welcoming eden

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*Baby Preda number 7 is here! I hope you guys enjoy this! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 💖*

- 11:55pm
Daniel is vlogging himself! He is wearing his glasses, a tank top and sweats. He waves happily at the camera.

"Joey just woke me up, he thinks it's baby time! It is 11:55pm on April 9th! So this baby will be an April 10th baby! I just called the midwife and she is on the way with her assistant. Aww, Wolf is here keeping Joey company." Daniel says, filming Joey and Wolf.

"I think he senses something happening." Joey says, petting Wolf's head as he breathes through a contraction.

"Good job, baby." Daniel says softly to Joey.

- 12:25am -
"Joey is four centimeters dilated now. We just called his sister Nicole and I thought she was going to pass out in excitement on the phone." Daniel says making Joey laugh loudly.

"Poor Sean fell out of bed because of her screams. She is really excited that Eden is on the way. She wants the first picture of her! So Naomi, Victoria, remember that!" Joey says as Daniel films Naomi, who is Joey's midwife and Victoria, the midwife's assistant.

"I will write it down! Auntie Nicole gets the first pic!" Naomi says with a big smile.

"Today is the day! Woohoo!" Victoria says as she waves at the camera.

"This is Joey's incredible midwife, Naomi! And this his Naomi's assistant, Victoria! If you are in the LA area and are a carrier, they are amazing midwives!" Daniel says with a grin.

"I see you promoting them! They didn't sponsor us!" Joey says as he giggles.

"They are incredible midwives so check them out!" Joey says with a grin.

Naomi and Victoria happily wave at the camera.

- 12:50am -
"Mama is up! Are you excited?" Daniel asks Maria and she nods.

"Joey is doing amazing! I am so proud of him!" Maria says as she tries to fix her hair.

"He is doing really good. I was actually born in the water as well! So that's something Eden, River and I have in common." Daniel says in a whisper as he vlogs himself.

"The dogs are so interested in what's going on!" Maria says as she pets all three of the dogs.

"We don't want them popping the birth pool." Daniel says with a giggle.

- 2:00am -
"We are walking up and down the steps to progress a little more! Getting our yearly workout in!" Daniel says making Joey giggle.

"Yeah really! The kids are all knocked out! Our kids are deep sleepers that's for sure!" Joey says as he rubs his baby bump.

"They really are! Only a few more hours with this baby bump! Come on Eden!" Daniel says making Joey giggle again.

- 2:30am -
"All that walking made Joey's water break! Woohoo!" Daniel cheers in excitement.

"But, I made a mess on the brand new carpet!" Joey says.

"It's okay! It can easily be cleaned up, don't worry! Trust me I've had carrier men's water break in the car and other crazy places!" Naomi says making Daniel and Joey giggle.

- 3:00am -
Daniel films himself holding Joey's hands. Joey softly hums through contractions.

Daniel softly kisses Joey's cheek as Joey continues to breathe through a contraction.

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