Chapter 12 - Teegan

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"You can't tell Caleb," I emphasized to Wendy.

"He wouldn't believe me anyway," Wendy said in a calming tone. Caleb and Tom were getting swamped as they exited the stage. The crowd had enjoyed the song and wanted to meet the musicians.

"How did they know that song?" I asked.

"Tom said he heard it from you," Wendy laughed. "He spent years trying to duplicate it. I thought It was just his creative side, which has always been a little bonkers."

"But he said Caleb finished it," I pointed out. "I've never bonded with him." I looked at Wendy who still wore a mask of extreme happiness for all the world to see. "What?"

"He really loves me," Wendy said. It took a moment for what she said to sink in.


"Yes," Wendy replied, her smile glued in place. "You showed me how he sees me." She pointed to the men as they neared. Tom was the first to break through the crowd and Wendy nearly tackled him. For a moment, I thought she was going to rip his clothes off then and there.

"What did you think?" Caleb asked. I looked away from the kissing couple, blushing a little for the both of them. I was grateful that things passed through me without my knowledge. I certainly didn't need visions of desires not meant for me.

"How did you finish that song?" I asked.

"You didn't like it?" The look in his eyes was almost painful. I couldn't believe my rudeness. He had no idea what the song was to me.

"No," I replied quickly, "I mean yes. I liked it a lot. It's beautiful." I waited until his smile returned. "It must have been difficult to develop your part of it. There's so much complexity to it."

"That's the weird thing," Caleb said, "it just flowed out of me. Tom says it happens sometimes." He shrugged his shoulders. "Don't know if it will ever happen again."

"Of course it will, " I said, adding a friendly smile. "You've got talent, and everyone here knows it." Caleb's smile grew, which made me feel better than it should have. "You looked really good on stage."

"I had a few butterflies," Caleb admitted. "When the music started, they just disappeared. I have to say, it was a lot of fun up there." We were briefly interrupted while some new fans expressed their congratulations to Caleb. I liked how he moved closer to me, making sure I wasn't shoved out of the way and remained part of the conversation.

It took another ten minutes for the place to settle down enough that Tom and Caleb could sit down. It was still noisy, but not so much that a conversation couldn't be held. We talked about Caleb's first experience on stage for a paying audience. Tom kept looking at me warmly, and I began to realize that Wendy must have told him who I was. When Caleb excused himself to use the restroom, Tom immediately moved next to me.

"Stinky?" Tom said with a huge smile. I think I blushed.

"Teegan, now," I replied. He put his hand on the table in front of me and curiosity filled his eyes. There was no need for him to make a request, and if I hadn't placed my hand atop his, I don't think he would have taken it badly. I knew there were people who had kept my family and me safe when I was a baby. Tom was obviously one of them. I dropped all my walls and synced my music with his.

The world became a thing of beauty as our minds moved together. I was pleased to feel the happiness emanating from Mom and Dad. Something had brought them closer, cementing them together, stronger than I had felt in the past. It wasn't that they were ever drifting apart, just now it felt fresher, more alive. My choices, the ones I needed to make, felt trivial and obvious. My apprehension disappeared into a cloud I could easily blow to the side.

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