the baby is coming!?

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*Will this be the last vlog before baby River's arrival? Send suggestions what you wanna see! Love you guys • Bree 🐳

"Good day everyone and welcome to today's video! Today is.. What is today's date because I have no idea." Joey says as he checks his phone.

"It is the sixth. So I'm due in six days. I'm getting a little anxious because, well I don't know. I guess because I'm doing it all natural this time and I could be possibly be pregnant for another two weeks. I have been having some labor signs so I think I won't have to suffer for long. My back has been hurting and I'm more tired." Joey says as he hears Daniel and Luna together.

"Daniel is tickling Luna upstairs. Let me check on Haven and Max, make sure they aren't fighting. Haven and Max are playing with the play kitchen." Joey says as he walks into the playroom.

"Hey guys! Whatcha doing?" Joey asks Haven and Max. "We have a restaurant!" Max says as he points to the menu. "Woah, this is so cool!" Joey says as he vlogs.

Haven kisses Joey's baby bump. "Baby River!" Haven says and Joey smiles. "Yeah, baby River!" Joey says proudly.

Daniel walks in with Luna in his arms. "There's the baby girl! Hi, Luna!" Joey says as Daniel let's Luna walk over to Joey.

"Papa, can we play?" Max asks and Daniel nods. "Of course, let's play. Chef Maxwell Preda." Daniel says as he puts the hat on Max.

"I wanna be a chef too!" Haven says as she runs over to Daniel. "Of course you can! Chef Haven Preda." Daniel says as he puts a hat on Haven too.

Luna climbs into Joey's lap. "Do you feel baby brother moving around?" Joey asks and Luna kisses Joey's baby bump.

"She loves her baby brother. I'm hoping she isn't jealous when he gets here. Daniel and I have been practicing with a baby doll with her and she doesn't seem jealous." Joey says as films as he watches Max and Haven play with Daniel.

After two hours, Haven and Luna are taking a nap while Max is having quiet time. Joey walks over and sees Daniel making the bed.

"Hey babe. I missed you." Joey says as he kisses Daniel. "We have been home all day, how do you miss me?" Daniel asks as Joey as he rubs Joey's shoulders.

"I just miss cuddling with you, I passed out before the kids fell asleep." Joey says as he hugs Daniel.

"Aw, I missed cuddling too. We can cuddle tonight, okay?" Daniel says and Joey nods.

"Oh! Danny, we haven't showed Mister River's room yet!" Joey says as he walks over to River's bedroom. Daniel walks behind Joey and turns the light on.

"Here is River's nursery! I love it so much!" Joey says and Daniel smiles. "The kids helped a lot with decorating. They want River here." Daniel says to the camera.

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