instagram captions #13

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*Send suggestions on what you wanna see! I hope you enjoy this! Love • Bree 💜

• These are going to be from Joey's account 🐽 they are in no typical order!

*Picture of Luna holding her lunch box and has a book bag*
- Luna's first day of Headstart! She was SO excited! I can't believe she is growing up so fast!

*Picture of Max hugging Wolf*
- Max has been practicing his reading to Wolf! Since Lark and Storm don't wanna stay still 😂 Wolf loves to sit and listen 👦🏻🐶📚

*Picture of Aspen's school picture. Aspen is standing behind a thing that says 4th*
- Aspen looks so tall and beautiful! This girl will be my height before I know it. 💜

*Picture of Joey and River laying together. River is sleeping*
- My little guy loves to do this with me everyday for nap time. Don't grow up little guy 💙👶🏻

*Picture of Everett filming a YouTube video*
- Everett is filming a toy review for all of you! He loves filming videos! 🎬🎥

*Picture of Everett and Maxwell playing Guess Who YouTube edition*
- Somebody sent us a Guess Who Youtube Edition in our P.O. box! Everett and Max love it!

*Picture of Haven sitting on Joey's lap eating frozen yogurt*
- Haven had an amazing week at preschool! They did a lot of testing to see how she is doing and Haven is so advanced! She is definitely is going into kindergarten next school year! A frozen yogurt is definitely deserved! 👧🏻🍧

*Picture of Luna and River hugging each other*
- River missed Luna today when she went to school 🧡

*Picture of River eating fruit in his high chair*
- River loves his fruit! 😍🍎🍊🍇🍓

*Picture of Joey doing a silly face*
- All the kids are out and I'm getting so much filming done! 🎥👍🏻

*Picture of Aspen texting on her phone*
- Will this girl stop growing! I can't believe how much she has changed lately! She is turning into a beautiful young lady 💞

*Picture of Max and Haven watching Paw Patrol together on the iPad*
- Watching their favorite show together ☺️

*Picture of Max holding Nahla's hand*
- Max's date to the school dance! Look how adorable they are 😍

*Picture of Everett holding River*
- River has been playing the pick me up game and Everett has been holding him for almost five minutes 😂

*Picture of Joey and Daniel cuddling together on the couch*
- Couch date watching Stranger Things and ice cream 😘🍧🍦

*Picture of Joey, River, Luna, Haven, Maxwell, Everett, Aspen and Daniel holding hands*
- Thank you Hope for taking these fall pictures for us in our favorite place, Montana! This is one of my favs! 🧑🏻👧🏼👦🏻👦🏻👧🏻👧🏼👶🏻🧔🏻 #TheGraceffaPredas

*Picture of Aspen wrapped around a USA flag, Romania flag, California flag, Massachusetts flag and gay pride flag she made*
- Aspen had to make a flag to represent her for an art project in school. Maria helped her sew this beautiful flag! There is a gay pride flag because she has two dads, a California flag to represent the state she was born in, a Massachusetts flag to represent where Daniel and I grew up, a Romanian flag for her Romanian heritage, and a USA flag because she is American. 🇺🇸🏳️‍🌈🇹🇩

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