Chapter 14 - Teegan

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The outside lights were on, but only one lamp was lit in the family room. Mom and Dad were practically sitting in the dark with glasses of wine in their hands. Both were dressed in robes and Mom had her legs curled under her as she leaned into Dad's arms. They were always affectionate with each other, but it had been a long time since I had seen them so comfortably close.

"Ahh, hi?" I said, thinking I had disturbed something. Thoughts of the prom drifted away.

"Have fun tonight?" Mom asked. The smile on her face was strong, as if she had a secret that only she and Dad knew.

"Sure," I said, furrowing my brow.

"Sit," Dad said, pointing at the recliner. "We want to hear all about it." I moved to the seat and sank in uncomfortably. It wasn't a good chair for an interrogation, no support for sitting upright. Dad's smile was warm as well. I couldn't remember ever seeing them so relaxed.

"Uncle Hank is coming tomorrow," Mom said. "He felt you in Portland and booked the next flight." I had never linked remotely with Hank before. I didn't think I knew his song well enough. I guess I was louder than I expected.

"Was all that for Caleb?" Dad asked. I blushed at the insinuation I saw in his eyes. I just met Caleb and had only been on half a date. Who did they think they raised?

"No," I answered quickly, "it was an accident. Caleb didn't even know it happened. Was it really that strong?"

"Don't you know?" Mom said with a sneaky smile.

"I guess I did," I replied. "There are mental walls that broke down, sort of blocks that I didn't know were there. Tom and Caleb played my song, and they all crashed apart. Don't worry, I put them back up. It won't happen again."

"Your song?" Dad asked.

"Tom knew part of it," I said. "I have no idea how Caleb knew the rest. I was feeling exposed when they started playing it so Wendy hugged me and I lost control. I couldn't not bond with her; it all happened so quickly."

"Who's Tom and Wendy," Mom asked, "and what song are you talking about?"

"My song," I replied. "The bond thing, I've told you before, it's like music in a way. Well, really like music now, I guess. That's how I connect, by joining another's song. Well, they played mine." Dad was shaking his head as if it was difficult to understand. "Tom heard it when I was a baby. He's the cop who got me and you out of Flagstaff," I told Dad. I didn't expect the laughter. Both of them thought it was hilarious, and I had no idea why they were so happy.

"How is Tom?" Mom asked. Her interest was real, not some feigned cordiality.

"He's fine," I replied, looking at the two of them like they were new people. "He plays with the Smooth Gliders. Wendy is his wife."

"Saxophone?" Dad asked. I nodded. "I wish I was there. It would have been good to see him on stage."

"It's what he wanted," Mom added. She took a sip of her wine, her eyes still smiling at me. The night couldn't get any weirder.

"You flirted with him," I said to Mom, trying to gain some high ground. Dad laughed.

"She sure did," Dad said. "I think it was the first time I was jealous of another man. You were wearing that summer dress looking so darn cute." Mom smiled and kissed Dad's cheek, making me feel more like a third wheel. I didn't need the link to feel the love flowing between them. My bond earlier had ignited something anew.

"I can do it again," I said.

"Do what?" Dad asked.

"Bond like tonight," I answered. "I can control it now. I just needed to feel the walls come down to know they were there." I took a deep breath. "I might even be able to control who feels it. It was an explosion tonight, but I think I can shut it off for individual people."

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