chapter 21 : Summer

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  • Dedicated to Serine Malina

Dedicated to The amazing Serine <3 happy birthday Sweetheart :) i love you !

   This summer is going to be Crazy,reckless and more wrong than right, esspecialy when the one i love is going to be by my side.

i was in the car with my amazing aunts and my beautiful little sister, actually i consider them as my best friends.

There is jojo the youngest one, a beautiful 23 years old with long brown hair and hazel eyes, Lauren a gorgeous blond and Nicole,the sexiest brunette ever. i wish that  i looked like one of them.

a Text message cut my thoughts, it's from my sweetheart. well i can't actually consider him as my sweeheart because we didn't Defind the relationship, everything was just perfect we talked everyday on the phone and facebook. and i don't need NORMAL talking by saying we talked. he was saying really cute and adorable things for me.

Are you there yet? i can't wait to see you. 

That's what i mean by cute things,wait i Still didn't say  the most important thing!

ADEM AND I ARE GOING TO SPEND THE SUMMER VACATION TOGHETHER! Haha i know right, and yes i'm the happiest person on earth.

well we are not actually going to spend it toghether together, my grand parents have a beach house and we go there each year, Adem toled me that they have a house there too, it's about 2 kms away so we're going to see each other practically every day.

20 minutes left. i replied.

" if you don't put this Phone away, i'm going to throw it from the window!" Nicole threatned me.

"just a sec".

"Are you still texting you Friend with benefits?" Jojo questioned, " you have to be a little bit hard to get, i keep teatching you but you never learn'.

"he is not my friend with benefits okay" i replied putting the phone away.

"that's why you were talking to him until 5 AM with your sweet innocent tone, i heared you last night" lauren teased me.

"They didn't defind the relationship" my sister whispered out loud, she always does that to me.

" Then you shouldn't talk to him anymore, guys hate commitment and he can't stay like this for long" nicloe told me,her eyes focused on the road. 

" Or you should tell him that you are sick of this and if he really likes you, he will make a move" Jojo advised.

" i'll see " i told them.

they are right, we've been doing this for two weeks and i don't know what to consider him.

we finally arrived to our destined location,i texted my father first letting him know that we are safe, then i texted Adem.

I took a shower,i put in my Blue bikini,it was my favorite and i should look sexy in it because i've been training really hard for the last 5 monthes,above it all i wore tight blue shorts and a green T-shirt.

" Sooooooooof " i heard nicole's voice yelling from down stares, " The handsome guy is here".


he is here, OMG  he is here! breath breath, everything will be fine if you RELAX!

i went down stares, i could feel my heart's beets increase. OF COURSE!

" Hey" we said simultaniously before grinning, he gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek and that's when i felt butterflys all over the place.

my aunt cleared her throwt out loud and said " I'm still here".

"Sorry" we said it again simultaniously.

"Well you don't do it when i'm not standing either okey pretty boy" she warned him with a glare.

" yes ma'am" he replied.

"ma'am! don't you ever say it again". she said with a pissed voice, " i'm just five years older that you".

"Seven" i corrected.

"same thing" she said, " we'll be there in a couple of moments so watch out pretty boy".

a cute grin appeared on Adem's face "okey".

we stepped out from the driveway when Adem started " i really really missed you".

"me..too" i replied.

We got to the beach and we walked on the sand til we found the perfect spot, Adem took off his shirt and stared at me,

"what?" he asked.

"turn around" i whisperd shyly, he laughed out loud and told me " i'll evantually see you".

" okay i won't swim" i replied and turned away from him.

"okay i won't see you, make it quick" he said with a smirk.

then i quickly took off my clothes and i tied my hair in a ponytail.

he turned to face me after that he took my hand and started running to the blue water, i didn't have a problem keeping up with him because i was a fast runner but i was worried on my hand, when he took it i couldn't feel it anymore, i guess it was melting.he makes me feel free.

The sun was high in the sky making the blue water sparkle,i swam around enjoying the cool water on my skin but Adem was no where to be found.

suddenly i felt someone catching my legs, i turned my head to meet the gorgeous eyes,he pulled me backwards, closer to him then he held by my waist and lifted me up, i struggled in his big hands.

his light brown hair was darker because of the water and his eyes were much lighter, he looked so hot.

 "Like what you see" he questioned with a cocky grin, " Na i've seen better" i replied.

"Oh really?".

"yes" i said not breaking the eye contact.

he pulled me again in the water really fast and i frowned, "why?".

"your aunts are here" he said looking dissapointed, and once again! you know the rest.

We went out of the water.

"We ruined the moment?" Jojo teased with a big grin.

"there will be other moments" Adem replied with a smirk.

all of them gave him a death glare which made him say " just kidding".

"we are going to swim, see you guys later" Lauren said pointing at Adem.

we sat on the sand looking at the beautiful sea in a comfortable silence.

"I've been wondering.." i began.

 "i know what you are going to say, and i've been thinking about it too".

i looked nervous for a couple of moments " i don't want to rush".

" i don't want that either" i replied.

"What about a Date" he mumbled.

i stayed shocked for God knows how, is this the moment that i've been waiting for?

"i mean a real date,where we can be alone.we can talk and get to know each other and i promise that i'll do my best to make it perfect". he added.

"yes,i would love that". i replied still under the shock.

"Great" He smiled," what about another swim with your aunts?".

"let's go, But no hand holding or running this time okay?".

he frowned for a moment and said "oh right, i really enjoyed it though".

we joined my aunts and we had a great time.

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