Part 26 - A Change

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Weeks go by and I settle into somewhat of a routine. School starts back and between that and both of us working full time, Jace and I don't see each other as much as I would like. Drama still seems to follow us and I just can't shake the feeling that we aren't even close to being finished with both of our pasts.

It's after 2:00 in the morning when I walk through the back door trying to be as quiet as possible. I walk straight to the bathroom and peel off my grease covered uniform and jump in the shower to wash away the hamburger smell and ice cream stickiness from the busy night at Sonic. I've worked there for five years and grow more frustrated with it each day. I need a break. My grades are slipping but I make great money and refuse to give up my 40-50 hours per week.

I sneak into bed trying my hardest not to wake Jace. I set my alarm and realize that I'm only going to get four hours of sleep before I have to get up to go to school. I sigh and curl myself up when he stirs.

"Hey, babe." He kisses my forehead and pulls me into his arms. "How was work?"

I'm exhausted but we really haven't seen each other in two days. How is it possible to live in the same house and not see each other? "It sucked. We were so busy for a Thursday."

"Get some rest," he says as he closes his eyes.

"I think I'm going to find something else," I say surprising myself. I'm not one for change and normally stick things out to the bitter end. "I need something with less hours so I can focus on graduating."

He's half asleep as he mutters, "Okay..."

I drift off to sleep wondering what in the world I'm doing with my life. I just abruptly changed my major in my junior year of college from something that I dreamed my whole life I would be doing and now I've decided to change jobs out of nowhere. My decision-making skills are questionable, at best.


I'm driving home from school the next day with the thoughts on quitting my job no clearer than they were the day before. I'm passing businesses and wondering what it would be like to work there. I pull into a shopping center to grab a pizza for a now very late lunch and quickly decide to run into CVS to see if they are hiring. That would be a fun job, right? They close earlier than midnight, open later than five in the morning and I could use my spare time to actually study.

I walk through the door and look around to find an employee to ask for an application. I don't immediately see anyone so I walk to the front counter and look down at the array of candy bars thinking that maybe I would indulge in a kit-kat. I lay it on the counter as a middle-aged lady walks to the front and smiles.

"I'll be right with you," she says as she rounds the counter, a little flustered. I see that her badge says store manager. "We are a bit short handed today so I'm doing it all," she laughs.

"Are you hiring?" I say as I grab my wallet out of my purse and smile to let her know that I'm not being sarcastic.

She nods, "We actually are. Would you like an application?"

"That would be great. I'm still trying to decide if I want to make a change but I'll fill it out and we can see what happens," I say as I take the application from her. "I'll return it tomorrow. I just live five minutes up the road."

She smiles again. "I'll be here tomorrow so just ask for me when you come in. My name is Mindy."

"Thanks, again!" I say as I head out the door to the pizza shop one door over and grab my food.

My phone is ringing as I walk back to my car, pizza in hand. I struggle to get my door open while trying to balance the pizza and reach for my phone in my back pocket. I flip it open and pull it up to my ear before looking to see who it is.

"I'm moving in!" is all I hear as the phone slides off my shoulder and skids across the ground.

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