aspen meets everett!

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*Aspen meets her baby brother for the first time! Send requests! Love you guys! • Bree🌼

Hope and Aspen are eating at the hospital's food court. Aspen is going to meet baby Everett today! Daniel finds them and begins to walk towards Aspen and Hope. Aspen spots Daniel and grins from ear to ear.

"Papa!" Aspen says as she runs to Daniel. "Hey baby girl! I missed you!" Daniel says as he gives Aspen a lot of kisses. Daniel and Aspen walk back to where Hope is sitting.

"There's the new Papa of two! How's Joey doing?" Hope says as she eats her salad.

"He just woke up from a nap not too long ago. He is really good, just a little sore. He did unbelievable. I am so so proud of him. And Everett is just perfect. Tiny but perfect!" Daniel says with a huge smile.

"I know! The pictures you sent me are adorable! My nephew is so handsome!" Hope says squealing.

Aspen eats a chicken nugget and Daniel smiles at her. "Aspen, remember there was a baby in Daddy's tummy?" Daniel asks and Aspen's face lights up. "Baby E!" Aspen says and Hope smiles.

"Yeah! Baby Everett! Well, guess what?" Daniel says. "What!" Aspen says. "Baby Everett is here, baby Everett is out of Daddy's belly." Daniel says and Aspen gets excited.

"Daddy?" Aspen says. "Daddy is with baby Everett! Once you and Auntie Hope are done eating, we can go and see them." Daniel says. Aspen and Hope finish their dinner and Daniel picks Aspen up.

"Let's go see Daddy and Everett!" Daniel says kissing Aspen's cheek twice. Aspen lays her head on her Papa's shoulder and Hope smiles.

Daniel and Hope walk over to the elevators and get on one. "Weee! Is the elevator fun?" Daniel asks and Aspen laughs. "This is going to be her favorite thing!" Hope says as she laughs.

The elevator door opens, Daniel and Hope step out. They find Joey's room, and Daniel opens the door slowly.

Joey is sitting on the bed with one of Daniel's t shirts on with leggings. "Daddy!" Aspen says loudly. "Hey! Come here! I missed you!" Joey says. "Baby?" Aspen asks.

Joey awes at Aspen looking for her baby brother. "There he is!" Daniel says walking Aspen to see Everett sleeping in his bassinet.

"What do you think?" Daniel asks. "He's toote." Aspen says. "He is cute, isn't he?" Hope says smiling and Aspen nods.

Aspen touches Everett's cheek softly. "Good girl. Do you want baby Everett out?" Joey asks. "Uh huh!" Aspen says. Daniel sits Aspen on the bed next to Joey and he picks up Everett, giving him a kiss on his cheek and changes his diaper.

Joey kisses Aspen's forehead and hugs her tightly. "I missed you! Are you having fun with Auntie Hope?" Joey asks. "Yes!" Aspen says and Hope nods.

"She played with Wolf and Storm outside, she took a nice nap and we just ate dinner. She had chicken nuggets. She loves them!" Hope says as she laughs.

"Aw, I know! That's one of her favorite foods right now." Joey says as he plays with Aspen's blonde curly hair.

Daniel hands Joey, Everett to hold. Aspen touches Everett's cheek and holds his little hand. "Good girl, Aspen. Be soft, okay?" Joey says smiling at Daniel.

"Baby Everett loves you Aspen. So does Daddy and I." Daniel says. "I wuv Every." Aspen says as she tries to say Everett's name. Joey smiles as Hope takes pictures of the special moment.

"Do you want to give baby Everett a kiss?" Joey asks and Aspen nods, leaning down to give Everett a kiss on his forehead. "Good job, Aspen. You are an awesome big sister!" Daniel says and Aspen smiles.

Joey takes Everett's hat off. "Hair!" Aspen says pointing as Everett's head. "He has a lot of hair, doesn't he?" Daniel says as he sits on the edge of the bed. Everett yawns.

"Sweepy Every." Aspen says. "He is sleepy. Babies sleep a lot." Joey says as he fixes Everett's blanket.

"He's soft." Aspen says as she holds Everett's little hand. "Yeah, he is soft! He just had a bath." Daniel says. Hope takes more pictures of Everett and Aspen together and she smiles. Aspen rubs Everett's head softly.

"Auntie Hope! Baby!" Aspen says. "That's baby Everett! Is he your baby brother?" Hope asks and Aspen nods proudly.

"Do you want to hold him?" Daniel asks and Aspen nods. "Sit on Daddy's lap, he is going to help you, okay?" Daniel says. Joey puts Aspen in his lap and Daniel puts Everett in her arms.

Everett opens his bright green eyes and looks at Aspen. "He's looking at you!" Joey says kissing Aspen's cheek. "Hi Every!" Aspen says as she kisses Everett's cheek.

"Every is my brover." Aspen says. "Everett is your baby brother, isn't he? You are doing an amazing job holding him!" Joey says. Aspen giggles as Everett stretches in his blanket. After a few minutes, Hope wants to hold Everett.

"Aspen, can Auntie Hope hold Everett?" Daniel asks and Aspen nods, kissing Everett's cheek. Daniel picks up Everett and hands him to Hope. Aspen cuddles next to Joey and Joey moves Aspen's hair out of her face.

"Here's your juice, baby." Daniel says as he hands Aspen her juice. "Thank you Papa." Aspen says as she sips her juice. "You're welcome, baby." Daniel says kissing Aspen's forehead.

"Daddy, home?" Aspen asks. "Papa, Everett and I will be home tomorrow. Are you excited?" Joey asks Aspen and she nods. Aspen cuddles with Joey and Joey kisses her head.

"He is so precious! Congratulations you guys!" Hope says kissing Everett. "Thank you!" Joey and Daniel say together.

Joey and Daniel post pictures of Aspen and Everett meeting on their Instagrams!

Joey posted a collage two pictures. One picture is Aspen kissing Everett's cheek and the second one is Aspen holding Everett and smiling. Joey puts the caption as: "Aspen is such a proud big sister! She loves to give Everett kisses. She can't wait for her baby "Every" to come home! Daniel and I are forever blessed. 💖💙"

Daniel posted a picture of Aspen holding Everett by herself and smiling. Daniel put the caption as: "Joey & I's babies met! Aspen adores Everett and we are so happy! Aspen is such a proud big sister! Thank you to Hope for taking these beautiful pictures of Joey & I's babies meeting! 👧🏼👶🏻 💖💙 #AspenHope #EverettPhoenix"

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