Chapter 24 - Teegan

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Monday was worse than we all thought it would be. Caleb and I were called to the principal's office before homeroom started. We were met by members of the school board as well as the principal, Mr. Dickerson. We were informed that our parents were on the way and that the zero tolerance for violence extended beyond the borders of the school property. They were particularly upset that the video was tagged with the school's name.

Mason had decided not to attend school that day, which surprised no one. His two friends, of course, claimed they had no idea why Caleb ran up the stairs and beat them up. The size differences between the football players and Caleb made their argument weak, but the video had no context besides the unsubstantiated comments that followed the posts.

Mom pulled out her legalese, backed by Dad and the McGuires. Threats of public lawsuits steered the school district from suspension to a negotiated one-week homeschooling. Our teachers would issue our work, and we were responsible any homework. Basically, the school wanted us to go away while it took a deep breath. They were being hounded by the media and other parents. Our presence would only add to the fury.

"It's simply wrong," Jerry said once we were in the parking lot. "My son did exactly what a man is supposed to do when a woman is being attacked. Now they want to punish him for it. I suppose they're going to give this Mason a medal or something."

"Then they will see a lawsuit," Mom stated strongly. "Caleb, you did nothing wrong."

"A hero in my book," Dad chimed in. I took Caleb's hand in mine and sent my feelings about the subject. It surprised me when Caleb's mother smiled at my familiarity.

"Why don't you two take the day off," Grace suggested. "Forget about what just happened. Don't you still need a tux for the prom, Caleb?"

"Well, yes. I guess," Caleb said.

"That sounds like a plan," Mom agreed. "I think you still need a dress." She added looking at me.

"Can you give us a ride back to our house?" Jerry asked my dad. Both Caleb and I watched as our parents worked out the logistics of us taking a day off. Caleb got his dad's car, and we both ended up with our parent's credit cards.

"My mom and dad like you," Caleb said with surprise. Watching our parents drive off together, I was as shocked as he was. It wasn't the reaction I expected after being kicked out of school.

"I'm supposed to buy lunch," I said, brandishing my dad's credit card.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" Caleb said with a growing smile. He was twirling the car key ring around his finger, patiently waiting for my answer.

"It would be our official first date," I realized out loud. "Yes. Caleb McGuire, will you have lunch with me?" Mom was right; it is okay for the woman to ask the man. Especially if that man already loves said woman.

"Absolutely," Caleb replied. Then he answered again with a public display of affection on school grounds. For the first time in our lives, we were the rebels.

We were well on our way to the mall, comfortably talking when I absently placed my hand on Caleb's thigh when making a point. The link between us jumped in the most exciting way. There was no outward display that I could see, just an internal scream of exhilaration from him. I can't explain how wonderful it felt to affect him deeply with such a minor touch. As a test, I ran my hand slightly higher, to mid-thigh. I basked in a burst of love wrapped in something I can only explain as a promise of more.

"You like me touching you," I said with a smile that allowed him to agree.

"You're cheating again," Caleb said, his eyes on the road. His smile was as large as mine.

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