we are going to be dads!

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*Welcome to the first Janiel oneshot! I will still be posting Scomiche and PTX oneshots as well! I enjoy writing oneshots and it helps me with my anxiety. I hope you guys enjoy theses ones! Send suggestions! Love you guys! • Bree 😎*

Daniel is out working on a project with Shane, while Joey and Hope are relaxing at the house. Joey is curled up in a ball on the couch. Joey hasn't been feeling well and figured it was the food they ate when they were in New York two weeks ago.

"You haven't felt right in two weeks, Joey. Are you sure you still think it's food poisoning?" Hope asks and Joey shrugs his shoulders. Joey rolls over and Storm licks him in the face. "Thank you for the kisses, Stormy." Joey says as his pets Storm's head.

"What are your symptoms, Joey? It could be something else." Hope says as she opens her laptop up.

"Uh. I'm dizzy, especially when I stand up too fast. I feel nauseous all day. I am sleeping a lot, I feel so tired! I'm peeing a ton, everything tastes gross to me, except yogurt and some stomach cramping." Joey says.

Hope types in all of Joey's symptoms and articles about pregnancy came up.

"Joey, it says you may be pregnant." Hope says with a humongous smile. Joey sits up and runs to the bathroom, throwing up.

"How exciting is this! A Janiel baby! You need to take a pregnancy test! Do you want me to buy a few for you?" Hope asks as she rubs Joey's back and Joey nods.

"Okay! Just relax and I'll be right back!" Hope says as she heads out. Joey walks back to the couch and lays back down. Ten minutes later, Hope returns with a few pregnancy tests.

"Have you peed this morning?" Hope asks and Joey nods no. "Okay, so you just pee in the little cup and dip the test in for thirty seconds." Hope says as she reads the directions. Joey does what she says and flips the test upside down.

"One line means negative and two lines means positive." Hope says showing Joey the pictures on the back of the box. "I am so scared. What if Daniel isn't ready?" Joey says as he begins to get upset.

"Joey! Don't get upset! Daniel is so ready for this! He told me the other day he is ready and couldn't wait to start trying." Hope says and Joey smiles. "I am just so anxious about possibly being pregnant and becoming a dad." Joey says nervously.

"You and Daniel are wonderful daddies to these fur babies! You two will do just fine with a baby." Hope says as she makes Joey feel better and pets Wolf and Storm.

"Has it been three minutes yet?" Joey asks and Hope happily nods. Joey grabs the vlog camera and films himself walking into the bathroom. He flips the test over and sees two dark lines. "Oh my God! Oh my God! Hope! Hope!" Joey says as tears go down his cheeks.

Hope runs in and Joey holds up the test up. "I'm pregnant!" Joey says as Hope squeezes him tightly. "Yes! I knew it! Daniel is going to be so excited!" Hope says as she hugs Joey again.

Joey says to the camera "Daniel and I are going to be dads!" Joey turns off the camera and sits on the couch, processing the news. "We need a cute way to tell Daniel!" Hope says and Joey nods smiling.

Joey and Hope think of a cute way to tell Daniel about the pregnancy. Joey decides to write a little note for Daniel in Romanian and places it on their bed. Joey sets up the camera in the corner of the room to put in the vlog in a few months! He doesn't want to tell the fans just yet, just in case something goes wrong.

Daniel is home and is getting ready to come in. He unlocks the door and is greeted by Wolf and Storm. Hope goes into her room, while Joey waits for Daniel upstairs in their room.

"Joey! I'm home!" Daniel says from downstairs. "I'm up here! Come in our room I want to show you something." Joey says as he smiles at the camera.

Daniel walks into the bedroom. He hugs and kisses Joey. "What's this?" Daniel asks and Joey shrugs his shoulders and smirks at Daniel. Daniel kisses Joey again and Daniel walks over to the bed.

Daniel picks up the piece of paper and looks at Joey. "Read what it says." Joey says in a shy tone. Daniel opens up the note.

The note says: "Buna Papa! Nu pot sa astept sa va intalnesc in noua luni! Vei fi cel mai mare Papa vreodata! Te iubesc! - Baby Preda due in June!

Translation: Hi Papa! I can't wait to meet you in nine months! You are going to be the greatest Papa ever! I love you!

Daniel's eyes open widely and Joey gives Daniel a huge smile. Daniel walks over to Joey and hugs him tightly and Joey jumps into Daniel's arm. Joey shows Daniel the pregnancy test and they kiss passionately.

"Oh my gosh! We are going to be dads!  Oh my gosh! Hope! You are going to be an auntie!" Daniel says as he hugs Joey again.

"I know! I had to buy the pregnancy tests for Joey, he has been so sick!" Hope says as Daniel hugs her. "I'll take care of you babe, okay? I am so excited to become a parent with you." Daniel says as he kisses Joey.

"I can't wait to be a parent with you either. I feel tired right now." Joey says as he hugs Daniel. "Well, how about you take a nap, okay?" Daniel says and Joey nods.

A few months later, Joey and Daniel both post an Instagram picture announcing the pregnancy!

Joey posts a picture of him and Daniel holding an ultrasound a picture with the caption: "For those who were wondering, yes, we are expecting our first child! Our little baby is growing right on track! We are going to find out the gender in a few weeks! Baby is due in June! 👶🏼 #JanielBaby."

Daniel posts a picture of him and Joey kissing with the caption: "#BabyJaniel looking cute on the ultrasound yesterday! Joey and I are so excited to welcome our baby pig in June! 👶🏼💙💖"

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