welcoming aspen

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*#JanielBaby is here! Who is excited? I am! :) I hope you guys are enjoying these! Love you all! • Bree! 💖

Daniel is taking a shower while Joey is having contractions. Joey has been having contractions every ten minutes or so and didn't think he was in labor just yet. He just figured it was Braxton hick contractions. Joey feels like he has to pee.

As he gets up, a gush of water comes out. Joey's water has broken and baby Aspen is on her way! She is two weeks early! Joey hears the water turn off in the shower and be walks to the door.

"Danny?" Joey says to the door. "Yes baby?" Daniel says. "M-My water broke." Joey says nervously. Daniel opens the door and sees the water on the floor. "Is it time?" Daniel says and Joey nods as he has a strong contraction.

"Okay, okay. How about you sit down and I'll get everything in the car okay?" Daniel says and Joey nods. Daniel puts a pair of sweats and a t-shirt on. Then, Daniel runs like a mad man, getting everything in the car that they need for the hospital stay.

Joey comes down the steps as he has contractions. "You feel okay?" Daniel says. "Yeah. Bye Wolfie, Bye Stormie, we will be back with your sissy." Joey says to the dogs. Daniel gives them a kiss on the head and heads out with Joey, helping him in the car. Daniel gets in the driver seat and rubs Joey's back.

"Take deep breaths, Joey. Deep breaths." Daniel says and Joey takes deep breaths. Daniel drives the twenty minute drive to the hospital, holding Joey's hand as he has contractions.

Once at the hospital, Joey has his gown on and is laying in bed. He is 5cm dilated and is he just received an epidural to help with the pain. Daniel kisses Joey's cheek and rubs his back.

"You are doing so well, baby. I love you." Daniel says quietly. "I love you too." Joey says squeezing Daniel's hand.

The next five hours, Joey has contractions. Daniel whispers encouraging words in Joey's ear, rubs his back, and holds his hand. After that, it was time to push.

After forty five minutes of pushing, at 5:28 am, Aspen Hope Preda is born! Dr. Evans puts Aspen on Joey's chest and she cries loudly. Joey and Daniel begin to cry. "Oh my gosh, she is so beautiful! It's okay baby, it's okay!" Joey says trying to calm a very upset Aspen.

The nurse suctions Aspen's mouth and she cries more. "Here's a blanket for her, to keep her warm. She looks wonderful! She is so cute! Congratulations to you guys!" Dr. Evans says with a huge smile.

Daniel and Joey both thank her as they look at Aspen, who is trying to open her eyes. Aspen has Joey's brown hair, Daniel's lip size and eye shape. She has a button nose, with Joey's ears, and cheek shape.

"Hey baby girl. Happy birthday! You are trying to open your eyes. You are so beautiful." Daniel says whispering and rubbing Aspen's back. Daniel softly kisses Joey's cheek and Joey smiles at him, with tears going down his cheeks.

"She has so much hair! Hi Aspen, I'm Daddy! There's Papa right there." Joey says as he smiles at Daniel. Aspen has her bright blue eyes open, looking at Daniel and Joey.

"Mr. Preda, would you like to cut the baby's cord?" Dr. Evans asks. "Absolutely!" Daniel says as the nurse hands him the scissors. "Just cut between the two clamps." The nurse says and Daniel cuts the cord. "Good job, Danny." Joey says proudly.

"We are going to take her to clean her off, check and weigh her. Just right over here. Then we will bring her back. Congratulations!" The nurse says with a smile.

The nurse takes Aspen to clean, check her and weigh her. Aspen continues to cry loudly. "She has a great set of lungs on her!" Dr. Evans says as she sews Joey up.

Aspen weighs six pounds three ounces and is eighteen inches long. She is happy and perfectly healthy.

"You feel okay?" Daniel asks Joey and he nods. "I'm just tired, I am fine though. She is so adorable." Joey says sipping on his water. "She sure is! I am so proud of you, you did amazing!" Daniel says as he kisses Joey.

"Thank you, Danny. I love you." Joey says. "I love you too!" Daniel says kissing Joey's forehead. Dr. Evans brings Aspen back to Joey along with a bottle.

"Healthy baby girl! She is six pounds three ounces and eighteen inches long!" Dr. Evans says. Dr. Evans teaches Joey and Daniel how to feed and burp Aspen.

"If you guys need any help or anything just call the nurses station. I'll be back in a few hours to check on you guys! Congratulations!" Dr. Evans says shaking Joey and Daniels hands.

"You must have been hungry! Good girl." Joey says. Daniel takes a pictures of Joey and Aspen together. Joey begins to burp Aspen.

"Danny, would you like to hold your baby girl?" Joey says in a whisper. Daniel nods and Joey hands him Aspen. Daniel smiles at Joey and kisses Aspen. Joey takes pictures of the special moment.

"Look at those eyes. You have Daddy's gorgeous eyes. You are wide awake, huh? You are Daddy and Papa's princess and we love you so so much." Daniel says to Aspen and kisses her forehead.

An hour later, Joey is asleep and Aspen is asleep on Daniel's chest. Daniel has been snapping snaps on Snapchat through out Joey's labor.

Daniel posts a picture of himself holding Aspen, not showing her face with the caption "Our Princess is here!"

A few hours later, Daniel and Joey posts a picture on both of their Instagram accounts of them together and Joey is holding Aspen, announcing her birth on social media.

Joey captioned the picture: "Daniel and I's beautiful baby girl is here two weeks early! Everybody meet Aspen Hope Preda! She was born today, June 3rd at 5:28am. She weighed 6 pounds 3 ounces and is 18 inches long. We couldn't be more excited to have her here. We want to thank all our wonderful fans who have been praying and congratulating us. Videos will be postponed for a few days until we get home and settled. Love you guys! 💖 #JanielBaby

Daniel captioned the picture: "Today, Joey and I welcomed this precious baby girl into our lives! Joey did absolutely amazing, I couldn't be more proud of him. Aspen is doing extremely well, napping alongside her Daddy. She weighed 6 pounds 3 ounces and is 18 inches long. Thank you guys for all the love! Birth vlog will be up soon! Joey is getting some much needed rest! 💞

A day later, Joey, Aspen and Daniel head home! :)

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