Chapter 25 - Caleb

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I was surprised that my dad took my lie to the reporter in stride. I think he enjoyed being part of my saving Teegan. Our brief phone conversation felt more like two friends talking than father and son. Maybe I was older in his eyes. I felt older. Teegan did that for me.

"I'm alone for dinner," I told Teegan before I started the car, "Since Dad has to pick up Mom from work, they decided to have a night out." Teegan had an endearing smile on her face. It was warm and mischievous at the same time. "What?" I asked.

"No one's home at your house," Teegan pointed out the obvious.

"Not until later," I said, smiling at the little bursts of intense feelings she was sending me. She was up to something. Her eyes turned toward the passenger window, leaving me with a mini-mystery. I pulled out of the parking lot and started the drive home.

"Can you stop at that Walgreens for a second?" Teegan asked, pointing to the store on the corner.

"Sure," I replied, "What are we shopping for?"

"Never you mind," Teegan answered with a goofy smile. I figured it was something feminine and left her to her privacy. I pulled into the lot and started to get out of the car. "Just wait here," Teegan said, "I'll only be a moment." She didn't even look back to see if I would act as ordered. I did, wondering if she would be as compliant as I. A burst of love, wrapped in something I could only identify as silly embarrassment, hit me as she entered the store. It was so strange it made me smile. I quickly looked around, making sure no one saw me looking insane by myself in the car.

Teegan, true to her word, returned to the car in a few minutes, carrying a small plastic bag. Her face was flushed, and she moved quickly like something happened inside, and she needed to get away.

"Everything okay?"

"I didn't know know they came in sizes," Teegan laughed. "You should have seen the clerk's face. I thought I would die of embarrassment." She handed me the bag as she buckled the seatbelt.

"I can look?" I asked. Teegan nodded, her face going a little pinker. I opened the bag and blood rushed to my face as well. The ramifications, my desires, and my fears all came to bear at once. There were three different sizes of condom packets in the bag. I didn't know they came in sizes either. I looked up, feeling her fear and desire mixing with mine. I mumbled something unintelligible, never having experience with a woman wanting me as much as I wanted her.

"I've never done anything like this before," Teegan whispered. There was apprehension on her face, like my next words needed to be understood and correct.

"Me neither," I said honestly, then smiled. "I can't imagine anyone else I'd like to be my first." Teegan smiled back. "And my only," I added. Desire exploded from her, driving air from my lungs. My entire body woke from its virginal slumber in a most delicious way. It was hard to think when she unbuckled her seatbelt and kissed me hard. Her body was like a furnace next to mine as she pushed into me. I pulled her close, my desire hitting new heights. I shifted, in the seat, trying to make room between my legs for the most overexcited part of my body.

"Take me to your house," Teegan whispered before she pulled back to her seat. Yes. My house and my bed. The parking lot at Walgreens was not a good place, though it did seem more convenient just a second ago. Things were getting cramped, and I had no choice but to rudely adjust myself before starting the car. That caused Teegan to giggle.

"Sorry," I said, "it happens."

"I take it as a compliment," Teegan said. I started the car and tried to concentrate on the road. There was no way I wanted to get into an accident or be stalled by a ticket. My mind was full of what I imagined was coming. I had to take deep breaths and force myself to concentrate on my driving.

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