Chapter 20 - Natalie

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"I'm calling his parents," I told Sam. He nodded, though I could tell he didn't like the idea. Teegan was busy washing the rest of the blood off Caleb's face with a wet washcloth. He was resting peacefully in Teegan's bed, but I knew from experience it would be a while before he woke. It wasn't something I could hide from another mother.

Teegan was sitting on the bed like Caleb's personal nurse. I think she finally came to terms with her feelings for the boy. It had been so obvious to everyone else, but the girl who could share her feelings in bulk had trouble processing them. I smiled as she gently wiped Caleb's face as if it were the most important task in the world. My daughter was becoming a woman. God help Caleb now.

I went downstairs and had a very confusing call with Grace McGuire. I couldn't give her the complete explanation over the phone and had to leave it with the fight and that he was sleeping it off here. Needless to say, both Grace and her husband Jack were on their way since Caleb couldn't speak for himself. It would be a very confusing night.

Samantha and Gene were patiently waiting in the family room for Teegan to come down. I had no idea how to handle the aftermath properly. I just knew that Teegan was okay, and everything else would have to sort itself out.

My heart had finally returned to normal. When Teegan had called out to us, horrible visions filled my mind. AlI I could think of was that I was too far away. I knew what was in that awful boy's mind. I knew what he wanted to take from my daughter, and I was too far away to do anything about it. Thank God, that Caleb was there. I could face a million angry parents as long as my baby was okay.

"He's sleeping," Teegan said as she came down the stairs. Sam was following her, more like hovering over her. He'll never admit it, but the incident hit him hard as well. He didn't like not being there when Teegan was in trouble. I felt his distress, and he mine. We were both going to be a mess when she heads off to college.

Teegan joined Samantha and Gene on the couch. Sam took the recliner, and I sat on the chair's arm with him. Sam wrapped his arm around my waist to secure me. I put my hand on top of his to makes sure it stayed there. We could only support Teegan in whatever explanation she wanted to give. It was her story to tell as much of, or as little of, as she chose.

"I owe you guys something," Teegan started. "I guess I should have done this a while ago, but I kind of wanted to keep it secret. I'm hoping you'll keep it to yourselves after you know." I could see the confusion that was building in Gene and Samantha's faces. Teegan was waiting for a response that took a moment longer than expected as the two processed her statement.

"Are you sick or something?" Samantha asked. Gene's eyes widened as the thought registered with him.

"Or something," Teegan sighed. She held out her hand. "It's easier to show than to explain. It usually only works when I touch someone." I felt Sam's hand tighten around me, and I patted it softly. It was her life and her choice. Hesitantly, Samantha reached out and covered Teegan's hand with hers. Teegan's eyes moved to Gene, who shrugged and added his hand.

It was easier than I thought to tell when Teegan opened up. Both Gene and Samantha's eyes widened, and concern faded from their faces. I closed my fingers around Sam's hand, and he pulled me closer.

"Whoa," Gene said as he pulled his hand back. I watched as a smile formed on Samantha's face, and her cheeks flushed. She released Teegan and turned quickly to Gene.

"Shame on you," Samantha said. It didn't sound like an admonishment, and her smile defied the words as well. Teegan rolled her eyes to us.

"What?" Gene said. Samantha playfully slapped his shoulder.

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