Part 39 - Breakfast

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My anger is still fuming as I get ready for bed and settle in for the night. I plug my phone in and pull the covers over my head and block out the sound of the television in the living room where Jace is sleeping for the night. I hear my phone ding and I reach my hand out from under the covers, keeping them pulled over my head as I bring my phone in my blanket fort. I'm not surprised to see a text from Jacob.

Jacob: You get my message?

I realize that in the midst of mine and Jace's fight, I never responded to Jacob's text.

Me: Yeah, sorry. You didn't make me uncomfortable.

Jacob: Ok, just making sure. Sleep well.

I want to tell him about mine and Jace's fight but letting him that close to my personal life would not be beneficial to anyone involved.

Me: Good night

I roll over and tuck my phone next to my side as I drift to sleep.

I wake up a few hours later to Jace's warm body beside me. My eyes flutter open and it takes me a moment to fully comprehend and remember that I'm angry with him. He looks so peaceful and I can't help but stare at his resting face. The moonlight seeping through the window behind him is casting eerie shadows across our room as I watch his shoulder slightly raise with every breath. How can this man that I love with every fiber of my being make me so angry?

He brings out the best in me on most days – always encouraging me to be a better person, making me try things that I wouldn't have dreamed of doing prior to dating him, and supporting me in whatever venture I set out to do. But then there is the bad side that he digs his nails into and drags out of me more than I care to admit. He argues with me over the stupidest things – not giving up until I'm crying on the floor or walking away. He knows all the things to say that cut me the deepest and he's not afraid to use them to prove a point or get me to my lowest to get his way. Most of all, he is still holding on to a girl that he chose to leave but still continues to have this strange hold on him that he can't get over.

But, I love him. Man, do I love him. My stomach turns just thinking about not being with him and I can't imagine a future without him. The good outweighs the bad so no matter how angry he makes me or how frustrated I grow with his inability to fully commit himself to me, I'm sticking it out.

I roll over to face the wall as I feel his arm wrap around me. He pulls me towards him in his sleep and I let him hold me. Although I'm angry, I can't stay mad at him. At least in this argument he was fighting for me.

I have to be at work the next day to open the store at 10:00 but my eyes are not wanting to open as my alarm rings in my ears, loudly alerting me that it is 8:30 in the morning and I'm still not out of bed. I find my phone buried underneath my pillow and turn it off without opening my eyes. I groan as I stretch my legs across the bed, surprised when I don't feel Jace's legs next to mine. I open my eyes and glance beside me to an empty bed and my mind quickly takes me back to the night before. Did I dream that he came to bed? The sound of a cabinet opening in the kitchen and a pan being placed on the stove lets me know that he is at least still in this house but I'm not sure of his mood or what I will find once I enter the kitchen.

I decide to go against everything I would normally do which would be to walk straight to the kitchen and apologize for the night before whether it was my fault or not and go about the day like nothing happened, and instead take my time getting ready. I take a long shower – taking extra care in both shampooing and conditioning my hair – slowly peruse my closet looking for the best possible outfit to wear for the day, decide to actually fix my hair instead of just putting it in a messy braid, and take a few extra minutes to dab on some makeup before the smell of bacon forces my stomach to growl. I guess I can't control hunger.

I walk into the kitchen to see a steaming plate of pancakes and eggs in my normal place at the table. I watch as Jace walks away from the stove with a plate of bacon in his hands and takes his normal spot across from me at the table.

He smiles as I stare at him trying to decide if I'm still mad at him.

"Eat," he says nodding towards my food. "You've got to be to work in 30 minutes so you don't have much time."

I oblige and use the food as an excuse not to talk. We sit in silence the entire meal, the tension and suspense growing with every passing minute. I stand to take my now empty plate to the sink and am surprised when Jace stands with me. I know for a fact that he is not just going to have one serving of food.

I place my plate in the sink and turn to head to get my stuff to leave for work and I run right into Jace's chest. His arms immediately go around my back to steady me and he doesn't let go. He leans into my face while I stand frozen in place waiting for his next move.

"I'm sorry," he whispers. I don't respond.

"Lay, please." He continues as I stay still. "I said I'm sorry. I don't know what got into me last night and I didn't know how to handle thinking that you were going to leave me."

I push out a puff of air as my only response.

"I'm fine with you talking to Jacob, really I am. And I see what an ass I am for making such a big deal about it. You're right – everything you said last night – you are completely right. I'm a hypocrite."

I nod my head. "How does that feel?" I say.

He scrunches his brows together. "Huh?"

"How does it feel to say that I'm right?" I can't hide the small smile that is playing on my lips. Why can't I stay mad at this man!

His smile is guarded, unsure of what to make of me. "I love you," he says as he ducks his head to kiss me.

I push him away playfully and he lets me go. "I love you. But stop being a jerk." I'm trying to be stern but my tone just doesn't get there. "I mean it," I say pointing at him.

He laughs and I shuffle past him away from his reaching hands. "No," I giggle as I run down the hallway. "I'm still mad at you!" I yell as I grab my phone and purse. He's still trying to pull me into a hug as I make my way outside.

"Go buy a new door. I expect it to be fully installed by the time I get home!" I yell over my shoulder as I get into my car and head to work.

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