Chapter 19 - Teegan

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"Damn," Gene said when he entered the room. I was trying desperately to lean Caleb toward the bed and not let him collapse on the floor. There was so much blood on his face. He must have been hit before he entered the room. He moved so quickly; Mason never touched him.

"Help me," I cried. Gene moved quickly and took most of Caleb's weight. We laid him on the bed and Gene blanched at the blood.

"Mason do that?" Gene asked.

"He never touched him, " I replied. Gene looked at Mason on the floor. Mason's face looked like it was hit by a truck. He looked back at me with confusion in his eyes.

"Mason was hurting you?" Gene asked. I nodded as I tried to wipe the blood off Caleb's face with the sleeve of my shirt. It was coming from his nose. "How did he know? I mean he just took off like Jackie Chan. I didn't even know he knew how to fight."

"I think he broke his hand," I said. Gene followed my eyes to Caleb's right hand. It was beginning to swell up around the knuckles. My tears began again, this time for what I had done to Caleb. I lifted his bruised hand gently in mine and touched it to my cheek. God, I loved him.

"Shitttt," a voice at the door strung out the word. I looked up to see Traci, her IPhone held before her filming the room.

"We have to get him out of here," I whispered to Gene. He nodded and helped me raise Caleb to his feet. It was comforting to hear Caleb breathing, almost as if he was asleep. "My Dad's on the way," I added without thinking. I could see Gene processing what I just said and letting it go. There were going to be questions. Gene was a good enough friend to wait for a better time.

"Must have been an epic fight," Traci said as we wrapped Caleb's arms round our shoulders and began to carry him. "He tore through the others like they were nothing," she added with awe. More people poked their heads in the room, and a surprised murmur began to flow down the hall.

"Coming through," Gene announced as we maneuvered through the door. People were standing in shock as we descended the stairs. Some were tending to Mason's friends who looked better off than Mason. They were all staring at unconscious Caleb and whispering could be heard as we passed. So much for keeping this private. It would be all over the school on Monday. The world on Tuesday.

Samantha met us at the bottom of the stairs with wide eyes. Gene gave her a silent command to let it go for now. Thankfully, she did and led the way by opening the front door for us.

" can't just leave," Billy Henderson said as we maneuvered onto the porch. "He beat up three guys and someone called the police."

"Like anyone is going to believe that Caleb started it," I said as innocently as possible. "Mason knocked him flat," I lied. "We need to get him to the hospital. You want an ambulance here as well?"

"No, I guess not," Billy said. "But what am I supposed to tell the police? What am I going to tell my parents?"

"Tell them that Mason and his friends got into a fight," Gene said. "They won't admit that Caleb had anything to do with it. You should have never invited them anyway."

"I didn't," Billy said, his eyes on the ground. "I'm screwed."

"Not as much as Caleb," Gene said, lifting Caleb's head so Billy could see the blood.

"Okay," Billy said, "get him out of here. I'll think of something. If my parents don't kill me, Caleb owes me." I smiled and nodded. I felt sorry for Billy. One unauthorized party and now he's up the creek. Gene and I continued down the steps of the porch.

I felt my Dad before I saw the car pull up. He knew it was over, but his anxiety was still flowing into me. Mom was beside herself as she exited the car before Dad even got his seatbelt undone. I waved the best I could while holding half of Caleb up.

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