Chapter 5 - Teegan

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"You're driving to Bangor by yourself? On a Saturday night?" Mom asked. I could hear the disapproval in her voice.

"I'm 18," I countered. I didn't expect blowback on my decision to go.

"I know." Mom smiled. "It doesn't mean you can risk your life and my heart." I gave her a stern look. "I'd feel a lot better if someone went with you. And who is this Caleb McGuire?"

"Just a friend," I said, trying not to get angry. She didn't trust my judgment.

"You must like him to travel all that way," Mom pointed out.

"He's a friend," I insisted, "I'm just there for support." It came out sharper than I expected. I took a breath, "You don't trust me."

"It's not a question of trust," Mom said. "More a question of experience. There's a lot of drunks on the road on Saturday nights. Not to mention the alcohol that will likely be there."

"You know I don't drink," I almost yelled. Some of my anger leaked, and I knew she felt it. I received surprised regret back.

"I'm thinking, Teegan," Mom almost growled, "I haven't said no." I bit down and blocked out everyone. I hated when bad feelings flowed with my words. She sighed. "Now you're even angrier."

"I promised him I'd be there," I said. "How am I supposed to tell him I can't go now."

"I didn't say you couldn't," Mom said strongly.

"You're leaning that way. I can hear it in your voice."

"I'm thinking about it," Mom said. "You're not helping your case."

"You're just pissed because I cut off Dad," I spat.

"Yes," Mom admitted, "Is that my penalty for being a mother?"

"For being an oppressive mother," I said and turned away. I had no idea why she would even consider saying no. I thought I was only letting her know where I was going to be. Maybe I should keep future destinations private. I left her there in the kitchen and went to my room. For emphasis, I slammed the door. Hadn't I just driven Zane to the mall. There should be more give for all that my family takes.

I sat heavily on the bed and texted Samantha. It's hard to put anger into a text. Summing it up in a concise statement is a difficult task.

Mom is being a jerk about Saturday >:(

You're surprised

Doesn't trust me

Mine won't cut the cord either

What do I tell Caleb

She said no

She will - I can tell

He'll understand

No he won't - I promised


Samantha was wrong. Caleb will take it personally. A new friend ditches him at his first request. I wondered if he would even believe me. I knew my mom's tone and figured she had already decided no and was looking for a way to make it sound reasonable. I hate when parents decide, then come up with the reason why.

I pumped some music into my ear buds and closed my eyes. I had to think of a way to make it up to Caleb, so he didn't think I was some jerk. Mom didn't say no yet, so there was still a small chance, infinitesimal as it was. Maybe, I could just go anyway. It's not like I wasn't old enough to make my own decisions. I drifted off to sleep no wiser about my dilemma.

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