pushing me away. Just make up your mind!"

I've tried my best to give him the time he needs to get over her but I can't take it anymore. His behavior triggered my suspicious thoughts and, although he had refused to see her that first weekend after they broke up, he continued to answer her texts and check on her often. The texts were innocent enough but I could tell he still wasn't sure he had made the right decision. The texts talked a lot about the "what ifs" and missing each other. I had only checked his phone one time several days ago, but that was enough to break my heart.

"I still love her! You can't tell me to just drop it like it didn't matter. Three years! I was with her for three years! I can't stop my feelings overnight," he snaps.

I'm angry but, more than that, I'm hurt. I've done everything in my power to make him forget her but all of my actions are thrown to the side as soon as something reminds him of her. Things can be perfect, we can be so incredibly happy and then...not.

"I know it's going to take some time to get over her but you throw it in my face every day!" I yell as I walk into the kitchen. My mind is swimming and I'm not sure what to say. I know breaking up with her was the hardest thing he has ever done but he made that decision. He chose me. Or at least, I thought he had chosen me.

"Just give me a few days. Let me figure things out," he sighs and walks over to me.

I sit down at the kitchen table and lower my head. I don't want to look at him right now.

He groans and throws himself into the seat beside me, "She's back in town for the weekend."

Thanks for reading One Day! I try to post each weekday and look forward to where this story takes us as it is a work in progress.

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