Chapter 27 - Anthony

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"It's been verified, Mr. Sabbatini," I said proudly. Sabbatini looked near death, but his smile broke through with its yellowed teeth. I wondered how much longer he could hold out before he joined God's side.

"Thank the Lord," Sabbatini said, his words coming slowly and purposely, timed with struggling exhales. "I thought I would fail God."

"No, Sir," I said with conviction. "One of our operatives saw her meeting with Dr. Gunderson." I smiled at the revelation. "He didn't know it at the time, but he snapped some pictures, and now we're 100% sure."

"What of its army?" Sabbatini asked, struggling to rise more upright in his bed. I quickly helped him forward and fluffed the pillows so he could look more directly at me.

"Seems it has a boyfriend," I informed him. "Not really an army, just someone who it has fooled into protecting it. From what we can ascertain, he's self-taught in self-defense. Nothing we need to be overly concerned about."

"Do not underestimate its power," Sabbatini instructed, "What seems feeble at first, can be stronger than you ever imagine. It will manipulate, use guile to collect people to its cause. The sexless thing chose a female form to weaken our resolve. Don't doubt that it would use that unholy thing between its legs to trick weak minds to its cause." Sabbatini laughed, and it was painful to hear. Flem and weak lungs ruined the sound. "I would bet it has collected many young men willing to sacrifice themselves for a moment's pleasure."

"Sex is the devil's playground," I confirmed, nodding my head.

"Has the end been decided?" Sabbatini asked, then dealt with a bout of coughing. I waited until it ended so that he would clearly know my commitment to the cause.

"We know where it will be on Saturday," I said, "Picking up a dress will bring it back to a parking lot with a clear line of fire. I am told it will be quick and final."

"Is the shooter good?"

"The best," I said, not happy that shooter seemed pleased the target was in the form of a young girl. God moved in mysterious ways, but it was an uncomfortable way. "The connection you gave me secured a man of singular talent. Trained by the best until he became the best. I'm told he had sixteen recorded kills in Iraq at over 500 meters."

"Ahhh," Sabbatini sighed, "God has prepared him well. So it all ends on Saturday."


"Then, thanks to your diligence, the world will be rid of the vile curse," Sabbatini said. "Someday, hopefully, many days from now, you will join me in heaven, the pride of angels, a singular soul chosen by God's hand." I beamed at the praise, feeling something that can only be described as God's light coursing through my veins.

"Saturday will truly be a magnificent victory," I said. We traded smiles, his yellow for my white one. My father died before I could ever know him, but if I had, I would wish he was exactly like Nicholas Sabbatini.

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