chapter 19 : she is back

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"what do you want?" Adem asked looking confused about what ice cream flavour he should chose, " chocolate for me ".

"i'm taking the same thing" he replied giving the waitress a polite smile, but it seems like she doesn't understand what POLITNESS means because she was cheking him from head to toe.

" thank you" i practicly shouted raising an eyebrow at her,every one seemed to get my message to this girl because they all started laughing .

" you seem wild girl" Katie started recovoring from her laugh, " i.. um we're n..." i started to explain when adem cut me " that's what i like about her".

my eyes winded, what the hell is he doing ? he leaned a little bit closer to me and whispered "  can you pretend to be my girlfriend, i really don't want to look like a looser", i winked to show my confirmation.

we started to talk about a little bit of everything, katie and Nate were so nice with me and they were just perfect for each other.

Adem told them a couple of lies about how we met and how long we've been together and i couldn't do anything but go along with him.

i really really, really  loved being his fake girlfriend, what if i was his real one? that would give me a heart attack from happiness and i would never take it.

there was just a thing that really bothers me, a really gorgeous blond girl kept looking very intensly at Adem, he didn't even notice her watching him so it's stupid that it bothers me.

after a while the girl stood up and made her way towards us,she had long blond hair that falls into perfect curls,her eyes were big and blue.

" hey adem" she began and gave him this cute smile that defently comes across as flirty, adem turned around to face her and his eyes winded in shock," hey Anya " Adem replied and then stood up to give her a quick hug.

WTF ANYA, you must be fucking kidding me every thing was just perfect until his FIRST love came into the picture, why ? i just wanted to spend a nice day with him,but no i would never have that.

Adem looked at me suddenly trying to gauge my reaction but i didn't meet his eyes, the girl started to hug eveyone, i guess she knew them very well from the way she was talking to them.

"This is Sofia" Adem said nervously,he's such a douche bag, he was lying 30 minutes ago about me being his girlfriend but he couldn't introduce me to her.

Katie cleared her throat loudly and said "she is his girlfriend", Well i'm actually in LOVE with this girl.

"Aw..really, Well nice to meet you i'm Anya" she gave me what looks like a forced smile,GOD , why did he even love her? ( and No i'm not jealous because she is perfect ).

" i saw you over here and thought i should say hi, i'm here with my friend, i'm sure they would want to say hi to you too but you seem busy right now" she suggested and placed a hand on Adem's arm, you little SLUT.

"you should guys join us" he gave her a smile and i can see that he really likes what she's doing right now, just give me one reason not to kill her right now, " you don't mind right?" he looked at me wanting confirmation, you already asked her why do you even care about me?, i just nodded.

for the next ten minutes or so i tried to keep calm and do my best to ignore them, Katie seemed to understand everything," Can you Come with me to the ladys bathroom?" Katie questioned making it more like an order.

i gave her a nod then i followed her," i know you're upset, i hate her as much as you do believe me" katie started and rubbed my back to comfort me, " you know Adem is like my little brother and i really care for him, Anya was his first love and she hurt him. pleas don't do the same thing for him"

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