Chapter 4 - Teegan

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"There he is," Gene announced in the hallway. He was looking at Caleb walking toward his locker. Caleb looked shocked at the acknowledgment. I wished I could have toned down Gene before he spoke, so Caleb didn't look so spooked. Gene bowed ridiculously in the middle of the hall, in front of half the school. "The maestro of fashion approaches," Gene announced loudly. Our little group turned toward Caleb and saw his face color.

"Come on bro," Gene waved Caleb forward, "I've been telling these guys about your hidden talents. They think I'm nuts, but we'll find out who the stud is on prom night." Samantha laughed, and there were smiles all around. Hesitantly, Caleb came forward, his eyes mostly on mine so I steadied them with a smile.

"You're still playing on Saturday?" I asked clearly. I wanted everyone to know that he was welcome and that it was more than just a tux selection.

"Playing what?" Amanda asked. The discussion went into Caleb fielding questions about his Saturday night gig. Though he tried to downplay it, as far as we were concerned, playing professional meant rockstar. Suddenly, Caleb had the respect of my friends. I had no idea why it pleased me so much. There was something about him that just shouted friendship. I could see, without any link, his happiness at being included. I loved his sly humor, though I suspected half of it was unintentional.

"No, I swear," Gene said, "we were lost, and this guy just grabbed me a 007 outfit that looked perfect. I mean, I looked all Daniel Craig, ready to save the world." Everyone broke into laughter, and it was directed fondly toward Caleb. I could swear he became taller as Gene spoke. I wondered if he had ever had someone friend him publicly.

"Who are you taking to the prom?" Amanda asked Caleb. I knew Amanda just wanted to let everyone know that Trent Peterson had asked her and needed an excuse to bring it up. I wished I could take her question back for her. Caleb was having trouble coming up with a response. The redness in his face the way his eyes drifted to the ground. He wasn't ready for full frontal asshole questions that were spouted without thought. I was surprised when he raised his eyes and looked directly at Amanda.

"I haven't asked anyone yet," Caleb said, "I have someone in mind, and, to be honest, I'm still working up the courage." His eyes were steady, almost daring her to comment.

"Damn, man," Gene jumped in, "time is running short. Like anyone is going to say no to you." Gene moved over and put his arm around Caleb's shoulder. "If she crushes your heart, then she's not worth your trouble." Everyone laughed. The last drop of my jealousy of Samantha dissipated in Gene's charm. I could have kissed him for claiming Caleb as his de facto brother.

"You should just ask," I said. I didn't want Caleb to end up without a date, like me. There was something about him, an intensity that I had never seen before. He didn't deserve to be alone. Everyone agreed, with some pointing out unique ways of popping the question. I could see that Caleb was getting overwhelmed. Lucky for him, the morning bell rang, and we had to get to our classes.


"102?" Gene exclaimed as Caleb entered the lunchroom. I watched Caleb's face fill with color as he pretended it wasn't directed to him. "How in hell does anyone get a 102 on one of Prichard's tests?"

"Shh," I said, trying to quiet Gene down. He never was one for keeping his opinions to himself.

"Mr. Haverston!" Mr. Sampson called from the corner of the room. "Language!" Mr. Sampson was an assistant principal and the self-ordained lunchroom monitor. No one liked him much, but when he spoke, everyone listened. Gene rolled his eyes and waved Caleb over. I made room for Caleb by sliding my chair over. He sat down next to me.

"I got partial credit on the bonus problem," Caleb said. "Sorry," he added, ashamed of screwing up the curve.

"You're now officially the smartest person I know," Gene said. "I wish I had half your brains."

"I just study a lot," Caleb said.

"I studied my ass off and only got a 71," Gene said, shaking his head. "You understand this crap better than I do."

"Maybe, because he doesn't think it's crap," I said. Caleb and I shared a quick smile.

"Well, Ms. 86," Gene countered, "not all of us love math." Samantha joined us with a tray containing a piece of pepperoni pizza and a carton of milk.

"Hi Gene, Teegan," Samantha said, then looked at Caleb, "Einstein."

"Leave him be," I chuckled, "he's not going to blow a test just to up our grades."

"I wouldn't," Gene said. "I'd ride my brain right over the top of all of you." Samantha laughed. I think Gene thought she was laughing at him by his expression.

"I'm not trying to win or anything," Caleb said. "The problems just click, like music. I just know what needs to come next. I like the flow of it." Caleb pulled out a sandwich and soda from his backpack.

"So, teach me," Gene said, biting into his sandwich. Caleb looked up in surprise. Gene's eyebrows raised as if he had asked a question that required an answer.

"What?" Caleb floundered. Gene smiled as he finished chewing.

"I'm barely holding a C in Prichard's class," Gene said, "not exactly scholarship material. Basketball will only get me so far. I could use some help on the next test."

"I don't know if I could teach it," Caleb admitted.

"I suck," Gene laughed, "you got nothing to lose."

"Study group?" Samantha suggested, looking at me. I nodded, and that strange smile appeared on Caleb's face. I could have sworn it was for me, the way his eyes drifted toward mine. There was an honesty to the smile, but it lacked confidence. That's what made it look so odd.

"Sure," Caleb answered Samantha. There was no hesitancy in his answer, only in his eyes. I had a strange desire to push his unruly hair behind his ear. He needed it cut, maybe, shaped a bit to strengthen his features. I blinked and looked away, wondering why I was so worried about his appearance.

"Cool," Gene nodded before taking another bite of his sandwich. We decided to meet on Tuesday nights at Gene's house. Prichard always had a quiz on Wednesday, so it seemed a good test for the study group. Both Caleb and Gene had a long walk to gym next period, so they took off and left Samantha and me alone for a few minutes.

"Be careful," Samantha said, "he likes you."


"Einstein," Samantha replied, jerking her eyes to the back of Gene and Caleb leaving.

"As a friend, maybe," I laughed. "We've barely spoken in all the years we've been at school. If it wasn't for the mall, I doubt we'd even know each other existed."

"Oh, he knows you exist," Samantha said, with a smile. "Aren't you seeing him on Saturday?"

"Look, he's going to be on stage," I defended myself, "I'm going to be a friendly face. Just support. Besides, I listened to some of the Smooth Gliders stuff on YouTube. They're pretty good, and I don't turn down free concerts."

"I think you have a math geek date," Samantha laughed.

"God!" I said standing, "you'd think I'd get a little support from a friend." My anger flared for no good reason. I knew Samantha was joking, but I let it feel more like an insult. Would it be so bad if it was a date? I didn't even know if I thought it was an insult to Caleb or me.

"Sorry," Samantha said, all her humor gone. "I was just playing." She came around the table and gave me a hug. My anger dissipated.

"No public displays!" Mr. Sampson shouted.

"Yeah," Samantha said as she rolled her eyes, "like we're going all lesbo in the lunchroom." We broke the embrace in the midst of chuckles from the few surrounding students who heard Samantha.

"My office, Ms. Bennett," Mr. Sampson said, pointing the way. He had heard it as well. I gave Samantha a sympathetic look as she followed Mr. Sampson. I knew she was in for a dry lecture on politically incorrect language and insubordination. Nothing would come of it, but boredom. Mr. Sampson is all bark. 

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