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*Joey, Daniel and baby Aspen go on their first shopping trip as a family! My Janiel oneshots are #100 in the fanfiction ratings? Thank you so much! Love you guys! • Bree🐽

It's been three weeks since Aspen was born! Joey and Daniel decide to do some shopping and to get out of the house. Daniel clicks the car seat into the stroller.

"You need help, Joey?" Daniel asks and Joey nods no. Joey grabs the diaper bag and puts it in the stroller. Joey checks on Aspen and she is sleeping.

Joey finally feels like himself, other then still being a little sore. Joey is back to his pre-pregnancy weight which he is happy about.

Daniel and Joey decide to buy Aspen some newborn size clothes, since she is still on the tiny side and all the clothes they have are size three months and up.

Daniel pushes the stroller and Joey holds Daniel's other hand. "She is so cute when she sleeps." Joey says as he fixes Aspen's blanket.

Joey and Daniel walk in and they head to the baby clothes section. "She needs onesies and socks, Danny." Joey says.

"Let's find you some cute onesies, baby girl." Daniel says as he looks at the clothes.

Aspen opens her eyes and looks around at the store. Women in the store go up to the stroller and awe at little Aspen.

"She is so precious!" One lady said. "How old is she?" Another one asks. "She just turned three weeks old yesterday." Daniel says proudly.

"Congratulations to you both! You guys look like amazing dads." Another lady says as she waves at Aspen. "Thank you very much!" Joey says.

Joey smiles at Daniel and he smiles back. "Look how cute this one is with the little bear in it!" Joey says. "Aw! I love this mint green one too, babe." Daniel says and Joey nods.

"Look at little these clothes are! You are so tiny huh, baby girl?" Joey says smiling at Aspen. Joey kisses Aspen softly and she yawns.

Joey and Daniel buy six onesies for Aspen. They look around to see if they need anything else for Aspen. "Do you think we need anything else, Danny?" Joey asks and Daniel nods no.

"I think we have everything babe. Oh! Another pack of wipes and diapers. We are running out of small diapers. Daniel picks up a box of diapers and wipes for Joey. "Thank you, babe." Joey says with a smile.

Aspen begins to whimper. "It's okay baby, let me find your pacifier. It's okay." Daniel says as he puts the pacifier in her mouth.

Aspen calms back down and falls back asleep. The cashier begins to ring up Joey and Daniel.

"She is so adorable! How old is she?" The cashier asks. "She is three weeks old. She was born two weeks early." Joey says proudly.

"Aw! Congratulations! What's her name?" The cashier asks. "Her name is Aspen." Daniel says. "That is such a beautiful name!" The cashier says as she finishes ringing them up.

"Thank you very much! We love that name." Joey says and Daniel nods. Daniel pays and they leave.

Daniel puts Aspen in the car and kisses her forehead. Daniel makes sure Aspen is secure and she is. Daniel sits in the driver's seat. Joey puts the stroller in the trunk and sits in the passenger seat. Joey checks on Aspen and smiles.

"Do you wanna go anywhere else, Joey?" Daniel asks and Joey nods no. "Unless you want to go some where baby." Joey says. Daniel nods no and holds Joey's hand.

"Aspen did really well on her first shopping outing. She is still asleep." Joey says as he checks on Aspen again. "She did! She's a shopping pro already! Everybody loves her! I never seen so many people look at a baby." Daniel says with a  smile.

"She is so perfect. She's going to be hungry soon." Joey says. Daniel drives home and Joey gets Aspen and her car seat out of the car.

"Joseph! I could have gotten her!" Daniel says. "Danny, it's fine, she isn't heavy at all. She's only seven pounds." Joey says giggling.

Daniel unlocks the door and they walk in. Joey begins to unbuckle Aspen out of her car seat and she begins to fuss.

"I'll warm the bottle we made for her when we went out." Daniel says as he walks to the kitchen.

"Aw Aspen, it's okay baby girl. Papa has a bottle all ready for you." Joey says and Aspen fusses more. Daniel walks back in and hands Joey a bottle.

"Thank you, Daniel." Joey says with a smile and begins to feed Aspen. Daniel cleans the kitchen and he walks back in and sits with Joey.

Daniel cooks dinner and they have a relaxing night at home. :)

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