Episode 19: Flowers

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~Kaori's POV~

September's here, which means Kousei will play in his finals.

i have to be there. and he said that it'll be exactly at 7pm sharp.

he was contestant number 3, the last to perform.

i texted him.

"where are you?" i'm actually at Towa Hall right now waiting for him. i'm the one who's excited haha. i mean, i didn't catch up to his finals when i got my surgery right? now's my time to make up for it.

Incoming call: Kousei

"hey." i answered.

"wait for me. i'm just gonna go buy something."

"what for?"

"i haven't seen this person for months.. years even, and i would like to give something to that person." that person?

haha, it's not me. i won't assume. i mean, we've been seeing each other since i was Shiori. but well... i did not see him when we moved out and its been months. my parents only allowed me to be back at Towa Hall because of Kousei.

seriously. i begged them for me to come. i was like, "Please, please, pleaaaaasssseeee, i'll be super duper extra careful on the way there and back here at home so PLEASE let me go there!~" i almost cried! jeez, just like Courage the cowardly dog says, "the things i do for love."

"oh.. okay." i said back at him. why do i feel sad all of a sudden? its not a girl, is it? oh just shut it Kaori. my inner goddess scolds me.

"hey, you okay?" he said. i can hear him panting over the phone.

"yeah i'm okay, but you're not. what are you doing over there anyway?"

"biking?" he said confused.

"you're not even sure of what you're doing!?" this guy makes me laugh of his idiocy.

"bye, gotta go." then the line went off.

huh. what was that?

anyway, it's 6:35PM so it's safe. he won't be late. right?

~Kousei's POV~

i'm gonna meet her tonight.

it's been so long ever since the time she moved out of the neighborhood. and also last two years ago when she suddenly disappeared. and so... i get to finally meet her this time.

this time, will be different. she'll be with me at the finals. i'll see her from the auditorium and i'll play my heart out just for my music, feelings, emotions, and thoughts of her... to reach her.

but what should i buy her?

i've been practicing for the last time  before i go to Towa Hall. just to make sure everything goes smoothly.

she texted me already. ugh, i don't know what to buy! Caneles? but the store's over her house and i get nervous around her dad even though they, her parents, like me.

stuff toys? wait... that is so not me.

flowers? definitely NOT me.

when i checked the time, it's already 6:26PM. oh no. i've got to run.

i made haste as i took my necktie and put it around my neck and arranged it. i looked at the mirror and i see sweat drops trickling down my face. am i that nervous?

i never felt this much lively before.. and it's all because of Kaori.

i ran and took my bike out. as i was riding my bike, i called Kaori and told her i'm just gonna buy something for a 'friend'. it's actually her. but the thing is, there's no store nearby. until something caught my eye.

Flower shop.

no... this is really not me.


agh! i bought some. well it's better to have something to give than nothing.

i was embarrassed the whole time i bought this.

what will her reaction be like? she'll probably laugh at me. but even so, i want to see her smile. i want to see her happy.

i want to see her.



~Kaori's POV~

time went by and it's already 7:15!

i've been calling back to him a lot of times already.. he really, made me wait that long!?

then he finally picked up his phone after i've called him for the nth time.

"Hey! aren't you supposed to be here already!?" i shouted.

"Hi, i'm sorry. this isn't Kousei. it's his dad." huh? fudge. i just shouted at Kousei's dad!

"oh, i'm so sorry. i thought it was-"

"umm yes. i would like for you to accompany him here at the umm... you see, he needs you now."

the words that he threw to me.... i was baffled by it. the words became chummy. i can't hear Kousei's dad.



(a/n): Hi!~ first of all, to those who know the anime Ao Haru Ride, i kind off mixed it up to this episode. i just see it accurate. besides i'm gonna make this fanfic's ending.

sorry for the spoil = ̄ω ̄=

Ao Haru Ride is kind of like my inspiration here. mehehe ≧﹏≦

anyways, thank you guys for reading! thank you for the 1.6K reads! God, you guys made me sooooooo happy! (≧▽≦)/~┴┴

Your Lie in April (fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon