Chapter 15 - Teegan

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Uncle Hank sat alone in the family room sipping coffee. I watched from the stairs for a moment, looking at the fist-sized bald spot on the back of his head. The rest of his hair was nothing more than thin gray strands parted haphazardly left to right. Mom and Dad had gone for a walk and Zane wouldn't be home until later. After learning the truth, it was Mom and Dad's intention to allow me to decide my own fate. Uncle Hank had always been my friend, but now something else mixed with it, something adversarial.

"Morning, Uncle Hank," I said when I finally decided to descend the stairs. He placed the coffee cup on the table as he rose. He turned with his always friendly smile.

"Teegan!" Hank said, "you're looking more beautiful by the day. What's it been, four months?"

"Almost five," I replied, happy to correct him. Unable to avoid it, I hugged him. He hugged like a bear embracing its cub. It took on a new meaning and most of the usual comfort was missing. I attempted to be gracious, but some of my discomfort showed. He broke the embrace sat back down, motioning me to do the same. I picked the opposite end of the couch. His smile no longer looked real.

"Mom and Dad told me everything," I informed him. Hank sighed and nodded his head.

"It was probably time," Hank said, his face drooping slightly, "I will miss the girl, and embrace the woman. I suppose you have some questions for me."

"I realized I don't care about the obvious why and how," I said. "I exist and I have a family. What I don't understand is your connection to the military. Am I to be studied by them for the rest of my life?" Anger leaked into my words.

"I hope not," Hank replied. "They've been losing interest in you over the years and I've encouraged it. I've been submitting rather long and boring reports containing nothing of interest. Sort of lulling them to sleep. You have to understand, at the time they were a necessary evil."

"What if I don't want a watchdog anymore?" Hank's eyes moved to the ceiling and his hand reached up and stroked his chin and mouth. Absently he pulled at his upper lip. His eyes found mine when he was done thinking.

"We can fake it," Hank said, "Give them enough information to believe we've been meeting. They're pretty used to dull reports now. In time, maybe another five years or so, they'll trash the budget line and end it." He turned his whole body to me. "You'll have to send me bits of the truth, like where you've chosen to go to school, what you're studying. I'll make up the rest." There was a sadness in his eyes, something I didn't expect. He was always so happy around me before.

"You'd let me go?"

"If that's what you want," Hank replied, " then yes." I could see the truth of it in his eyes.

"What if we lied to them, but we remained friends?" I offered. His whole face lit back up. The smile I remembered returned to his lips.

"I'd like that very much," Hank said, his whole body emphasising his words. I smiled back and scooted closer, like a peace offering. He received it well.

"I don't like the idea that I was designed," I said. "I'm stuck with it, but I don't like being different."

"I'm sorry," Hank admitted, "I never saw past the process. Never did I see the woman that would emerge, only the science."

"Would you do it again?"

"Will I do it again?" Hank rephrased. "No. All my work was destroyed. I'll do everything I can to make sure it's never repeated." He paused for a moment. "Would I undo what I have done?" He shook his head. "Never. I would ever undo you. You're precious beyond words."

I held out my hand and he took it. Blocking out the rest of the world, I mixed my music with his. I watched his smile grow as the world took on a pristine glow. There was love for me inside him, the same love he held for his own children. I could feel his need to protect me; my happiness was more important than other concerns. He returned fully to the status of my uncle in my mind. I let my love flow to him as well.

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