Chapter 13 - Caleb

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Teegan's hand was in mine. I meant it more as a friendly gesture and now it was all I could think of. Her skin was so soft, and the way she wrapped her fingers lightly around my palm sent shivers that were hard to suppress. There was a warmth that seemed to increase as it climbed my wrists and spread to my arm. I became self-conscious about my arm's movements, not wanting to drag her along and not wanting to be a limp noodle.

"You looked so confident up there like it's where you belong," Teegan said. She pulled me closer and our shoulders glanced against each other. I looked into her smile. She was so calm even though we were so close. "I have no idea how you can do something like that. There were so many people here." She lifted both our hands up, broadly pointing around the area.

"Music gives me confidence," I said. It was the truth. I liked how she let our hands swing together, unworried about how they moved. "As soon as I started playing, it no longer mattered how many people were here."

"I'm glad I came," Teegan continued. She squeezed my hand to emphasize her words. "Next time you should invite others, let everyone see how good you are." The compliment was nice. Inviting others seemed drastic. I didn't want to share Teegan, at least not until I got to know her better.

"Did you and Wendy have fun shopping?" I asked, more to keep the conversation going than any real interest.

"We did more talking than shopping," Teegan said. "She's fun to talk with. Doesn't talk down to you if you know what I mean." I nodded, not fully understanding. I didn't have a lot of adult friends beyond teachers. I guess Tom treated me like an equal, mostly because of a shared love of music.

"You sure seemed to bond with her quickly," I said. Teegan went stiff for some reason and looked away. "She must have liked you as well," I added, wondering what I said. Teegan's eyes found mine again, and she smiled.

"We got along pretty well," Teegan agreed.

"Tom liked you too," I continued. "You make a good first impression. I usually have to give a second or third before people get used to me."

"Bull," Teegan snickered. "Don't sell yourself short. You were brilliant at the tuxedo place, and it was our first impression. You just need to put yourself out there, get on stage more often." I had to chuckle, and Teegan gave me a look.

"Confession," I said, making it sound more like a question.


"I was waiting at the dentist's office the day before," I said shrugging my shoulders, "I read an article about tuxes in the waiting room." Teegan began to laugh. "I was bored. Had no idea it would come in handy." She pulled me even closer as her laughter began to shake her arm. It was such a joy to make her smile.

"Well, you fooled us all," Teegan said. I had to drop her hand to open the door. She surprised me by reaching out for it once we had exited the club. "Gene thinks you're a superhero who's been hiding in a mild-mannered disguise."

"He's a lot nicer than I thought he would be," I admitted.

"He's kind of over the top," Teegan said, "but you won't find anyone more loyal." The wide sidewalk allowed us to be farther apart, our hands swinging as one. It almost felt as if Teegan was making them dance. "Gene's looking forward to the study group. He's worried about losing his basketball scholarship to grades."

"I don't know if I'm a good teacher," I said, worried that Gene expected too much. I felt Teegan's hand strengthen and squeeze mine.

"Don't go all noodly," Teegan said. Her eyes were smiling at me. "You'll do just fine. He has nowhere to go but up." I chuckled. She was right. I might not get him to make an 'A', but moving to a 'B' wasn't insurmountable. "You flip-flop a lot," she added.

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