first day home with haven!

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*Send suggestions for oneshot vlogs I can do for you guys! I hope you guys enjoy! Love you guys! • Bree 👽

Joey just woke up and he begins to vlog. "Good morning everybody! Today is Thursday, December 7th. Daniel and I brought Haven home yesterday afternoon. She had a great night last night, she only woke up twice to eat and have her diaper changed. Aspen and Everett are at school right now. Hope took them to school for Daniel and I this morning, which we appreciate so much because we are very tired." Joey says with a tiny giggle.

Joey films Daniel and Haven together. Daniel is patting Haven's back. "Good morning, Papa." Joey says and Daniel smiles. "Good morning, you feel okay?" Daniel asks and Joey nods.

"She looks so little in your arms." Joey says and Daniel rubs Haven's back. "I know, she is so tiny, aren't you, princess?" Daniel says as he kisses Haven's cheek.

"Let's head downstairs, we gotta let the dogs out to go to the bathroom and I'll feed them." Daniel says as he kisses Joey.

Joey, Haven and Daniel go downstairs. Joey begins to make a bottle for Haven in the kitchen while Daniel holds her.

Daniel begins to vlog and shows Haven. Haven is awake and is looking at Daniel.

"Look who is finally awake. Good morning, angel. Max is still asleep, he usually doesn't get up until eight and it's seven thirty now. That boy loves his sleep, just like his Daddy. But Miss Haven has had a pretty good first night home, didn't you baby?" Daniel says as he kisses Haven's cheek.

Joey walks in and Daniel vlogs him. "Look how great my hubby looks! Can you believe he had a baby two days ago?" Daniel says as vlogs Joey. Joey blushes.

"I'll feed her Joey, you should sit on the couch and rest." Daniel says as Joey sits next to him on the couch as he rests. Joey films Daniel feeding Haven her bottle and turns the camera off. Daniel burps Haven.

"Here's Daddy, baby girl." Daniel says as he puts Haven on Joey's chest. "I am going to start making some breakfast, okay?" Daniel says as he kisses Joey and Haven.

Joey nods at Daniel and begins to rub Haven's back. Joey vlogs and talks about that new videos will be coming soon and that he was taking a little break since Haven's arrival.

"Haven decided to come two weeks early. I think she wanted to be here for Daniel's birthday, which is next week." Joey says as he films Daniel in the kitchen dancing.

"Haven is a Sagittarius just like her Papa." Daniel says a he walks in the living room from the kitchen. "What's for breakfast, Danny boy?" Joey asks Daniel.

"Scrambled eggs, bagels, and cinnamon rolls." Daniel says as he rubs Haven's cheek. "Yummy!" Joey says as he kisses Haven's cheek.

Daniel and Joey both hear Max on the monitor talking to his stuffed animal in his bed. Joey films the monitor of Max sitting in his toddler bed talking to his Rex (from Toy Story!).

"He is so cute. Danny, can you bring him down?" Joey asks and Daniel nods. Daniel goes upstairs to get Max and brings Max downstairs a few minutes later.

Max walks over to the living room while Daniel goes back to the kitchen. Joey smiles and begins to vlog Max.

"Good morning, Max! Did you sleep good?" Joey asks and Max nods. Wolf and Storm run in from outside and kiss Max.

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