Chapter 11 - Sam

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"What the hell was that?" I asked Natalie as I lowered the newspaper. Natalie was looking over some contract that she shouldn't be touching on the weekend. She always spent the weekend looking over her associate's work, making sure it was okay before adding her name. It always meant less us time. I had gotten used to it, but it didn't mean I liked it.

"I haven't felt her like that since she was a baby," Natalie said. She dropped her work on the table and looked up at me. "You don't think she bonded with that boy?"

"I don't think so?" I replied, "Someone else maybe. It was so strong, like she hit the afterburners or something." Natalie chuckled and gave me that look that said I was going to be warm tonight.

"You don't like me working weekends," Natalie said. I had told her as much before, in a nice offhanded way. It was greedy of me to demand so much time. "I saw what you want," she added as she got up from the chair and moved toward the couch.

"Bad girl," I said with a smile, "you haven't cheated in years." Natalie took the paper from my hands and tossed it haphazardly onto the coffee table.

"It's been so long since I've seen inside you," Natalie continued. "You still see me naked in your mind." I took her hand and pulled her onto the couch and into my arms.

"You shouldn't be messing in a man's mind," I chastised, putting my hand behind her neck and caressing behind her ear with my thumb. She leaned into my hand and curled her body closer to mine. "Besides, you already know I love you." I pulled her lips to mine and felt that special impassioned tingle that came when our desires were moving at the same speed. Her lips parted, and the kiss left lovely and entered into a luxurious passion.

"Minor in the room!" Zane shouted as he came down the stairs. Natalie laughed as she broke the kiss. A thought flashed through my mind, something about being childless. It disappeared as quickly as it came. "Is it okay if I spend the night at Rick's? He picked up a bunch of horror films, and he's having people over."

"Text us when you get there," I said, mentally scooting him out the door. Natalie smacked my shoulder and stood up. Her sweet smile softened the blow.

"You have to drive him," Natalie said, "it's already dark out." I sighed and thought again of being childless. This time, the thought lingered for a tenth of a second. I stood, and she wrapped her hands around my neck and kissed my cheek.

"I'll be here waiting," Natalie whispered in my ear. The breath tickled my ear, as she let go slowly. I loved the way her eyes looked at me. They were her young eyes, the ones that only I was allowed to see.

"You packed?" I asked Zane quickly. The drive was only ten minutes, but I could do it in five if I broke a few laws.

"Yep," Zane said, holding up his backpack. I smiled.

"And what if we had said no?"

"You're predictable," Zane replied, shrugging his shoulders. "You only say no when I've been a pain in the ass."

"Now I want to say no just to be spontaneous," Natalie joked.


"Go, go," Natalie said sweetly. "I want you home in time for dinner tomorrow. You have that history test to study for tomorrow night." I grabbed my keys and practically shoved my son out the door.


"What did Teegan do?" Zane asked once we were on the road. There was a lot of curiosity in his voice.

"You felt that?"

"I think the world felt that," Zane replied. "I didn't know it worked that way. I mean, I feel you guys and know when you're pissed and stuff, but it was different this time." I could feel my face heating up as I wondered how much he felt. Natalie saw things only she should see, and we certainly didn't want to share those things with our children.

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