happy halloween vlog!

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*Happy Halloween! I hope you guys enjoy this oneshot! Love you guys! • Bree 🎃

Daniel and Joey are getting ready to take the kids out trick or treating! Joey and Daniel is excited to take Haven out for her very first Halloween!

"Hello everyone and welcome to today's video! Happy Halloween! We are getting ready to go trick or treating! We are just waiting for it to get dark out. Daniel is helping Aspen get ready." Joey says as he films Daniel and Aspen, who are in the dining room.

Aspen is sitting in one of the chairs as Daniel straightens her hair. Aspen turns around and smiles at Joey. "Stay still Aspen, I don't want to hurt you." Daniel says and Aspen nods.

"Who are you going to be for Halloween, Aspen?" Joey asks Aspen as he vlogs Aspen getting her hair done.

"I am going to be Rapunzel! Papa is straightening my hair!" Aspen says with a big grin.

"Joey, can you braid Aspen's hair? You do it better then I do." Daniel asks Joey as he finishes straightening Aspen's hair.

"Of course! Let me show the boys and Haven's costumes." Joey says as he finds Max and Everett playing in the living room. They are playing with their Hot Wheel cars.

"Max is Marshall and Everett is Chase from Paw Patrol! That is the boy's favorite TV show! Right boys?" Joey says as he sits on the couch and films the boys together.

"Yes! My favorite show!" Everett says with a big smile as he hugs Joey. "Yeah! Look at my ears!" Max says and Joey giggles.

"You are such a cutie pie! So are you Everett!" Joey says as he hugs the boys.

"Let's clean up the cars, we are almost ready to leave." Joey says as he helps the boys clean up. Joey walks over to Haven, who is sitting in her playpen.

"And look at baby Haven! We decided that her first costume should be a pink elephant! Isn't she so stinking cute?" Joey says as he picks up Haven.

Haven giggles as Joey kisses her cheek. "She has gotten so talkative lately! She babbles a lot!" Joey says as he brings Haven over to Daniel.

"There's our little baby girl! You keep taking your ears off!" Daniel says as he picks up Haven from Joey.

Joey begins to braid Aspen's hair. "Daddy always does the best braids, right Aspen?" Daniel says and Aspen nods. Joey finishes Aspen's braid and kisses her cheek.

"All done, princess. Let's go get our pumpkins and let's go trick or treating!" Joey says as he kisses Daniel.

Max and Everett run to grab their pumpkins. "Don't run guys, I don't want you guys to fall on your costumes." Joey says as he grabs coats for the kids and the diaper bag.

"Let's go guys!" Daniel says as he grabs his camera. Daniel takes a few pictures of all the kids together.

Joey puts the diaper bag underneath the stroller and he puts Haven in the stroller.

"I'll push the stroller, Joey." Daniel says with a big smile. Joey blushes as Daniel kisses his cheek.

Aspen, Everett and Max walk together as they walk to the first house.

"Stay together, guys." Daniel says to the kids. Joey holds Daniel's hand and he begins to vlog.

"Alrighty! So we are trick or treating! Haven is in her stroller and the older ones are over there." Joey says as he vlogs the kids walking together.

"Maxwell Christopher! Stay on the sidewalk and hold Everett's hand, please." Daniel says to Max, who was in the road. Max holds Everett's hand.

"Thank you, bud. People go crazy on Halloween on the roads!" Daniel says to the camera.

"They really are. Haven is having a lot of fun so far! We haven't trick or treated in this neighborhood before! So let's go trick or treating! See you guys later!" Joey says as he turns the camera off.

Daniel vlogs Joey picking up Haven out of her stroller. "Be careful on the steps." Joey says.

"Trick or treat!" Aspen, Everett and Max say happily. Joey brings up Haven and Haven babbles. "Trick or treat!" Joey says and Haven smiles.

The kids trick or treated at ten houses and they saw a haunted house. "Can we go in there?" Everett asks Daniel and Joey.

"Sure! Papa will go with you guys! I'm going to stay here with Haven." Joey says. Daniel picks up Max and he, Everett, Aspen and Max go into the haunted house.

Daniel and the kids walked through a haunted house one of the neighbors made, while Joey stayed with Haven.

"That was so cool!" Aspen says as Joey vlogs her. "That was awesome! We should make a haunted house." Daniel says as he kisses Joey.

"Maybe!" Joey says as Daniel rubs Max's back. Daniel puts Max down and he grabs his pumpkin.

Max looks through his pumpkin and picks out a lollipop. "Max, keep your candy in there. Papa and I need to go through it when we get home to make sure everything is fine." Joey says as he rubs Max's back.

"Otay!" Max says as he sips on his juice. "Let's go trick or treating some more!" Daniel says and the kids cheer.

After trick or treating for two hours, Joey, Daniel and the kids go home and go to bed. After getting all the kids in bed, Daniel and Joey go through all the candy to make sure everything is good to eat.

Joey decides to vlog himself and Daniel sitting on the couch and relaxing.

"All the kids are finally in bed, after trick or treating for felt like forever!" Joey says as he laughs. Daniel lays his head on Joey's chest.

"Haven fell asleep after thirty minutes of trick or treating. She is so cute, everybody loved her costume." Daniel says as Joey rubs his hand through Daniel's hair.

"All the kids did really well, except walking home they were all miserable. Way past their bedtime." Joey says.

"Definitely, next year we are going to map out our route better." Daniel says as he kisses Joey.

Aspen walks towards Joey and Daniel. "What's wrong?" Daniel asks as Aspen cries. "I had a scary dream!" Aspen says as Daniel picks Aspen up.

"That one house scared you, didn't it?" Joey asks and Aspen nods. "It's okay, Aspen. Let's go back to bed. You can sleep in bed with Daddy and I." Daniel says as he kisses Aspen's cheek.

"I love you, babe." Daniel says as he kisses Joey. "I love you too. I'll be up in a minute, Danny." Joey says as he kisses Daniel again.

"Sorry we didn't film much trick or treating! We were so busy making sure nobody got lost! I hope you guys enjoyed today's video, if you did, give it a thumbs up! See you guys tomorrow! Goodbye!" Joey says as he ends the vlog!

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